Alright I'm going to try to keep this updated , don't know how successful I will be , but here goes.
255 ( currently)
Second cycle
First was Deca,Prop, Winny
around 10-12 % body fat
Cycle started 8-18-03 as following:
Weeks 1-4 - Prop = 100 mg/ED
Weeks 1-14 - EQ = 500 mg/wk - Mon/Thurs
Weeks 1-15 - Test E = 600 mg/wk - Mon/Thurs
Weeks 10-17 - Tren = 75 mg/ED
Weeks 12-17 - Anavar = 40 mg/ED
Weeks 1-21 - L-dex = .5 mg/EOD
Weeks 1-21 - Nolvadex = 10 mg/ED
Weeks 18-21 - Clomid - Normal PCT
Hcg will be administered starting around week 7 or 8, will go 500 i.u.'s
every Mon. & Tues. , all the way up to 1 week before Clomid
Weeks 11-14 = T3 - Fast ramp up, slow ramp down,
Weeks 11,12 - 15,16 - 19,20 - 23,24- Clen ramping up to 120 to 160
mcg's, run ECA in between clen