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Thread: please advise...1st cycle help?

  1. #1

    please advise...1st cycle help?

    hello i would like any and all input regarding my first cycle that im going to embark on. im 5 11' , 180, been lifting for years, good definition but hard gainer, so diet advice would be great.. i only want to use test p this go around, that being said, i have 8 wks of test p , nolva and letrozole on hand and would like to hear what you think. my questions are...

    1. how much test p per dose?
    2. pin ed or eod?
    3. proper pct and diet advice?
    4. lastly, do i need hcg during , after, or both? and how much?

    i want to do this right so thank you in advance for all of your help...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by antigen11 View Post
    hello i would like any and all input regarding my first cycle that im going to embark on. im 5 11' , 180, been lifting for years, good definition but hard gainer, so diet advice would be great.. i only want to use test p this go around, that being said, i have 8 wks of test p , nolva and letrozole on hand and would like to hear what you think. my questions are...

    1. how much test p per dose?
    2. pin ed or eod?
    3. proper pct and diet advice?
    4. lastly, do i need hcg during , after, or both? and how much?

    i want to do this right so thank you in advance for all of your help...
    First off, what is your stats?
    Body fat%
    Years/time working out 5x a week, real training
    ASS experience
    Diet experience
    Current diet/calorie/protein intake

    As for advice I would say get into the diet section because 5' 11" and 180 is on the light side and you need to work on your diet to gain muscle/size. Diet is 80% of the game if not more.

  3. #3
    Epic first post. We will get back to you when we are done doing all your research.

  4. #4
    im 36 , 5 11', 180, low bodyfat %, been working out for years 5 x a week with cardio, this time i want to see what i can achieve, my diet has always been poor in past by now my diet mainily consists of eggs, whole wheat toast ,lots of chicked , sweet potaytoes, raw almonds , evoo, lean red meat, baked beans ,tuna, occational brown rice and some sort of whole wheat pasta, trying so stay around 1.5 grm of protien per pound... i feel i have the right foods howeve dont really know what to combine, when, and how much.. i believe that im supposed to be around 3600 cal to be gaining however i just have a hard time knowing whats what and how much it is...i could really use a simple diet plan that i can follow.
    Last edited by antigen11; 10-23-2011 at 01:22 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Best place to start is in the diet section but I advise you to do some reading there first and dont just ask anyone to make it up for you. They expect you to do your homework more so than we do here but that being said, we also expect you to learn to read the top sticky post because people have taken a lot of time to write up and answer most of your basic questions with easy to understand instructions. Also true in the diet section.

    Read up on the beginner cycle post as well as PCT advice and you should find enough information to get you understanding how it works so you dont keep asking questions that have been answered 1000s of times and should be better advice and clearer than some of the answers you will get from members who may or may not be experienced.

  6. #6
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    An Linne Rosach

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Training Hardcore Style
    Quote Originally Posted by antigen11 View Post
    hello i would like any and all input regarding my first cycle that im going to embark on. im 5 11' , 180, been lifting for years, good definition but hard gainer, so diet advice would be great.. i only want to use test p this go around, that being said, i have 8 wks of test p , nolva and letrozole on hand and would like to hear what you think. my questions are...

    1. how much test p per dose?
    2. pin ed or eod?
    3. proper pct and diet advice?
    4. lastly, do i need hcg during , after, or both? and how much?

    i want to do this right so thank you in advance for all of your help...
    I read your age and stats. x2 on what everyone said on the diet section... that is always very important. With that said, your age is a great age to start.

    First Test P is a great compound and I really like it. I have never advised anyone or my bros that are beginning to run it on the first go. Pinning that frequently can be a pain in the butt.

    1. you said you had enough for 8 weeks and then you asked how much per dose? How much are you planning on running for 8 weeks? That determines how much per dose. what's the concentration. I have only seen 100mgs per ml on Prop. What do you have?
    2. many pin eod, I like to pin ed on my prop. This also determines how much per dose.
    3. been answered on this thread already. head to diet section and PCT section too much information for each to even try to start on this thread.
    4. HCG can be ran if you want. Do you know how to administer it? Do you know how much you can get? I found it best to run during cycle, but there are many schools of thought on this.

  8. #8
    Thank you lovbyts, xelnaga, scorpion2, and rockinred... i truly apreciate your help. i will read up on the diet section, after all these years im just now understanding just how crucial that is to the big picture. rockinred, the bottles are indeed 100mg/ml. I would most likely prefer an eod pin not quite knowing what to expect yet. i have an ample supply of 22g 1.5 pins, will those do? and I was considering either 400 or 500mgs a week leaning more toward the 500. with regard to the hcg, i feel that ive read quite a bit and you are very right...MANY! diff. opinions out there. Ive even read that hcg isnt neccessary for a test cycle lasting less than 6 weeks..? either way, ide rather keep the cashews inflated during the cycle if its all the same. I can readily get the hcg either in 5k or 10k powders but any advice on how much to take and how best to dilute/mix with regard to ratio would be great too, ive started reading up on that as well....again , many thanks to all of you!

  9. #9
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    Training Hardcore Style

    You will be fine pinning eod. To hit that just run it at 1 ml eod. That would put you at the 400mgs. Well if want more than just do the math.

    If you are going to be pinning eod you will have to rotate your injection sites. 22g 1.5 is probably too big. I would handle that in the glutes, but even then, I run a 23g 1.5 in my glutes and I usually run a 25g 1inch pin for my quads, shoulders, and chest. I think the 22g would be a little to big for me and the 1.5 is probably too long for shoulders and chest even though you want to get it in their dep. Just my opinion. I know guys who run even smaller than a 25g on the oils. At that point it is a little hard for me to inject because of the thickness of the oils.

    on the HCG, 5k mixed in with a 10ml bac water will put your concentration at 500iu per ml. Once you mix the hcg you will want to put it in the fridge. I would split the 1ml 500iu at least twice per week. So, 2 injections at .5 ml per week will keep the boys hanging. you can go intramuscular or sub q. Sub q would be loading a slin pin usually. watch for water bloat on the hcg too.

    Good luck bro and keep on reading. Have a good time lifting and be safe with the anabolics.

  10. #10
    hey rockinred / others, my initial post was to get advice on how to conduct my first full cycle however at this point i need to mention that i recently attempted one without success... due to a great job opportunity and paranoia over drug screen i stopped the test p only cycle less than 3 weeks in. i was pinning eod 400mg week. i took nolva pct for 14 days and now sex drive is non-existant and libido crashed. sex drive pre and during cycle was great. its now been about 4 weeks or so since last test injection. i had hcg on hand but was told it was not neccessary since the cycle was so short and it was test p only... i was also told by another person to start taking the hcg as of a week ago 2x a week so i did , but dont feel confident that i should? i also have letrozole on hand as well...any advice as to what to do at this point is much appreciated ...bloodwork isnt really accessable for me either..

  11. #11
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    Jan 2010
    do you still have Nolva on hand ?

  12. #12
    i do... was 14 days not long enough? its been about that long since i stopped taking it.. what do you recommend about the hcg? take it? dont take it at this point?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Training Hardcore Style
    Quote Originally Posted by antigen11 View Post
    i do... was 14 days not long enough? its been about that long since i stopped taking it.. what do you recommend about the hcg? take it? dont take it at this point?
    Run the nolva for about 2 more weeks. Or if necessary until you start feeling better. Could be 3. After that just give yourself a little bit of time. You werent shut down too hard and will rebound back. No need to worry to hard. Hold off on the HCG too. 3 weeks isn't too bad brother.

  14. #14
    ok will do... thanks a million guys!

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