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Thread: Stack Question

  1. #1

    3rd cycle questions, switching to different gear

    I'm new to the forums, but have been using this site as a reference point for about a year now. I'm posting because I am planning on starting a new cycle in the next coming weeks. In the past, I have had experience with Test 400, Equipoise, Dianabol, and Turinabol, all with success. Upon moving to a new location, I've been exposed to a different supply of AAS, and therefore my options have changed. I'm looking for size and strength gain in a 12 week cycle, and the cycle I am looking at consists of the following:

    -500mg Sustanon split up twice a week for 12 weeks
    -300mg Deca split up twice a week for 12 weeks
    -25mg Dianabol/Anadrol every day for week 1
    -50mg Dianabol/Anadrol every day for weeks 2-4

    The reason I listed Dbol and anadrol is because I'm not 100% positive if I can get the Dbol yet, and was offered 50mg Anadrol pills as a substitute if not. Wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the cycle, and opinions on Anadrol. I have no experience with Deca or Anadrol and just want to learn a little more before I jump into this cycle. I have heard good and bad things about both. Should I tweak dosages/injection times? Is that enough Sus? I've never had any problems with gyno or any sides while on cycle, but would it be wise to have something like Arimidex on hand for a cycle like this? Any advice is greatly appreciated
    Last edited by anm3910; 08-24-2011 at 02:14 AM. Reason: Adjusted mg dosage

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

  3. #3
    200 lbs
    Bench: 305
    Squat 480

    Been weight training since freshman year of high-school. Been through two previous cycles.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I would have a AI on hand.Drol and deca you will retain some water.Wats your pct look like? I personally wouldnt run dball no more than 40mg at your level.I would chech your diet out in the diet section 1st.But looks good.

  5. #5
    PCT is really the one area I've been struggling to find a supply of, right now I can Clomid, but I would much rather wait for some Nolva to come around. As for on cycle, I'm thinking .5mg arimidex as needed should be ok, I just have a problem obtaining those as well. As for the actual cycle, its been rearranged a bit due to different availability. Instead of Sust, I'm going to be running T400, and I'm going with the drol. So my new cycle is

    400mgs t400 split up twice a week for weeks 1-12.
    300mgs deca split up twice a week for weeks 1-12.
    25mg anadrol every day for week 1
    50mg anadrol every day for weeks 2-4

    PCT undecided until I am positive of what I can get,

    And to be honest, yeah my diet might need to be cleaned up a bit before I start this cycle, its slipped somewhat recently.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Looks ok to me. Keep the drol at 50 starting from day one. And it wouldn't hurt to up the deca and test just a bit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I would run the test 2 weeks longer than the deca.And dont start your cycle untilyou have everything in hand.Hit the diet section lazy sounds like you need it

  8. #8
    Ok ill probably push both doses up, as for the deca going two weeks less, would you recommend pushing deca back to just 10 weeks, or extending the test to 14 weeks? I'm definitely not touching any of this cycle until I have my PCT on hand, already dealt with that issue before. And diet will be in check no doubts. I just have to hope I don't hit another episode of sciatica, that really messed with my squats and DL

  9. #9

    Pituitary growth hormone Stack dosage

    What is a basic dosage reccomendation?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I agree with St. Pete start from day one with 50mg of Drol hell of a kick start for me anyway. Nothing can touch it for a kick start. By the time the Test and Deca kick in you'll already feel like a monster and put on weight fast. But up the Test and Deca. Go 500mg Test for 12 weeks and 400mg Deca for 10 weeks then proper PCT depending on what you decide to do and what you can get.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Brandonmc View Post
    What is a basic dosage reccomendation?
    Start your own thread.

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