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Thread: Albuterol & Clen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Albuterol & Clen

    couple questions here. If I wanted to do 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, could I do clen on for 2 weeks then albuterol on for 2 weeks and just cycle it like that or do both effect the same receptors enough for this to be a waste? Also I know exactly how to take clen, but at what dose is albuterol effective? I've been reading more and more on the stuff and it sounds like I wanna give it a go but, nowhere can I find out how much I need to take? Thanks guys!

    Countdown to next AAS cycle
    31 days!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    used both

    clen is more convenient for fat loss

    you'll have to dose the albuterol multiple time through out the day to get the same effect for fat loss as with clen

    albuterol is better suited as a pre wo/ and first thing before morning cardio and things like that to give a performance edge not the best option for strictly fat loss

    they both effect the same receptors the beta adrenergics

    for what I remember I used albuterol at dosages of 2-8mg's 2-3 times daily

    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    good insight, looking for others that have used albuterol and what dose they took it at.

  4. #4
    I prefer albuterol over clen because the sides are less severe.

    Everything PK-V said is on the money.

    I start my albut dose at 6mg then quickly ramp up. My max dose is 18-24mg/day spread out 2-3 times.

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