just wish DSM could have his way with him!!!HA! which actually means a good ol' fashioned ass beatin! lol like many probably would enjoy to. (I hate when people fk with the dudes that helped to change my life for the better, like dec11)
just wish DSM could have his way with him!!!HA! which actually means a good ol' fashioned ass beatin! lol like many probably would enjoy to. (I hate when people fk with the dudes that helped to change my life for the better, like dec11)
So is this guy dead or what?
Zyzz never cheated.
He's like, "bitch move your leg I'm staring at myself."
Last edited by toooosmall; 09-11-2011 at 08:01 AM.
definitely gay... u see how awkward he looked kissing her?
Lol aren't you the guy that couldn't lose weight the way that involved discipline and consistency so you went on a 500 calorie a day diet and took some form of steroid? How did that turn out? You ripped??
Anyways, strong hate in this thread. You were a legend zyzz brah, r.i.p mate
If you don't like someone you just don't give a f*** about them and have nothing to do with them, but here you are making countless posts b1tching and whining about him in a 40 page thread...Strong obsession.
Also I joined this forum to learn about anAb0liCs, then saw this thread and decided to say r.i.p and lol @ all the people jumping on the hate bandwagon.
new zyzz tribute videooooo
Zyzz was spotted chanting to the gods to take him home
i am miring
shol'va careful with posting things like that, you could come off highly offensive to other members from UK/IRE
Yeah your probably right on. My apologies to anyone who was offended. Sometimes me keyboard goes faster than me pea brain. Being American in America and Isolated pretty much from everything non American related we don't realize how some issues are still very touchy. Isn't that chapter over or is it still very much a touchy subject?
Last edited by Shol'va; 09-17-2011 at 10:46 PM.
LMFAO at the tags on this thread
holy crap...someone tell the toolbag whom this thread is about, that you dont have to act like an idiot cuz you put 25lbs on an ectomorph frame and got spray tanned. we have a place for that. its called the "night show of the bb'ing competitions."
I cant believe this thread is still going, i took like a 4 month break from the forums and its still goin strong!
Obsession... No Longer By Calvin Klein.....
oh internet
It's not Zed Y Zed Zed, it's not Zizz, It's fackin ZEEEEEZ Brah!!
Known For: Aesthetics, Troll, Motivation
He is known for trolling, being "Aesthetic", and his way of life.
Zyzz, as stated many times by him, was a persona that was acted for the Lulz.
Although his persona was an act, people from all over the world admired his way of life; they named it the "Zyzz Ideology" or "Zyzzology".
The National Roadtrip
He wasy in some crappy reality show called National Roadtrip. (Note that he is only interesting person on it)
Rise to fame
After his first video was uploaded, users of 4chan and Misc took notice of him because of his use of Internet Memes and his perfectly proportional body, which he elected to deface with tattoos.
Internet users started quoting Zyzz IRL, "Come at me bro", "U mad", and so on. So it was spread like the plague.
The epidemic got out of control and thousands of people looked up to him as a God. He gained great power and recognition for trolling and being motivational for bodybuilders.
Current status
On August 11, 2011, Zyzz died of a heart defect at the age of 22.
His die-hard fanbase continues to grow to this day. Here's a perfect example:
As long as I'm breathing, Zyzz will be heralded as a king. Here's why:
1. He's better looking than you. Don't try to deny it, you'll end up looking like an idiot.
2. He has charisma and charm. Women love him and fight for his attention.
3. He f*cks loads of hot bitches. And not like 9.5's and 9.7's. He only f*cks 10/10 hot chicks.
4. He has an IQ of 143. That's right, he's a genius with the body of a God, pretty cool huh?
5. He can make women orgasm just by flexing. This has been proven on many occasions.
6. Did I mention he's better than you in every measurable way?
Yeah, Zyzz is f*cking awesome, it's true and it's scientific fact. He is literally the closest thing to perfection the human species has ever produced. I feel privileged to be alive at the same time as him. I wish I was a woman so I could offer myself to him to f*cking then discard like a plaything.
Zyzz deserves boatloads of the best looking women from around the world shipped to him so he can pick and choose between them. Every single human male should be castrated because there is no need for any other male to breed. Anything not coming from the loins of Zyzz is just INFERIOR and SPOILED and USELESS. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror, look at every flaw on my face and body, and it's then I realize how utterly flawless HE is. He is the epitome of aesthetic, he is the textbook definition of perfection. Zyzz is amazing and I would do anything for him, I would KILL YOU without hesitation if he asked me to. Who am I to go against the will of a divine being?
YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO HIM. NEITHER AM I. You should learn your place, weakling.
Haters gonna hate!
Zyzz Zyzz
Famous Quote
Come At Me Bro
U jelly?
U Mirin' my aesthetics son?
U mad (insert pause here) brah?
Zyzz, son of Zeus
You seem preturbed
He took steroids
He takes party pills
He is a Hedonist
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