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Thread: new cycle...too much eq?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    among the trees

    new cycle...too much eq?

    Running Prop 100 1.5ml, Sust 250 .5 ml, Tren 100 1ml and Eq 200 1ml I running to much Eq to test? Never used Tren or Eq before. Appreciate any comments and help from more experienced guys. Thanx.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Give us your stats and cycle history. I found EQ worthless when I ran it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    Don't belive what people say ahh I have to increase the test over the Deca and so on.. As long as you have some test there you should not worry.

  4. #4
    I personally have had great results with EQ???? Hardens me up and makes me vascular....I run minimum 600mgs..This past cycle I upped it to 800mgs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    i have seen great results with eq altho its a very long estered compound.. no need to shoot every other day... do a bit of research and youll know what I mean OP

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    Agree with the above, no need for eod shots. Iv never used it before but will start this week @ 750 mg the good thing I'm going to like about it is the increase of appetite. Good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    among the trees
    Thank guys Im going to switch the eq 1ml 200mg to every 4 days. Im only on my 3rd shot so I dont see any Problems changing that up now. @ Reds my cycle history is pretty small. I started TRT about 2 years ago doing 1ml 200mg per week for about a year and then started tinkering around with Prop 1ml 100mg eod recently adding .5ml 250 sust about a month ago. I am 280 pounds about 15% body fat. Ive always been very strong even b4 trt but test definately took me to a new level physically. I also use Jintropin HGH 4IU ED. I love that stuff I can eat whatever I want. This is my first stack I guess you can say, Ive only used deca in wintertime last year but didnt like the rubber chicken d@#$ that came with it. Anything that screws up the downstairs area is a nono for me. Thats why I was curious if i was running enough test. Ive read that that is one of the sides of eq also.Thanks to all for the input!!

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