Found this table the other day, thought it was pretty interesting....
Looks like Anavar and HGH are the best.....
Any thoughts????
EDITED: See the table in my reply below. (5 posts down)
Found this table the other day, thought it was pretty interesting....
Looks like Anavar and HGH are the best.....
Any thoughts????
EDITED: See the table in my reply below. (5 posts down)
Last edited by Rookiejay; 08-20-2003 at 07:23 PM.
Might want to delete that as it contains a link on "how to order" on the left side of the page.
I think they mean "how to order steroid alternatives" - they sell suppliments and stuff like thatOriginally Posted by KeyMastur
actually, you might be right.......
good info, though.....
Do you think I should delete it?
MODs - if you think it's not an approptiate link - feel free to delete it.
Last edited by Rookiejay; 08-20-2003 at 10:53 AM.
Originally Posted by Rookiejay
When I go to that link, I get a pop up everytime on how to buy steroids....
Here we go: Here's the table
Last edited by Rookiejay; 08-20-2003 at 04:17 PM.
I agree with some of those but man do they make fina sound awesome!! I never heard of the mass and weight gain on fina being soooo good...drols right on though.
oops, missed a couple more parts
that's the last one
How is halo a 4.5 for strength gains? And why does Test Cyp rank higher than test enanthate? It's the same drug.
I would have thought that the "test"s would have ranked higher.
I wonder when that chart came out. It's gotta be at least 5 years old because I've seen that chart ever since I started my "research".
Not being funny be have something very similiar here at AR. Only it uses * instead of numbers!
The table originally came from under the heading 'steroid ranking system'. Hope this helps!
I find it interesting that they score ephedrine as a more effective fat burner than clen...
It's bullshit...hell they didn't even spell growth right on the hgh column.
It would be hard to say if that's where it originated from because I've seen the same chart on about a hundred sites.Originally Posted by Bigun
I disagree w/ a lot of those stats, especially everything under test PROP
no joke, this chart has been around forever!i originally saw it on some site like"dave's steroid page"god knows where that person got it from?but this was like fucking 98 when i was researching stuff.i also love how anything w/ Elite in it has a price tag on it.more so i love the ebook offers that are good until midnight each night that you sign on to anything they have going.shameful
Anyone from here want to get together and make a better chart that we can display here? Maybe send a list out to all the vets and mods to have them rank everything and then post a final chart as the average rankings among AR's most experienced people?
Originally Posted by scottp999
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