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Thread: Too soon for next cycle?

  1. #1

    Too soon for next cycle?

    Hi my stats are 15% bf, im 21 years old, and i am 189lbs, i recently did an anavar only cycle which ended about 4 weeks ago, like an idiot though i did it when i was 23% bf i still managed to loose 5% with the var but i should when i look back i feel like i should have waited. After the cycle i decided to run clen and t3 for 4 weeks to see if i can lose any more fat which i did manage to lose another 3% but i also managed to lose about half the gains from the var. I just finished that cycle. Anyway i was planning on doing another cycle soon and i was wondering how soon can i do it? i was planning on doing a tren, var, and clen stack starting in about 3 weeks and have it last about 8 weeks. Do you guys recommend me starting it that soon? or should i wait at least a couple months? Thank you
    ps. again i know im an idiot for doing the var at 23% bf lol

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    To be really honest with you, you have no idea how to design a cycle, you have no idea what these compounds can do to you and you really need to stop thinking steroids are the answer. You also to young and by shutting down your natural test you can cause yourself problems what you wished you never had at your age. Sort your diet and training programme out that's all you need for the next few yrs.

  3. #3
    Not 2 b rude bro , but this sounds like a troll really
    U did anavar only ? And went on t3 and Clen ? oMg I think Iam gonna sleep now
    Srs ,

    Bro get urself together do more research know how this stuff works , not 2 do and how to do , u will be benefited and get gd knowledge for future

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