Hey guys this is my 2nd "real" cycle and wanted some EXPIERNCED feed back, so I would appreciate any posotive advice and feed back... Thanks! Im gonna be getting back in the gym after a shoulder injury and going to start my cycle in about 1-2 months after getting back in the rythem of lifting and a proper eating routine again. I plan on running it for 12 weeks with 500mg of TEST E and 600mg DECA a week, injecting twice a week say mon. and thurs. Also Im going to run D-BOL at 50mg E.D. for the first 6 weeks and .5mg of ARIMADEX E.O.D. for the full 12 weeks. I know alot of people say to run more TEST than DECA because of the shut down of teste's but I already have the gear so I cant really cut down the DECA without having left over gear and having to buy more to complete a later cycle or buying more test cuting back the deca and strecthing my cycle longer!