whats the highest t3 dosage anyone has used? i've been at 120mcg/ed for a few weeks now and no difference.![]()
whats the highest t3 dosage anyone has used? i've been at 120mcg/ed for a few weeks now and no difference.![]()
Have you adjusted your diet to a caloric deficit? What are your stats?
Semms excessive. Shouldnt need to go over 100mcg ever, I get significant results cutting at 50-75mcg. What t3 are you using and as posted above, diet + stats?
not really...i lost alot on clen but couldnt stand the sides so i stopped but was on a worse diet. ive been reading in the diet section and have cleaned up my diet. im also in week 4 of sus 250 750/wk and have been increasing my cals slowly but was hoping t3 would help w/bf%...im maybe 20-25%. i do a little cardio but i work construction so im not lacking in physical activity.if 120mcg is the max then it must not effect me so well with a slight bulk diet? im 6'3" ,270lbs, 43yrs...
Are you sure your not loosing fat and just have a lot of water retention? How many cycles have you ran in the past?
EDIT: 20-25% BF is high to cycle imo
your 20-25 % bf and running a bulk diet and wondering why your not loosing bf. Seriously.
Also your running 750mgs of test.
your old enough to know better. you have a recipe for dissaster
this is my third cycle, 20-25% is probably an over statment ive lost fat and gained alot of muscle ! i dont really know where im at percentage wise but my shoulders ,chest and arms are huge ...legs are ok but i have some extra fat in my mid section and obviously not cut but i ran sus @ 500/wk last two cycles at higher bf and have improved each time so im not worried about that .my bulk diet is slowly being added as the test kicks in but my concern is that maybe all the oatmeal (half cup raw morn. ) brn rice three times a day are too many carbs. oh and yes i do know better but what fun is that! so 120 is plenty??? thanks brothers
i guess i was under the impression that t3 would waste fat and muscle so you needed to be trying to bulk while on test not cut while on test to keep muscle. thanks bros G.
alright so i have dropped down to 100 mcg and changed my diet to more of a cutting diet, and in two days ive noticed a difference in clothes and a couple lbs on the scale ! i'll spend some more time in diet obviously to dial in everything!
gixxer... didnt mean to sound like an arse in my response! the gear i have im fairly well informed is a bit underdosed , thats the reason for 750/wk . otherwise i agree with your statement.
thanks brothers i appreciate you guys straitening me out !!! G.
2 for 1
Last edited by gunnery; 09-15-2011 at 07:44 PM. Reason: double down
Here's the most important thing you need to know...YOU'RE BULKING!
So stop worrying about everything else, and bulk!
This is not to say one can't or even shouldn't change goal orientation, that's completely up to you. But you HAVE to be goal oriented...focus on one thing at time!
"Its bad when one thing becomes two..."
– Yamamoto Tsunetomo (Hagakure, The Book of the Samurai)
Best to you.
Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan
My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).
Difference between Drugs & Poisons
Half-lives explained
DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS
im using 40mcg atm and its working well
more doesnt mean more results
1. i WAS adding cals to the diet as the test kicks in.
2. i was hoping that would keep fat down while i was adding muscle.
3. ive decided to try and add lbm instead of all out bulking.
4.i was curious because i noticed my jeans were a little loose, im sure ill see it go up soon enough!
5.my diet is fairly clean now but after dumping some cals (mostly carbs) i was loosing, so when test kicks in a week or two id like to have my diet figured out so as to not put on unnecessary fat!
somewhat experimental at this point , hope that answers your questions magic...nice quote btw. thanks
thanks tgunz i guess i just have to figure out what works for me. im starting to loose intrest in t3 anyway and i need to focus on diet
Sounds like your T3 is shit.
120mcg should have you sweating buckets and about to die of heatstroke working construction.
I ran 130 mcg of likely underdosed liquid T3 and would be drenched in sweat, dripping everywhere after 2 minutes on the stairmaster.
And this was at ~10% BF.
well i was hot as hell and sweating alot but thats not uncommon...its from ar-r they have always done me right so far!?
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