Would like help on a routine to get more cut. Back in March I started hitting the gym pretty regular. Doing cardio atleast 5 times a week, also did flat bench, squats, and deadlifts about every 4 days. My goal was to shred alot of fat and keep body tone and strength. I'm 5'7 and went from 210lbs down to 160lbs. Yes I was pretty fat and out of shape. Now for the last 12-14 weeks I've been doing mostly lifting, and started on trt through my physician. I've been doing chest, shoulders, back, and bi & tris. Trying to hit each body part atleast once a week, if not 5 or 6 days. I've been going heavy as possible with good form for 4 to 8 reps with 3 or 4 sets. Now I'm up to 175lbs, but I fill like ive hit a wall last week or so. I some tips on whats best to get more cut and defined. Reps, sets, frequency, etc.