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So, do you think I should run 2 shorter cycles, and switch to injectables? I'm worried about the gyno flare I had, so that scratches deca and tren for cutting. Also the balding thing, so the harsher DHT derived ones are kinda sketchy for me, so no mast and such. Dunno what that really leaves other than anavar for cutting, which is pretty weak on the liver, doesn't aromatize, and shouldn't put too much of a strain on the hair.
My pct would be similar to the last time I did it, but with clomid as well. So aromasin, nolvadex and clomid. Planned on running arimidex throughout the cycle as well. As for protecting my liver... I was just going to stop drinking during that time. I figured the adrol was only for 3 weeks, and the anavar wasn't very liver toxic. Maybe some milk thistle?
If I did decide to go the unconventional route with the bulk -> cut in one cycle, do you think the adrol gains would be lost during the cut? Even if I am still on test+anavar and go straight back into bulking during/after PCT? I thought it was a solid bet for solidifying my gains during the bulk.
Also @ Jerseystepup: 195 is huge at that height man, haha. At least it would be where I am, maybe you're used to hanging around bigger dudes in general, so it doesn't seem like that much. I go to an engineering-based college. People would be like wtfmayne.jpeg, lots of skinny dudes. People already comment on how big I am now at 200... which is why I don't want to devote an entire cycle to bulking and end up 230.