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Thread: Brother's doing there first cycle 2gether

  1. #1

    Brother's doing there first cycle 2gether

    Hi guys, me and my older brother(1 yr older) have decided to start our first cycle in a near future.

    We are of similair size, 6.4 and weigh about 210 lbs. We have been competing in wrestling and working out at the gym since we were young, but have probably only taken our training seriously for the last 6 years. We are both coming of off a long "off-season". I got pericarditis from working out when I was sick(stupid, i know) and my brother has been away for work so we hadn't really worked out for about 8 months.

    As of now we have been back at the gym for about 6 months and we're slowly but surely getting back into shape and starting to use the weights we used to.

    This is how our planned out cycle would look.

    At least 10 lb lean weight gain

    60 day Cycle
    W1:40 mg t-bol eod, 500 mg Test-e/c e5d, Nolvadex 160 mg e3d
    W2:40 mg t-bol eod, 500 mg Test-e/c e5d, Nolvadex 10 mg e3d
    W3:40 mg t-bol eod, 250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d, Letro .75mg e7d
    W4:40 mg t-bol eod, 250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d, Letro .75mg e7d
    W5:40 mg t-bol eod, 250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d, Letro .75mg e7d
    W6:40 mg t-bol eod, 250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d, Letro .75mg e7d
    W7:250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 1000ie e4d, Letro .75 mg e7d
    W8:250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 1000ie e4d, Letro .75 mg e7d
    W9:250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 1000ie e4d, Letro .75 mg e7d
    W10:Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d, Letro .75 mg e7d
    W11:Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d
    W12:Clomid 300(100) mg, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d
    W13:Clomid 100(50) mg, Nolvadex 10 mg e3d, Tribulus eod
    W14:Clomid 50 mg, Tribulus eod
    W15:Tribulus eod
    W16:Tribulus eod

    Kcal ~3000/day

    So, this is how we have been thinking. First three injects form the fronting part. The T-bols low-androgenos properties would be countered by the testos high props and therefore the need for nolva would be less, but we would like to keep it in just as a precaution. When the HCG enters to keep the natural testo production we expect a increase in estrogen so the nolva will be increased. Because of the low doses we do not feel that an AI is a must, but think that a low dose probably would not hurt.

    After stepping of the t-bol to let the liver rest we increase the HCG, to prepare for the PCT and to hope for a small increase in natural testo. At week 9 we take the last injection of test-e and after that start the pct. We wait untill the test-e has left the body to start the clomid but hope that the HCG probably would have kept the natural testo levels at an acceptable level.

    At the end of the cycle we were planing on using tribulus, i don't really know if it's just a wast of money but i have a friend who works at a supplement store who get us damaged goods for free and they just water damaged a lot of these jars.

    So guys what do you think? I would love some feed back. Was planning on doing this cycle before i got sick, but.. yeah, i got sick. Then i had help from a guy at our gym who hade been in the game for along time and he told me to "overdo the PCT because you don't wanna piss away all the money you put down on the gear". Sadly he passed away in a traffic accident about 6 months ago, so i can't ask him anymore.

    Im open to suggestions and won't take offense if you think my cycle is the dumbest thing you've ever seen. I know im a newbie and know i don't know shit yet.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Can we get all of your stats?
    Age/wieght/hieght/bf% how long have you been wieght lifting? work outs for wrestling are completely different..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yeah wat he said and keep your cycle simple.I will give more info when you pass the stats test joking sorry a lil bored

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    thats an absolute mess, you have no clue what you're doing. 160mg nolva e3d? letro .75? wtf?!

    age and stats?

  5. #5
    Age: 25 and 26
    Height: We're both 6.4
    Weight:Im 212 as we speak and my brother is probably a few lb lighter
    BF: 15% for me and don't know me brothers percentage, but it's a little lower than mine.

    We have been lifting weights for the purpose of becoming strong for wrestling since we were 13 and 14. Since we stopped competing in freestyle wrestling we have mostly been doing weight lifting and only wrestling once or twice a week, so i would say about 4 years.

    Thanks for your time guys

    Edit: The nolva is just supposed to 60, typo, and just on the first day, the rest is 20
    Last edited by Rosemary; 08-29-2011 at 02:36 PM.

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Jan 2009
    *no sources i wont reply*
    you need to educate yourselves on this, not be spoon fed. read the beginner stickies etc and then come back

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Rosemary View Post
    Hi guys, me and my older brother(1 yr older) have decided to start our first cycle in a near future.

    We are of similair size, 6.4 and weigh about 210 lbs. We have been competing in wrestling and working out at the gym since we were young, but have probably only taken our training seriously for the last 6 years. We are both coming of off a long "off-season". I got pericarditis from working out when I was sick(stupid, i know) and my brother has been away for work so we hadn't really worked out for about 8 months.

    As of now we have been back at the gym for about 6 months and we're slowly but surely getting back into shape and starting to use the weights we used to.

    This is how our planned out cycle would look.

    At least 10 lb lean weight gain

    60 day Cycle
    W1:40 mg t-bol eod, 500 mg Test-e/c e5d, Nolvadex 160 mg e3d
    W2:40 mg t-bol eod, 500 mg Test-e/c e5d, Nolvadex 10 mg e3d
    W3:40 mg t-bol eod, 250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d, Letro .75mg e7d
    W4:40 mg t-bol eod, 250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d, Letro .75mg e7d
    W5:40 mg t-bol eod, 250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d, Letro .75mg e7d
    W6:40 mg t-bol eod, 250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d, Letro .75mg e7d
    W7:250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 1000ie e4d, Letro .75 mg e7d
    W8:250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 1000ie e4d, Letro .75 mg e7d
    W9:250 mg Test e/c e5d, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 1000ie e4d, Letro .75 mg e7d
    W10:Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d, Letro .75 mg e7d
    W11:Nolvadex 20 mg e3d, HCG 500ie e4d
    W12:Clomid 300(100) mg, Nolvadex 20 mg e3d
    W13:Clomid 100(50) mg, Nolvadex 10 mg e3d, Tribulus eod
    W14:Clomid 50 mg, Tribulus eod
    W15:Tribulus eod
    W16:Tribulus eod

    Kcal ~3000/day

    So, this is how we have been thinking. First three injects form the fronting part. The T-bols low-androgenos properties would be countered by the testos high props and therefore the need for nolva would be less, but we would like to keep it in just as a precaution. When the HCG enters to keep the natural testo production we expect a increase in estrogen so the nolva will be increased. Because of the low doses we do not feel that an AI is a must, but think that a low dose probably would not hurt.

    After stepping of the t-bol to let the liver rest we increase the HCG, to prepare for the PCT and to hope for a small increase in natural testo. At week 9 we take the last injection of test-e and after that start the pct. We wait untill the test-e has left the body to start the clomid but hope that the HCG probably would have kept the natural testo levels at an acceptable level.

    At the end of the cycle we were planing on using tribulus, i don't really know if it's just a wast of money but i have a friend who works at a supplement store who get us damaged goods for free and they just water damaged a lot of these jars.

    So guys what do you think? I would love some feed back. Was planning on doing this cycle before i got sick, but.. yeah, i got sick. Then i had help from a guy at our gym who hade been in the game for along time and he told me to "overdo the PCT because you don't wanna piss away all the money you put down on the gear". Sadly he passed away in a traffic accident about 6 months ago, so i can't ask him anymore.

    Im open to suggestions and won't take offense if you think my cycle is the dumbest thing you've ever seen. I know im a newbie and know i don't know shit yet.

    Oh good news!
    Nah, its not that bad, but you don't need the nolva on cycle and 300mg of Clomid is way too much.
    I'd just stick with the 500mg of test E for 10 weeks and keep the Tbol if you need the kickstart.
    Your natural test production is not going to return while on any dose, so just give up on that idea right now.

    BTW, I'm kinda picturing you two as the twin rowing jocks from "The Social Network", who start every sentence with "my brother and I..." lol.

  8. #8
    Like stated earlier in the thread a lot of members will suggest to run just Test for your first cycle. Specially if you are just looking for a 10 pound gain in lean mass a Test cycle at 500mg per week should get you there or very close if your diet and lifting regimen are in check. Search the site for info on first cycle results to see what has worked for other people. A Test cycle would be much simpler, cheaper and would let you guage how your body reacts to Test by its self. Good luck bud.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    ^^^ lol

  10. #10
    To all of you who answered, thank you very much. Will do as some of you said, hit the books and then take a look at an test-only cycle. Was given a tip that a kick start with t-bol would be good, but we'll see.

    About the rowing twins, not that far off, just imagine if they were wrestlers... add cauliflower ears and flatten the nose out a bit

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