Last September, everyone here graciously helped my daughter in a very big way by taking a few seconds out of their lives to vote for Pepsi to award $250k to the International Rett Syndrome Foundation, which we did win; greatly because of everyone here. Here is that thread:
Today, that money is being used towards life saving research which will lead to treatments that will save girls, like my very own daughter, from dying early in life from a disease called Rett Syndrome, which is the most severe from of autism in girls. When boys get this genetic disorder, they will usually die in the womb or before age 3. Girls can live disabled from age 3 to 50 in best cases. 30,000 boys miscarry from this each year while 30,000 more girls are born with it.
Currently, there is no treatment or cure, but researchers are very close. In fact, they are testing a very promising treatment right now.
Today, we have another opportunity to raise more money towards saving my daughter's life and the thousands out there like her.
Through the Vivint Project, we now have another shot at $250,000 if we have the most votes. You can vote once per day, everyday until August 27th, 2011.
We are currently in 5th place (June 21st), and about 6300 votes away from 1st place.
Please help save my little girl by simply casting your vote for the International Rett Syndrome Foundation. Here is the link:
And just like before, I can't thank you all enough for helping.