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Thread: Test undecaonate 500??

  1. #1

    Test undecaonate 500??

    A buddy of mine gave me 10ml vial of this stuff. I've never heard of undecaonate and have never seen it mentioned in this forum. Anyone ever tried this stuff? I've never taken AAS before but I'm thinking of running a cycle of this stuff. Two of my buddies saw great gains while on it. I've had it sitting around about 2 months now because I'm scared of needles. I'm a sissy, I know. I'm planning on running one cc a week which is 500 mg of test. I'd split it up into 1/2 cc twice a week. Any suggestions or comments??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    It's such a long ester that cycling with it is highly impractical. It's made for HRT.
    Do some research on Nebido and you'll see why.

  3. #3
    So it would take a while before I noticed any results? Would that also mean that I will continue to see results for a while once I'm off? I got a full vial for free, I'd hate to let it go to waste.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    It means that your 10 week cycle would quickly turn into a complicated 20-30 week nightmare, since it takes so long to build up and wash out of your system. And when looking at this sort of timeframe, your vial would not be enough.
    I'd hang onto it for later. You may need something that will hold you over for a few months later on down the road (say if you're travelling or whatnot).
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 08-30-2011 at 02:47 AM.

  5. #5
    excuse me for being ignorant, but what would happen if I just did the 1cc a week for 10 weeks and stopped?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    13,506'd start to see gains toward the end, which would continue for another few weeks, then trail off. And then you're stuck with mediocre exogenous test levels for months, without being able to go into PCT and recover. So it would be a lot of HPTA suppression and risk for little gain. And without PCT, you'd likely end up smaller than before you started.

  7. #7
    Why can't I start pct once the test started to trail off?

  8. #8
    Would taking 1/2cc per week and stretching it out 20 weeks be any better? Or is that to long to be on it?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011
    You have to understand that its just not made for cycles. Its the base for nebido TRT, which only requires 4 injections per year if i remember corectly.

  10. #10
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by DopeBoy Fresh View Post
    Why can't I start pct once the test started to trail off?
    Because you'd be wasting your PCT chems as long as there is exogenous test in your system, which there would be for a long, long time. So not enough test to help you or retain muscle, but enough to keep your body from restarting to produce it's own. In short, a long drawn out he said...

  11. #11
    Thanks guys. Glad I asked before just shooting up.

  12. #12
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by DopeBoy Fresh View Post
    Thanks guys. Glad I asked before just shooting up.
    look for one of marcus300's posts, an explaination of nebido is linked in his signature, explains all about it

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