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Thread: Deadlifts and why it helps? ~please explain

  1. #1
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    Deadlifts and why it helps? ~please explain

    When I do my deadlifts I have no idea why or how on earth it would help my bootie. It seems more than anything else deadlifts are merely stretching my hamstrings. Actually I love the movement for the stretch quite frankly. But why are deadlifts so unanimously suggested as one of the top things to do for tightening up the derriere?

    I am doing them with stiff legs and keeping my back very straight as I bend over with my shoulder blades squeezed tight. Plus squeezing my rear tight as I rise back up; but even with this form of movement it still feels like I am merely stretching the back of my legs more than anything else.

    Would love to hear an explanation as to why deadlifts are so important for the dream bubble derriere......

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  2. #2
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    You are doing straight legged deadlifts and although they are good for the rear, they are better for hamstrings. All the muscles in that area tie into your butt. you can't squat/dl without working your butt. If your legs can't keep up but your butt can then you might want to switch your exercises to focus on butt. Bringing up weak hams will lead to a bigger butt as you increase the weight.

    Anything that creates a forward bend in your hips and stretches your butt as the eccentric motion will work your butt on the contraction. I can write out a great butt building leg workout for you if you like.

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    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 08-16-2011 at 09:58 PM.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    You are doing straight legged deadlifts and although they are good for the rear, they are better for hamstrings. All the muscles in that area tie into your butt. you can't squat/dl without working your butt. If your legs can't keep up but your butt can then you might want to switch your exercises to focus on butt. Bringing up weak hams will lead to a bigger butt as you increase the weight. WHAT? THIS CONCERNS ME!

    Anything that creates a forward bend in your hips and stretches your butt as the eccentric motion will work your butt on the contraction. I can write out a great butt building leg workout for you if you like.
    What would be the difference in "building" as opposed to toning and tightening? Would love to hear what you have to say...always do!

    THANKS TWIST! I already have the SIZE. I need to tighten! TIGHTEN.....and TIGHTEN SOME MORE!
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  5. #5
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    Think of your hams as a forearm and your butt as a bicep; you won't be able to work the biceps if the forearm can't hold the weight. Now once your forearm is able to hold the weight you will increase the weight which can now start to work the bicep. Does that make sense? I always tell clients that if your form is in check and an odd muscle still gets the brunt of the weight then this is a muscle that needs to be brought up.

    If you need to tone then you either need bigger muscles or lower bodyfat. I can't say how much size you have, all I can say is that you probably have a lot less than you think you have. Did you see this video? This is what a female figure competitor and a female bodybuilder look like. To look like the bber you will need gear. To look like the other girl you can work your ass off and very rarely achieve anything better without gear. You might even be able to take small amounts (by female standards) and still not look like that.

    If you are gonna workout, then you might as well target the muscles you want to work. What is it that you want to improve with your lower body?

  6. #6
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    Here's my female butt building leg day:

    Exercise 1
    Fatigue strong muscle first, usually quads or hams, with a lactic acid building routine. Lately I've been using a warmup weight where you can do 20 reps max and do 10 sets of 16 reps. This fatigues the muscle I want to give out forcing other muscles to take over.

    Exercise 2
    Wide stance squats, ass to calves, never lock out knees unless it is to breath, constant movement no stopping between reps
    1 warmup
    3 sets of 12-16 reps (a couple forced reps)
    1 set of 20 reps with light weight; this set should be almost impossible to finish

    Exercise 3
    Leg press (make sure its one that has you at an angle, not a hack squat machine, 45* angle I think)
    feet ALL THE WAY at the top of the sled, sometimes toes hang off, When you are all the way down your knees should be a little less than 90* but your knees should be in your chest and your butt should be completely stretched out
    3/4 reps stopping short of the top of the rep so basically hams/butt get killed, knees never lock out and constant movement
    4 sets of 16 reps

    Calves after this if you desire.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Think of your hams as a forearm and your butt as a bicep; you won't be able to work the biceps if the forearm can't hold the weight. Now once your forearm is able to hold the weight you will increase the weight which can now start to work the bicep. Does that make sense? I always tell clients that if your form is in check and an odd muscle still gets the brunt of the weight then this is a muscle that needs to be brought up.

    If you need to tone then you either need bigger muscles or lower bodyfat. I can't say how much size you have, all I can say is that you probably have a lot less than you think you have. Did you see this video? This is what a female figure competitor and a female bodybuilder look like. To look like the bber you will need gear. To look like the other girl you can work your ass off and very rarely achieve anything better without gear. You might even be able to take small amounts (by female standards) and still not look like that.

    If you are gonna workout, then you might as well target the muscles you want to work. What is it that you want to improve with your lower body?
    I need to keep lowering the BF plus add muscle. And! I saw that video yesterday in the Lounge and was going to comment: THIS IS MY NEW WORKOUT! to look like these girls!

    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Here's my female butt building leg day:

    Exercise 1
    Fatigue strong muscle first, usually quads or hams, with a lactic acid building routine. Lately I've been using a warmup weight where you can do 20 reps max and do 10 sets of 16 reps. This fatigues the muscle I want to give out forcing other muscles to take over.

    Exercise 2
    Wide stance squats, ass to calves, never lock out knees unless it is to breath, constant movement no stopping between reps
    1 warmup
    3 sets of 12-16 reps (a couple forced reps)
    1 set of 20 reps with light weight; this set should be almost impossible to finish

    Exercise 3
    Leg press (make sure its one that has you at an angle, not a hack squat machine, 45* angle I think)
    feet ALL THE WAY at the top of the sled, sometimes toes hang off, When you are all the way down your knees should be a little less than 90* but your knees should be in your chest and your butt should be completely stretched out
    3/4 reps stopping short of the top of the rep so basically hams/butt get killed, knees never lock out and constant movement
    4 sets of 16 reps

    Calves after this if you desire.

    So...what do you mean by lactic building routine? and I did both the press incline and hack the other day and I think one of them got my knees....I think the hack. And I did put my feet together as you suggested with toes off. Do you still want my feet together or should I do feet together and also apart?

    And for the squats. Do you want my feet pointed straight ahead? or more pointed outwards like a plie which my body is natural at doing anyway.

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  8. #8
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    I call it a lactic acid routine cuz its not really for strength, its not really for size, its more muscle endurance and it just burns like hell. It's point is to fatigue the quads or hams. FInishing all 10 sets even if the last set is 8-10 reps is almost impossible because of how much it burns and because of the pump. IF you can finish 10 sets at 16 reps you went way too light.

    Hack always gets my knees. I don't recommend that machine at all.

    Squats wide stance with feet pointed slightly outward.

    Leg press feet all the way together (touching from feet up to the knees and all the way to the crotch, like someone tied your legs with a rope) and pointing forward.

    If you would like to look like those girls then you need not worry about how much muscle you put on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I call it a lactic acid routine SO WHAT IS THE ROUTINE? cuz its not really for strength, its not really for size, its more muscle endurance and it just burns like hell. It's point is to fatigue the quads or hams. FInishing all 10 sets even if the last set is 8-10 reps is almost impossible because of how much it burns and because of the pump. IF you can finish 10 sets at 16 reps you went way too light.

    Hack always gets my knees. I don't recommend that machine at all. AGREE

    Squats wide stance with feet pointed slightly outward. GOT IT

    Leg press feet all the way together (touching from feet up to the knees and all the way to the crotch, like someone tied your legs with a rope) and pointing forward. PERFECT DESCRIPTION and should this be the only form to focus on for now? or do this specific form plus others with my feet apart. Reason I ask is because I tried convincing my trainer to do just this form and she insists I do others in addition to the legs tied with a rope. Want to make sure.

    If you would like to look like those girls then you need not worry about how much muscle you put on.
    OKAY!!! OKAY!! OKAY! Will let you know when I look like they do!
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  10. #10
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    Slim is that the look ur after (the girls in that video)... If so then that's cool

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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    OKAY!!! OKAY!! OKAY! Will let you know when I look like they do!
    You are doing other stances, you are doing squats with your legs apart also. How many leg presses does she want you to do? 4 sets squats, 4 leg press, 6 sets calves, and one exercise for quads/hams (isolation).

    The 'routine' refers to the first exercise in which you do 10 sets of 16 reps, which burns the hell out of the muscle you are working; hence the name lactic acid routine. The FULL routine would be a muscle endurance type of workout but you are not interested in that because it's more for a specific purpose like mma or something.

    Lactic acid routine = 10 sets of 16 reps using either the lying leg curl for hams or leg extension for quads. I think I threw you off because I should have said lactic acid exercise. My fault. There is a routine I just didn't mention the rest of it. I pulled one exercise with the point of fatiguing a designated muscle.

    SO what are your goals for your legs? If you want to look like either of the girls in the video you don't have to worry about building too much muscle because when you cut down the bodyfat you will look very slim (pun intended).

  12. #12
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    slim, your diet would determine muscle size, nt the training. dnt be afraid to dead heavy

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Slim is that the look ur after (the girls in that video)... If so then that's cool

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    Well I can dream a bit...would take a heck of a lot to end up like those 2 girls! I bet you do like them, don't blame ya! Thanks Base~

    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    You are doing other stances, you are doing squats with your legs apart also. How many leg presses does she want you to do? 4 sets squats, 4 leg press, 6 sets calves, and one exercise for quads/hams (isolation).

    The 'routine' refers to the first exercise in which you do 10 sets of 16 reps, which burns the hell out of the muscle you are working; hence the name lactic acid routine. The FULL routine would be a muscle endurance type of workout but you are not interested in that because it's more for a specific purpose like mma or something.

    Lactic acid routine = 10 sets of 16 reps using either the lying leg curl for hams or leg extension for quads. I think I threw you off because I should have said lactic acid exercise. My fault. There is a routine I just didn't mention the rest of it. I pulled one exercise with the point of fatiguing a designated muscle.

    SO what are your goals for your legs? If you want to look like either of the girls in the video you don't have to worry about building too much muscle because when you cut down the bodyfat you will look very slim (pun intended).
    Goal is to tighten up bootie and thighs. I would have made a GREAT BB as I have strong legs but they need to be tightened up. Also have very formed calves too. No chicken legs here. Thanks Twist~

    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    slim, your diet would determine muscle size, nt the training. dnt be afraid to dead heavy
    I hear ya. What would be a good deadlifts weight? curious as a ballpark....thanks Dec
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  14. #14
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    Slim, I believe deads are so highly recommended because it's for overall strength. It works all your muscles in one nice movement. Maybe some people will feel it more in some muscles that are lacking.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PitMaster View Post
    Slim, I believe deads are so highly recommended because it's for overall strength. It works all your muscles in one nice movement. Maybe some people will feel it more in some muscles that are lacking.
    Thanks PitMaster.
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  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by PitMaster View Post
    Slim, I believe deads are so highly recommended because it's for overall strength. It works all your muscles in one nice movement. Maybe some people will feel it more in some muscles that are lacking.
    Very much agreed with PitMaster. When it comes to compound lifts the dead lift has many benefits! It requires a good amount of overall strength and coordination throughout your whole body. It challenges nearly ever muscle while primarily hitting your posterior chain muscles. It's an extremely common movement that has a lot of cross over (picking things up is a pretty useful movement isn't it?) Because of the amount of muscle called on to perform this movement it's also great for calorie expenditure as well.

    Depending on your overall form, and any imbalances or weaknesses you have you may feel it in certain areas more than others.

    I am not sure how you look so relating it to your goal of a more "toned" butt (glutes) is difficult. Most people generally need to reduce body fat percentage and/or increase muscle if looking for the "toned" look. Again hard to say without any pic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by phoenixr2 View Post
    Very much agreed with PitMaster. When it comes to compound lifts the dead lift has many benefits! It requires a good amount of overall strength and coordination throughout your whole body. It challenges nearly ever muscle while primarily hitting your posterior chain muscles. It's an extremely common movement that has a lot of cross over (picking things up is a pretty useful movement isn't it?) Because of the amount of muscle called on to perform this movement it's also great for calorie expenditure as well.

    Depending on your overall form, and any imbalances or weaknesses you have you may feel it in certain areas more than others.

    I am not sure how you look so relating it to your goal of a more "toned" butt (glutes) is difficult. Most people generally need to reduce body fat percentage and/or increase muscle if looking for the "toned" look. Again hard to say without any pic.
    Thanks Phoenix.....appreciate this.
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  18. #18
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    Maybe I need to rephrase this:

    When I do deadlifts I do not feel much of anything. Seems pretty darn easy to me which makes me wonder, if, in fact, they are doing much of anything. To be honest, I like doing them as a nice stretch as I have always done them between exercises as a way to feel good with a great stretch to relieve other muscles.

    So this is why I wonder why dead lifts? since they feel so good instead of feeling I am working something.
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  19. #19
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    Stop doing stiff leg deads and do regular deadlifts. Until you can go heavy with stiff legs you really are just getting a stretch. Do regular deadlifts instead. Go heavier.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Do regular deadlifts instead. Go heavier.
    Agreed with Twist on both points. Adding in [deep] squats (another great compound movement) would also help you target glutes more than hamstrings

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by phoenixr2 View Post
    Agreed with Twist on both points. Adding in [deep] squats (another great compound movement) would also help you target glutes more than hamstrings
    your talking low bar squats right? Up until kinda recent I thought squats were basically front and back squats, I just thought everyone had preference on how far they went down....I go low bar, it feels good.

  22. #22
    I would let bar position be up to her and what she in comfortable with. By deep I meant dropping the butt low on the eccentric portion of the squat. So bringing the thighs past parallel on the descent. This will bring the glutes more into play. A lot of people tend to lean forward and only slightly bend their knees either targeting their quads or they perform what looks to be like a good morning. Hopefully I explained well. If not let me know and I will be happy to try to clarify.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Stop doing stiff leg deads and do regular deadlifts. Until you can go heavy with stiff legs you really are just getting a stretch. Do regular deadlifts instead. Go heavier.
    what do you consider heavy for a female? who is not a BB! keep this in mind....PLEASE, Twist!

    Quote Originally Posted by phoenixr2 View Post
    Agreed with Twist on both points. Adding in [deep] squats (another great compound movement) would also help you target glutes more than hamstrings
    that is what I want to target so thanks~

    Quote Originally Posted by PitMaster View Post
    your talking low bar squats right? Up until kinda recent I thought squats were basically front and back squats, I just thought everyone had preference on how far they went down....I go low bar, it feels good.
    Feels so good.....leaning over with the bar kinda like an interior massage....thanks PitMaster

    Quote Originally Posted by phoenixr2 View Post
    I would let bar position be up to her and what she in comfortable with. By deep I meant dropping the butt low on the eccentric portion of the squat. So bringing the thighs past parallel on the descent. This will bring the glutes more into play. A lot of people tend to lean forward and only slightly bend their knees either targeting their quads or they perform what looks to be like a good morning. Hopefully I explained well. If not let me know and I will be happy to try to clarify.
    Thanks...confused now as to squats or a deadlift. Squats I CAN FEEL! TRUST ME! I FEEL THOSE!

    but the deadlifts, not near as much. Big difference between the 2 movements for me.

    Thanks Phoenix~
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    You are doing straight legged deadlifts and although they are good for the rear, they are better for hamstrings. All the muscles in that area tie into your butt. you can't squat/dl without working your butt. If your legs can't keep up but your butt can then you might want to switch your exercises to focus on butt. Bringing up weak hams will lead to a bigger butt as you increase the weight.

    Anything that creates a forward bend in your hips and stretches your butt as the eccentric motion will work your butt on the contraction. I can write out a great butt building leg workout for you if you like.
    hell yeah build that girl a booty plan

  25. #25
    Squats and Deads are two of the best things you can do so don't feel like its an either or choice.

    Heavy is extremely subjective and based off the persons current condition/strength. It's not a male/female thing. It would mean using a lower set/rep count so that you can use a heavier weight for the exercise.

    I apologize though as you were asking Twist. I don't mean to step on his toes and he seems to be a knowledgeable guy so I will let him reply to your questions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by phoenixr2 View Post
    Squats and Deads are two of the best things you can do so don't feel like its an either or choice.

    Heavy is extremely subjective and based off the persons current condition/strength. It's not a male/female thing. It would mean using a lower set/rep count so that you can use a heavier weight for the exercise.

    I apologize though as you were asking Twist. I don't mean to step on his toes and he seems to be a knowledgeable guy so I will let him reply to your questions.
    Don't apologize, you are dead on.

    Slim, most of the time when I see my female clients training in the gym I walk up to them, take their weights away, hand them something 10lbs heavier at least. Girls have some sort of problem with picking up heavy weights, like the opposite of a guys ego getting in the way. Whatever weight you are using, up the weight by 20lbs. No questioning it, just do it. Guys and girls should workout with the same intensity so watch some bodybuilder videos and then copy them. Anyway change to regular deadlifts as they are better for glutes than SLDL imo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy_rocks View Post
    hell yeah build that girl a booty plan got THAT right CrazyR!

    Quote Originally Posted by phoenixr2 View Post
    Squats and Deads are two of the best things you can do so don't feel like its an either or choice.

    Heavy is extremely subjective and based off the persons current condition/strength. It's not a male/female thing. It would mean using a lower set/rep count so that you can use a heavier weight for the exercise.

    I apologize though as you were asking Twist. I don't mean to step on his toes and he seems to be a knowledgeable guy so I will let him reply to your questions.
    Got cha! Thanks Phoenix~

    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Don't apologize, you are dead on.

    Slim, most of the time when I see my female clients training in the gym I walk up to them, take their weights away, hand them something 10lbs heavier at least. Girls have some sort of problem with picking up heavy weights, like the opposite of a guys ego getting in the way. Whatever weight you are using, up the weight by 20lbs. No questioning it, just do it. Guys and girls should workout with the same intensity so watch some bodybuilder videos and then copy them. Anyway change to regular deadlifts as they are better for glutes than SLDL imo.
    Would love to see a video you think would be a perfect example if you come across one. So you are saying not the stiff legs I assume...
    Thanks Twist~
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  28. #28
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    These are what your deadlifts should look like (BTW I have no idea who this guy is)

    He went with an alternate grip but you should use straps and go double overhand (palms facing you) to avoid injury.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    These are what your deadlifts should look like (BTW I have no idea who this guy is)

    He went with an alternate grip but you should use straps and go double overhand (palms facing you) to avoid injury.
    Amazing...looks more like a deadlift/squat combo so I can see how this would target the glutes a lot more than what I am doing by simply bending over with a stretch. Honestly I had no idea this is what a regular dead lift looked like!

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    THANKS TWIST! Man sakes alive I had no idea. Again looks more like a squat to me. I appreciate this a lot since I now know why the deadlifts I have been doing haven't felt like I was doing a darn thing. So glad I proposed this question here. Learn something new every single day!

    You continue to help me and I appreciate it greatly.
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    I would luv to have booty like the chics in the video!! I want to believe that some of that is genetics....

  34. #34
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    Okay, this is a great thread. Thanks, Slim, for linking me up! The videos are especially helpful.

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