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Thread: Needing a touch up on some info.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    concord nc

    Needing a touch up on some info.

    Alright so I'm not new to lifting but its been a few months and I've lost a bit of size and muscle and looking for some tips and info to get my body back to where it was.

    So I just have a few questions, to bulk up is it your body weight X 18 = the number of calories your suppose to intake?

    Also how do you avoid the multiple day soreness when you first start working out again? To solve that problem is it mainly a diet issue or is it because of the lactic acid build up or what?

    And as far as training I use to train 6 days a week but I dont see that happening if I'm going to be sore all the time, so what I'm asking here is how many days a week should I start training or is it going to be a listen to the body and go off that kinda ordeal?

    also if I put this thread in the wrong area sorry I thought for 5mins and couldn't decide where to put it. But thanks in advance for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Houston, TX
    here you go.

    Quote Originally Posted by 9za4ck4 View Post
    Alright so I'm not new to lifting but its been a few months and I've lost a bit of size and muscle and looking for some tips and info to get my body back to where it was.

    So I just have a few questions, to bulk up is it your body weight X 18 = the number of calories your suppose to intake? I am not sure of the exact calculation but you can google BMR calculator and it will give you body weight/ age based cal needs.

    Also how do you avoid the multiple day soreness when you first start working out again? To solve that problem is it mainly a diet issue or is it because of the lactic acid build up or what? Its not diet, soreness is usually caused by lactic acid, not much you can do about it that I know of. I still get sore when I change up my routine and I have been lifting for years. Extra sleep seems to help some but its not really avoidable imo.

    And as far as training I use to train 6 days a week but I dont see that happening if I'm going to be sore all the time, so what I'm asking here is how many days a week should I start training or is it going to be a listen to the body and go off that kinda ordeal? For lifting I only do each body part once per week. So I train 6 days even if I am sore. If your lifting each body part more than once per week then you should go light on the second time around that week, just enough to work the soreness out imo.

    also if I put this thread in the wrong area sorry I thought for 5mins and couldn't decide where to put it. But thanks in advance for the help.
    Last edited by im83931; 10-20-2011 at 12:08 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    When I go back to lifting I do a lot of pyramid up sets. So lets say my shoulder press is 205 for 8 I will start with 100 x 10 reps, 130 x 15 reps, then start doing just 3 reps as I get close to what I want to do a set of. I also do a lot of stretches. Another thing, if you watch pros lift a lot of them whip the weight up i.e. watch them do dumbbell curls really heavy. Also will see them cheat form i.e. see pics of Arnie standing preacher curl ridiculously heavy weight. I never cheat when coming back from a break, I use slow strict form. I do believe in cheating once your body adapts, but this is specific to your body and the exercise. There are some exercises I will never cheat at because of the risk of injury. Others it feels right to cheat to allow me to go heavy, especially after my body plateaus. Like you said listen to your body and use controlled form.

    You may need to invest in some motivational music or videos. I can't speak for you, but if I made a thread like this, which I could see myself doing maybe at times, it would mean I am looking for excuses. The gym should feel like your second home. You should want to be there. If you have ever seen someone at work at a job you hated and they were totally into it, and meanwhile you are shaking your head saying why is this guy so into this shit job, you have to be that guy when it comes to lifting weights. If that makes any sense.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    concord nc
    Thanks for the info guys, and cherrydrpepper I kinda get what your saying in your second part except for the making excuses, me personally I cant wait to get back into the gym I just know my body isn't what it was before I had to stop lifting, so like I said was just looking for a bit of info because if I had it my way I'd just jump right back into it like I never left the gym. So what I'm trying to say is instead of me going back at it like I never left seemed like a bad idea so I was trying to figure out how I should ease back into it all if that makes sense.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place
    It really helps to have a workout partner to get and keep you motivated. Something I'm needing to find.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    concord nc
    Yeah I just picked up a job at a gym so finding a workout partner shouldn't be hard lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    It really helps to have a workout partner to get and keep you motivated. Something I'm needing to find.
    I need one too and also for after workout massages for the soreness

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I need one too and also for after workout massages for the soreness
    Yeah it would be nice to afford a legit massage after every gym workout. I know some do. They are the lucky ones, but then they also have their own personal trainers.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I need one too and also for after workout massages for the soreness
    Another reason I plan on retiring in the Philippines. A GOOD 1hr massage with steam bath or Jacuzzi before and after if you want also with tea before and after is $7-$10 US

    A buddy of mine who lives there has massage therapist come to his house at least 4x a week to give him and the wife 1hr massage also only paying $7 an hour. I'm not talking about any funny business. These girls are 100% and when they are done you feel like you got worked over by a 300lb gorilla. LOL Really I had no idea someone so small and petite could put so much pressure on you and make you hurt in a good way.

    Working out is the same as massage in one aspect, drink plenty of water or you will pay for it later. That's another reason most people get sore and have cramps, not enough water.

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