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Thread: hi guys. new here. came here for a couple questions on tren.

  1. #1

    hi guys. new here. came here for a couple questions on tren.

    short history. been lifting 5 years. did two cycles so far. one was ten week of test e at 250mgs/week. other was test e at 500mgs/week. after the second lifting went on the back burner for six months due to working 35 hours a week and carrying a 15 credit hour school week at the university. now i'm sitting at 5'11, 195 lbs, and 12 or 13%bf.

    anyways my old lifting partner lives in florida and i live about 12 hours north of him. we parted ways after our good time in the marines ended. he goes to a gym which is predominately filled with power lifters. most of them compete and some hold state records. juice flows in that gym. he told me that running tren solo was a really common thing in that gym. i have always read and been told that you should never run it solo, always stack it with test or else your dick will stare at the floor. he also said that all the guys there said its super clean and you don't need pct for it either.

    he just finished his second cycle of it. he said he ran 50 mgs eod for ten weeks. i asked about side effects and he said "none other than retardedly strong". he said he didn't notice even a slight change in his libido.

    my question: is running tren solo at a low dose like this a common thing? the goal for him and others at the gym was nothing more than to get stronger and not move up in their weight class.

    anybody do this, or at least know somebody else who did care to share results?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    The same steroid affects people differently regardless of the type. Your friend is extremely lucky and i find it hard to believe that he didn't have any sides whatsoever. The most common ones w/tren is insomnia and night sweats, and these are almost always noted with every cycle w/every user.
    Yes, people have ran it alone including myself. But the sides are even worse when doing so.

  3. #3

    he said minor dehydration but he attributed that to working outside 50 hours a week in the hot and humid summer. at least that is what he said. how were your experiences running this alone?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    The same steroid affects people differently regardless of the type. Your friend is extremely lucky and i find it hard to believe that he didn't have any sides whatsoever. The most common ones w/tren is insomnia and night sweats, and these are almost always noted with every cycle w/every user.
    Yes, people have ran it alone including myself. But the sides are even worse when doing so.
    I get those from just looking at a bottle of tren.

    I agree anything is possible but not having any side effects and keeping the libido would be the exception to the rule.

    I cant understand why people would do that though. Why do something you know is wrong. At min i would run a trt dose of test.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I get those from just looking at a bottle of tren.

    I agree anything is possible but not having any side effects and keeping the libido would be the exception to the rule.

    I cant understand why people would do that though. Why do something you know is wrong. At min i would run a trt dose of test.

    oh i agree 100%. i remember when he first asked me if i have heard of finaplix. i said oh yeah, tren. heard good things about it. then he went on to tell me he was going to run it solo. i suggested he run test with it but he said all the guys at the gym run it solo and don't need any pct. i thought it was crazy. just wondered if it is common for people to do. i would never, but to each their own i guess.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    OP and Gixxer...I ran mine alone back in 2003 when the research (i think) was limited. Now, through trial and error i know better.
    My biggest side was fatigue when running alone. I was freakin tired ALL the time! Had to take daily naps before going to the gym or there was no gym for that day. Or anything else for that matter.
    If one is going to run tren is highly recommended to run test w/it.

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