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Thread: London Bridge Is Falling Down

  1. #1
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    London Bridge Is Falling Down

    Wow just saw the evening news and there is rioting in the streets in England, over some 29 year old guy who was shot and killed by the police. Over half a million in damage and more stolen from stores from the riots. Watch for lots of new stuff at sale prices on Ebay and Craigslist. Marcus pick me up a new MP3 player would ya?

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    fish and chips for everyone

  4. #4
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    ...or tooth brushes? =)

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    Organised chaos

  6. #6
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    It is all happening in places from which the English have been ethnically cleansed many years ago!!

  7. #7
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    So are these all children of English citizens causing all this turmoil and damage? Or are they transplant children from other countries? Or both? Either way it's too bad and hopefully they can round them all up. What is their beef with the Government? Over here in the US we only get a few sound bites with no in depth detail of the issues surrounding it.

  8. #8
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    It's all kicking off again in London for a third night in a row, now.

    It's all over the police shooting of a man called Mark Dugan.

    What people are forgetting, is that Dugan was a cvnty little gangster who OPENED FIRE on police officers first.

    And now every cvnt and scumbag in the areas around London are using it as an excuse to go on the rampage.

    Ugh, I fvcking hate England sometimes.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    It's all kicking off again in London for a third night in a row, now.

    It's all over the police shooting of a man called Mark Dugan.

    What people are forgetting, is that Dugan was a cvnty little gangster who OPENED FIRE on police officers first.

    And now every cvnt and scumbag in the areas around London are using it as an excuse to go on the rampage.

    Ugh, I fvcking hate England sometimes.
    Yeah Flagg I just saw it again on our US evening news broadcast. It seems these thugs wont rest till all of London burns and everyone is dead. Such nice young lads. And like you say it's all over one thug who brought it on himself. These seem to be opportunistic thugs of all ages and backgrounds looking to steal, rob, loot from all the hard working, law abiding citizens of London. Lock those SOB's up and throw away the key. And if you all need help just ask as I'd rather see our troops over there actually helping than be in Afghanistan fighting in a civil war in which we have no business.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Yeah Flagg I just saw it again on our US evening news broadcast. It seems these thugs wont rest till all of London burns and everyone is dead. Such nice young lads. And like you say it's all over one thug who brought it on himself. These seem to be opportunistic thugs of all ages and backgrounds looking to steal, rob, loot from all the hard working, law abiding citizens of London. Lock those SOB's up and throw away the key. And if you all need help just ask as I'd rather see our troops over there actually helping than be in Afghanistan fighting in a civil war in which we have no business.
    I've been listening to this on the radio, one witness said he saw a coupla guys smash the window of a car in front of his and two thugs trying to drag a woman out. And yes, round all of these little shits up, lock them up and throw away the key! God, if this wax over the killing of an innocent, I could "almost" understand the reasoning behind this, but it's all over some pathetic waste of flesh, and now Tottenham, Hackney and Lewisham are paying the price for that. Buses, homes, businesses, all destroyed and burnt to the ground. Random people being attacked by these animals.

    It's a fvcking disgrace.

  11. #11
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    It's just so strange to us over here as England and the British people were always so cultured and prim and proper years ago and to see this well it's just a sign of the time I guess, but even so that's no excuse.

  12. #12
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    Our government are partly responsible for creating the scum that are running riot, when our Labour governments provided scroungers and the lazy a better alternative to working by being on the dole and getting benefits. Don't forget, scum like this breed like rabbits, which of course entitles them to MORE BENEFITS!

    We need that system you guys have in Florida, by which people collecting benefits HAVE to submit to a drug and drink test before they are allowed any benefits.

  13. #13
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    As far as I know it is only in Florida and not the rest of the nation at this time. But we have way more free loaders to the system over here and as you know we have our occasional outbreaks as well from the bums. We need to force them back to work if we only had some jobs. I guess we could send your bums and ours to China to work...and keep them there! Problem solved.

  14. #14
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    News reports are stating that the riots have extended to HAckney, Lewisham, Peckham, Birmingham and now Croydon where a huge blaze has erupted.

    But it's okay, David Cameron is returning to the UK early from his holiday, where he will likely just pontificate in 10 Downing Street, condemning the actions of the last three days and not much else.

  15. #15
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    It's madness, people are going to be killed soon, its a matter of time

  16. #16
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    The problem is Sholva, is that our Governments are NOT GIVING ANY INCENTIVE to people with next to no skills to work.

    There is no incentive to get educated, especially in the UK with tuition fee's increasing by 300% as of next year. People that come out of prison are essentially ****ed, because rehabilatation and reintroduction back into society is a joke. And why bother to get a job if you're unemployed, when you can just shit out a kid and get child benefit or just live off the State in relative security?

    Seriously, this type of system that is blighting the likes of America and Britain has to stop
    Last edited by Flagg; 08-08-2011 at 06:27 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    It's just so strange to us over here as England and the British people were always so cultured and prim and proper years ago and to see this well it's just a sign of the time I guess, but even so that's no excuse.
    It is not the English or British that are doing this!

    It is a product of the post World War 2 Marxist / Liberal agenda of national identity erosion throughout Europe! Multiculturism and political correctness is a disease brought to Britain to destroy the English / Welsh / Scottish / British identity. It has also been spread throughout Europe by the internationalists in the EU. The place is a fcuking disgrace now and the government don't give a fcuk as long as their PC agenda winds along on it's merry way!
    Last edited by paulzane; 08-09-2011 at 03:28 AM.

  18. #18
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    Let me just make this clear.

    It was first reported by the police that Mark Dugan shot at the police almost killing one as the bullet was left logged in a police mans radio. Therefore the police shot back killing him...

    It has now been discovered that the replica gun Mark Dugan was carrying could not fire, just not possible and there is now an enquiry into a possible police cover up....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Let me just make this clear.

    It was first reported by the police that Mark Dugan shot at the police almost killing one as the bullet was left logged in a police mans radio. Therefore the police shot back killing him...

    It has now been discovered that the replica gun Mark Dugan was carrying could not fire, just not possible and there is now an enquiry into a possible police cover up....

    that just throws a wrench into everything!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Let me just make this clear.

    It was first reported by the police that Mark Dugan shot at the police almost killing one as the bullet was left logged in a police mans radio. Therefore the police shot back killing him...

    It has now been discovered that the replica gun Mark Dugan was carrying could not fire, just not possible and there is now an enquiry into a possible police cover up....
    Right I can relate to that but WTF all the wanton destruction all over London and other cities and mainly the Ethnics? Or am I not allowed to ask that question?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Right I can relate to that but WTF all the wanton destruction all over London and other cities and mainly the Ethnics? Or am I not allowed to ask that question?
    Well i ask you this question, whats worse??

    The police going around murdering people and then covering it up?
    A large number of disgruntled thugs smashing a few shops up?
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  22. #22
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    IMO, these little ****s jump at any reason to cause chaos.

    There is not one thing on this Earth that would make me set fire to cars, buildings, businesses and houses like these people are doing.,919931.story

  23. #23
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    Apparently some Turks clashed with the rioters in East London and drove them away from burning down areas. Pakistanis are also protecting shops there. Respect to them

    There teenagers that are doing this should all be beaten to the oblivion.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Well i ask you this question, whats worse??

    The police going around murdering people and then covering it up?
    A large number of disgruntled thugs smashing a few shops up?
    Hey Matt I am not sticking up for the police, but didn't the rioters shoot dead some 26 year old man sat in his car in Croydon?

    Didn't they beat near to death some man in his 60's (still could die) who was asking them to stop in Ealing?

    There have been many many more beatings and muggings ..... many in the peoples own fcuking houses and flats!!

  25. #25
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    Isn't there a dominant police force or military over there? When something jumps off over here the streets are flooded with cops using riot gear, shields/bag guns/tasers/tear gas... I'd assume if that couldn't stop it the military would step in and you can't fvck with a tank..
    Is there really no brute force over there to intervene?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    It's just so strange to us over here as England and the British people were always so cultured and prim and proper years ago and to see this well it's just a sign of the time I guess, but even so that's no excuse.
    You must have never been to a scoocer game then

  27. #27
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    Time to call in the Yanks.

    And we'll bring plenty of food..

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Isn't there a dominant police force or military over there? When something jumps off over here the streets are flooded with cops using riot gear, shields/bag guns/tasers/tear gas... I'd assume if that couldn't stop it the military would step in and you can't fvck with a tank..
    Is there really no brute force over there to intervene?
    Because of the Left wing marxist / Liberal agenda that has been followed by the government and the police hierarchy for decades, and the disease of Political Correctness, the normal grunt policeman on the ground is not able to carry out his duties as he once was. The media are on the same agenda so it is difficult to get an unbiased report of what is happening. Because the majority of lawlessness was carried out by NON English ethnic groups the police were afraid to do anything to provoke the so called "local community". Many, many people had their lives, livelyhoods, homes and shops destroyed and for hours there would not be ANY police around. The rioters had a free reign. It was a fcukin disgrace!

    AND the shitheads in Westminster don't give a fcuk until it personally affects them.

    This is their wonderful MULTICULTURAL Social Engineering experiment at it's best!!!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    You must have never been to a scoocer game then
    I just got a text a few hours ago telling me that the England v Holland friendly football game sheduled for tomorrow night at Wembley has been called off!

    We can't have the whities having fun as well!!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    I just got a text a few hours ago telling me that the England v Holland friendly football game sheduled for tomorrow night at Wembley has been called off!

    We can't have the whities having fun as well!!
    Thank the lord, that is 90 minutes of my life reclaimed.

    Regarding riots, apparently they have started in Manchester and Birmingham, any closer to home and I'm off to get myself a new TV from Currys or Comet, jk.

  31. #31
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    thought i was watching Belfast on the mews this morn!! its a wonder the PSNI havent been drafted in

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    thought i was watching Belfast on the mews this morn!! its a wonder the PSNI havent been drafted in
    Having been in Belfast during the troubles of the late 60's and early 70's I can assure you, with my hand on my heart, that what is happening in the UK at the moment is nothing at all like what happened in Belfast then or thereafter!!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Having been in Belfast during the troubles of the late 60's and early 70's I can assure you, with my hand on my heart, that what is happening in the UK at the moment is nothing at all like what happened in Belfast then or thereafter!!
    i know mate im from NI, and have been caught up in a fair few civil unrest incidents, im just comparing the rioting

  34. #34
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    A night on the town in Britain in 2011.

  35. #35
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    So Paul, is it just the ethnically cleansed areas effected, the liberal marxist agenda of the government, or another cause? I'm curious.

  36. #36
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    I thought police didnt carry guns in the U.K??

  37. #37
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    One things for sure, everyone and everything has been videotaped for investigation as England has videos on every corner and corridor. Every move you make is watched, that is from what I've heard. Marcus or Matt is this true?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    I thought police didnt carry guns in the U.K??
    they dont, should firearms be required, a special department has to be deployed which usually takes an absurd amount of time to materialise on the scene.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    One things for sure, everyone and everything has been videotaped for investigation as England has videos on every corner and corridor. Every move you make is watched, that is from what I've heard. Marcus or Matt is this true?
    That is a well known fact, taking the size of our country into account we have more cctv cameras than any other country in the world..

    Many of them will be caught and spend many years in jail....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Hey Matt I am not sticking up for the police, but didn't the rioters shoot dead some 26 year old man sat in his car in Croydon?

    Didn't they beat near to death some man in his 60's (still could die) who was asking them to stop in Ealing?

    There have been many many more beatings and muggings ..... many in the peoples own fcuking houses and flats!!
    Those things may have happened mate, i don't condone it or agree with it...

    But again look at it this way, we don't pay these thugs large sums of money to protect and serve the public, we dont pay them to keep us safe, be honest with us, lead by example. However we do pay the police to do exactly what ive mentioned... When are we going to stop protecting them and bring them to book....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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