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Thread: Please check out my ridiculous pics and give me advice PLEASE

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Angry Please check out my ridiculous pics and give me advice PLEASE

    Please be patient and read what I have to say before giving me any advice.

    As you can see from my face in the picture, I am very DISTRESSED. I've been busting my ass in the gym for over 2 years, and have nothing to show for it. What's worse is I had a bodyfat test done and the results came out a wopping 26.5% bodyfat (I couldn't beleive it, so basically if I lose the bodyfat, I will just be the 154lb skinny cunt I was 2 years ago before I began lifting. As soon as I saw the pictures, I have never been more depressed in my whole life. I've decided to fork out some money and hire a personal trainer because I must be doing something wrong!

    All the dbols, testosterones and decas have just made me look like a fat monster!
    For 2 years I have never done cardio, because I was trying to bulk up by using 3 sets with heavy weights. BUT LOOK WHAT IVE GOT TO SHOW FOR IT.

    What bothers me is my diet has nearly always been clean, but I take the antidepressant anafranil which has a bad side effect (gaining weight). I'm not sure however if that is where the problem is. WHERE DID ALL THIS FAT COME FROM?

    I have no cuts, no definition whatsoever except from when I'm pumped up after an intense gym ssession. I can't beleive that my chest doesn't even show when I'm not pumped up!!!!!!!

    Anyway my stats at the moment are 5ft 11" 26.5%bodyfat, and 209lbs.

    I need all of your expert advice. Please comment on my ridiculous body and tell me what options I have at my disposal

    Discrace me if you want, after all I deserve it. I love bodybuilding though and I don't intent to stop!

    (BTW in the second picture I am not tensing just relaxed)
    Last edited by Toenail Juice Z; 12-11-2001 at 08:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Hey bro.

    Well first, stop taking those antidepressants. Then work on your diet (work it well). Diet is the key. What's your diet like, so we could help you out.

    In gym. Start doing 12 reps in your workouts with 30sec rest between sets and 60sec rest between exercises.

    Work on you mood. So, you're happy and have a goal that you really want to accomplish.

    Train hard, eat well and you will be fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    thers no way that your bf is 26% and are you sure that the gear was real. what are your lifts bench ect

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by GenuinePL
    Hey bro.

    Well first, stop taking those antidepressants. Then work on your diet (work it well). Diet is the key. What's your diet like, so we could help you out.

    In gym. Start doing 12 reps in your workouts with 30sec rest between sets and 60sec rest between exercises.

    Work on you mood. So, you're happy and have a goal that you really want to accomplish.

    Train hard, eat well and you will be fine.

    Cheers for the reply, my diet is as follows:

    Morning - A bowl of cornflakes and a weight gain drink

    Snack1: Tuna fish, milk & some fruit

    Afternoon: Whatever food there is. (It's never fattening though)

    Snack 2: Tuna fish or a T-Bone steak or a chicken breast

    Snack 3: (Post workout): Twinlabs super mass weight gainer

    Evening: Tuna Fish and an weight gain drink.

    That's it!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Originally posted by block
    thers no way that your bf is 26% and are you sure that the gear was real. what are your lifts bench ect
    The gear was real alright, because I was constantly gaining weight, especially during the first 4 weeks taking 40mg's of D-Bol

    It's embarassing to say it, but this is actually my 4th cycle. I am now on week four of 750mg Primoteston (Test Enanthate)/week and 400mg Deca/week. I've just finished 4 week 40mg/day dbol cycle however.

    My body gets heavier, but it doesn't look any better

    Perhaps I should start some cardio for the first time.
    Last edited by Toenail Juice Z; 12-11-2001 at 09:45 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    shit when I first started weight lifting I could only bench 115 and 4 for years later its gone up 200lbs and that with a bad deit you know drinking eating crap for food all you have to do is lift untill you cant move make your self get great burns I promise if you eat half way good food and lift hard you will see a difference within 2 months.
    lift 5 times a week and do cardio on the wk ends

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Originally posted by Toenail Juice Z

    Cheers for the reply, my diet is as follows:

    Morning - A bowl of cornflakes and a weight gain drink

    Snack1: Tuna fish, milk & some fruit

    Afternoon: Whatever food there is. (It's never fattening though)

    Snack 2: Tuna fish or a T-Bone steak or a chicken breast

    Snack 3: (Post workout): Twinlabs super mass weight gainer

    Evening: Tuna Fish and an weight gain drink.

    That's it!
    Hey bro, your diet it's not really good.
    First stop taking the damn weight gainer. Instead take whey protein.
    You got to get more food warity there, you have to much powder shit in there. trust.
    Get more real food with lots of protein in it.
    I'll try to work something out

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by block
    thers no way that your bf is 26% and are you sure that the gear was real. what are your lifts bench ect
    I had my bodyfat measured by a professional trainer, with those new style calipers that have a guage on them.

    I never do barbell bench press, I much prefer using dumbels .

    Well for the first set I lift 75lbs (in each hand) for about 6-10 reps (basically until failure),
    for the second set I use 65lbs dumbells and pull out a couple more reps.
    for the 3rd set I usually use 65lbs dumbells again and try to train to failure.

    Are my lifts satisfactory?

    For biceps I do 3 sets of standing barbell curls. I begin with 90lbs e-z bar, then I drop the weight to 80lbs, and then finally for the third set I drop the weight to 70lbs or 60lbs depending how I feel.

    I usually workout in this manner and always do 3 different exercises for the same muscle group (with the same number of sets (3).

    I hope this helps you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by GenuinePL
    Hey bro.

    Well first, stop taking those antidepressants. Then work on your diet (work it well). Diet is the key. What's your diet like, so we could help you out.

    Unfortinately I cannot stop taking the antidepressants because I suffer from an anxiety disorder and extreme nervousness.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by block
    shit when I first started weight lifting I could only bench 115 and 4 for years later its gone up 200lbs and that with a bad deit you know drinking eating crap for food all you have to do is lift untill you cant move make your self get great burns I promise if you eat half way good food and lift hard you will see a difference within 2 months.
    lift 5 times a week and do cardio on the wk ends
    So are my lifts quite good?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Here is a diet that I just made up. Try it. try it hard.

    Meal 1
    2 cups Oats
    1 cup Skim Milk
    Protein Shake

    Meal 2
    2 Tuna Sandwiches (Rye Bread)
    2 non-fat yogurts

    Meal 3
    10 Oz Chicken
    Cup Cottage Cheese (Fat Free)
    2 Sweet Potatoes

    Meal 4
    Protein shake
    Fruits (real)

    10oz steak or chicken
    Veggies (salad w/ fat free dressing)
    1 cup Skim Milk
    Pasta (not to much)

    Meal 6
    1 Cup Cottage Cheese or Oats
    Protein shake

    About those antidepressants. You got to figure something out because they will make you feel like shit. I don't know what are you going to do but you got to get yourself in better mood and believe in yourself.

    As far as the gym part. You have been training for 2 years and do only 75 on dumbells. When I was training for about a year I was doing 70x8, 75x8, 85x8. So you are doing something wrong. You have to train Hard really hard and eat well, also get good rest.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: 4 cycles is a shitload

    Originally posted by 47john
    for someone who has trained for only 2 years . thats most likely the problem . train+diet till you cant gain anymore then look for help from juice . also whats your post cycle look like ? if you are crashing post cycle you could have lost the muscle each time and kept the fat cuz you arent doin anything to burn it off .
    No, I always make sure I take Clomid and HCG a few weeks after my cycle to bring my natural testosterone back.

    But you are right about the fat. I never ever do cardio, and maybe that's where the problem is.

    BUT! an experienced trainer told me if your trying to bulk up then forget cardio. When you are satidfied with your current mass then is the time to burn the fat off. Don't you agree?
    Even though I am rather heavy, i'm not at all content with the current mass I have at the moment. My biceps cold are a mere 15.5 inches!!!!

    I always thought that the heavy duty routine that the deceased Mike Mentzer used to advocate was the best choice (Train with maximum intensity and leave the gym under an hour).

    Perhaps I should concentrate on lighter weights and use better form, maybe this approach would work for me.

    But I always thought that the heavier you lift, the larger the muscle will grow.

    What is your opinion on this?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    as long as your always gaining your lifts are not that bad

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Here you go bro.
    Try to do the diet that I gave you.
    Don't do gear yet. Forget about it.

    Remeber on reps:
    4 reps for power
    8 reps for mass
    12 reps for definition

    So lower your weight and do 12 reps on your sets. (Adjust weight so on the last 2 it fucken burns and you have to push yourself to the max) Always start with lower weight and then go higher within sets

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    To tell you fellow bros whom which I deeply appreciate your advice, I once did cardio (1 time only), on the running track for about 15 minutes. When it was over and I stepped off the machine, I got so dizzy I thought I was gonna die.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    United States of America
    cardio 4 times a week 15-20 min

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'm going to make this easy. Stop the juice. Then...


    mon - legs
    tues - chest
    wed - back
    thru - shoulders
    fri - arms
    sat/sun - off

    do cardio at least 4X a week.

    Diet - Daily get...3500 cals, 300 grams of protien

    Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

    Supplements: Glutemine, multivitimin

    The juice isn't going to help you until you have all the basics down and a solid base to work with.

    Good Luck.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by GenuinePL
    Here is a diet that I just made up. Try it. try it hard.

    Meal 1
    2 cups Oats
    1 cup Skim Milk
    Protein Shake

    Meal 2
    2 Tuna Sandwiches (Rye Bread)
    2 non-fat yogurts

    Meal 3
    10 Oz Chicken
    Cup Cottage Cheese (Fat Free)
    2 Sweet Potatoes

    Meal 4
    Protein shake
    Fruits (real)

    10oz steak or chicken
    Veggies (salad w/ fat free dressing)
    1 cup Skim Milk
    Pasta (not to much)

    Meal 6
    1 Cup Cottage Cheese or Oats
    Protein shake

    GENUINE YOU'VE CONVINCED ME. I will follow this diet as well as your training routine and post my picture in a couple of months. You seem know your stuff. The only problem is is being able to falk out enough cash for the damn shopping bill.

    That's it...........I'm getting a second job today!
    BTW, do you have any pictures posted?

    I'de also like Nimrod25 to give me some advice, he has an excellent body and knows his shit like no other. (Where are you Nimrod?)
    Last edited by Toenail Juice Z; 12-11-2001 at 09:20 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Originally posted by arthurb999
    I'm going to make this easy. Stop the juice. Then...


    mon - legs
    tues - chest
    wed - back
    thru - shoulders
    fri - arms
    sat/sun - off

    do cardio at least 4X a week.

    Diet - Daily get...3500 cals, 300 grams of protien

    Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

    Supplements: Glutemine, multiviti

    The juice isn't going to help you until you have all the basics down and a solid base to work with.

    Good Luck.
    Yes but how on earth am I gonna get enough calories when everyone is telling me to dump the weight gainers and buy pure protein instead?

    Also about the juice. I heared that on average a roid free weight gainer can only gain about 5lbs in a whole year. By using juice I could gain this weight in a week though?
    Last edited by Toenail Juice Z; 12-11-2001 at 09:25 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    United States of America
    This diet could be adjusted, but i gave you basics so you could work with it and know what to eat.

    When I was on a diet like that (300g protein, 3500 cal) and trained hard I gained 30 lbs in 4 months and BF went down from 15 to 10 %. It's all up to you and you courage. You have to have the will to do it and believe in yourself. I also took creatine 5g/day, glutamine 20g/day, multivitamins.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    United States of America

    Re: cheap and easy sources of protein

    Originally posted by 47john
    egg whites , hard boiled make a bunch and eat them all the time eggs have the best amino acid profile
    lean meats like sliced turkey
    Good call John.
    Bro you could use those in your diet

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: ya you are right

    Originally posted by 47john
    do you have access to some b-ball ? [/B]
    Of course I have access to dianabol, I live in europe and have access to any anabolic steroid.

    But I will not help anyone to find any or source post because I think it's wrong and it goes against the rules of the board.

    Sorry Bro

    That's a strange question however, I have never heard of someone that doesn't have access to D-Bol.

    I've tried Bulgarian Bionabol, as well as the Russian D-Bols.

    I'm never gonna use it again however cause I don't think it's worth it.
    1) Because most of the gains made are basically water
    2) It is very toxic to the liver.

    I would always opt for test, anavar, primobolan, or even deca.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by GenuinePL
    Hey bro.

    In gym. Start doing 12 reps in your workouts with 30sec rest between sets and 60sec rest between exercises.

    Yes but if I start doing 12 reps I will have to lower the weight substantially.

    I usually do 6-8 reps with as heavy a weight I can handle. (I thought this was the best method to gain mass)

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    United States of America
    Originally posted by Toenail Juice Z

    Yes but if I start doing 12 reps I will have to lower the weight substantially.

    I usually do 6-8 reps with as heavy a weight I can handle. (I thought this was the best method to gain mass)
    Right now I think your major concern is cutting, when you are cutting you still will gain muscule but you got to loose that fat. Don't you.


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    but i want to say to toenail : that you should have some serious reservations about your trainer . how the fuck you got to a point where you understand more about steroids than diet and training , while being under the guidance of someone who is getting paid to help you achieve these goals is mind-boggling . seriously , this is weird . you should read a lot on this board and maybe consider a different trainer . i hope he wasn't the one selling you the steroids . just because someone looks great doesn't always mean he/she will always have your best interest at heart especially when $ is involved . i'd go ahead and finish this cycle but after that id go at least a year of serious training and diet . for me diet is the hardest part , i love to workout and do physical stuff but this diet is a real challenge cuz i love sugar and sweet stuff .

    No John he wasn't the one who sold me the steroids. He's one of the best trainers in the country & he has that muscular lean look, not that discusting roid bellied bloated moon face steroid look

    Seriously thought up until now, I though I knew about diet and training. Perhaps I was wrong all along. This is my theory:

    Basically I tried to follow these rules:

    1) Eat 1-2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight
    2) Try to consume a minimum of 4000 calories if you are trying to bulk up so that your protein will not go to waste for your energy needs
    3) Eat every 2-3 hours to keep your body in a continuously positive nitrogen balance
    4) Try to eat 6 meals a day rather than 3
    5) drink gallons of water.
    6) Avoid fattening foods
    7) Consume a high glycemic drink straight after a workout to replendish the lost glycogen stores from intense training.
    8) 30-60 minutes after training you should consume protein.
    9) The morning is the best time to stock up on protein because during sleep your body shifts to a negative nitrogen balance which means you are not building muscle

    I can go on and on for ever, but I think ile just leave it at that.

    Now for training.

    I preferred training one bodypart 5 times a week leaving the weekends off so as to maximize muscular hypertrophy and not overtrain a bodypart. (Your muscles grow when you rest and not when you train)

    I also beleived that Mike Mentzers heavy duty training was the best for gaining mass. Basically do 3-4 sets for each exercise to failure and train with so much intensity (& heavy weights) that it would be impossible to stay in the gym for over an hour. (BTW Dorian Yates used Mike Mentzers theries)

    On the other hand Arnolds theory was to do 25-30 sets for each bodypart and spend hours in the gym. This seems impossible and very tiresome nowadays and I think people opt for the heavy duty. Only if you are shitloads of steroid you have amazing recuperation abilities, and that's why you hear many top pros train for 3-4 hours a day
    Last edited by Toenail Juice Z; 12-11-2001 at 10:22 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    United States of America
    Those are the basic. Now you got the diet, get yourself straight to what you want.

    I'm a little confiused. Are you trying to bulk up or cut. Because on beginning you wanted to loose the BF, but now you are talking about bulking up???

  27. #27
    Dudes, is it just me, or does this guy look like the Rock in the face ??

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by GenuinePL
    Those are the basic. Now you got the diet, get yourself straight to what you want.

    I'm a little confiused. Are you trying to bulk up or cut. Because on beginning you wanted to loose the BF, but now you are talking about bulking up???
    This is one of those confusing questions

    I would rather be much bigger and cut at the same time, but I still don't feel I have enough mass to cut. What do you think looking at my pictures. Do you think I should bulk up a bit more, because I'm worried that if I cut up, I will end up looking puny like those models. Ideally I want both size and cuts.

    I wanna look big in clothes. I don't wanna have to take my shirt off just to show cuts and no mass. Do you get what I mean?

    What do you suggest I do?

    (BTW, did you read my previous post where I said I will follow your training and diet routine and then post my picture in a couple of months?)
    Last edited by Toenail Juice Z; 12-11-2001 at 10:32 PM.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    United States of America
    I know what you mean.

    I think that you should cut first, becasue you don't want to gain more fat from bulking up if you stick with 300g of protein and 3500 cal then you're in the middle.

    Even if you're cutting you're still building muscule and getting hard.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by KeyMastur
    Dudes, is it just me, or does this guy look like the Rock in the face ??
    Come again? Whose the rock? I'm from Europe you see.

    No flame intended.
    Last edited by Toenail Juice Z; 12-11-2001 at 11:09 PM.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Wrestler in WWF (World Wrestling Federation)

  32. #32

    if you are syaing

    that your body fat 26% (which is i don`t think its true) than why are you using Twinlabs super mass weight gainer exactly? use some whey man and stop with the gainers! just advanced or isolate whey from prolab or the regular prolab whey fuel!

  33. #33
    The Iron Game Guest
    Hey Toenail, pm me if you get a chance

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: i think

    The advice i got from one of my friends, is 3*30m cardio a week, no running!, running breaks down muscle tissue!, bicicle and walking is good, The reason not to do more cardio is to start small and add more later. I would take juice (low dosage) to keep muscle
    gains, and use a fatburner (Efedrine)

    But this is one of many ways to do it, its up to you to decide!.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    I have to agree with these guys, your diet and training are holding you back. If you follow the general ideas laid out for you you will see results. I also would do cardio, it is the only way to get that BF down. Train until you cry or throw up and if you throw up go back and finish. At the risk of sounding like a prick, Train Hard, most people, (members on the board excluded) say they train hard but might as well be wearing leg warmers and doing video jazzercise! I have not done my first cycle yet however I have done my homework in terms of diet and training while natural and can hang with alot of guys who are loaded on stage and can smoke most of them in the gym (not trying to bost)just letting you know that you need to step it up and be an animal, one of the best things I did was watching Dorians video blood and guts, although I could never match his poundages I made a point to emulate his intensity in the gym. If you do that you will grow and grow and grow.

  36. #36
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    Dec 2001

    Re: Re: Re: i think

    Originally posted by 47john

    lifting breaks down muscle tissue , thats the point isnt it ? also most powerlifters know that in order to gain mass you must exercise the fast twitch muscle tissue also ,

    who wouldn't want to end up with legs like an nfl running back , jamal anderson , ricky williams , terell davis , eddie george , mike alstott . all squat over 600 for reps ,
    Yes it is but, running is one of the most catabolic forms of aerobic excercises, when you're body enters a catabolic state, it breaks down muscle tissue which is not rebuilt!, jogging and fast walking is much better at burning fat, i dont know any! BBs who run to loose fat, they do however walk and sit on a bicycle!.

  37. #37

    this ante stress thin that you

    are on is making you gain fat and loose muscles because its making your testorones levels very low!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: if you are syaing

    Originally posted by hummerboy
    that your body fat 26% (which is i don`t think its true) than why are you using Twinlabs super mass weight gainer exactly? use some whey man and stop with the gainers! just advanced or isolate whey from prolab or the regular prolab whey fuel!
    I use them simply because they are an easy way to consume caloris. Whey protein on the other hand has next to no calories.
    Basically I would have to eat a shit load to get the calories needed. The weight gainers are more convenient and they also contain a lot of protein in them!

    Peace, BTW, your pic look really good

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: this ante stress thin that you

    Originally posted by hummerboy
    are on is making you gain fat and loose muscles because its making your testorones levels very low!
    No I did my research and they have no effect on muscle. They predomanantly act on the brain.

    I'm taking the trycyclic antidepressant Anafranil, the SSRI Luvox/Faverin, and the benzos Xanax & Valium

    The only side effec I get is that when I fuck it takes me over an hour to come

    I also doubt my testosterone levels are low becaue I have a huge sex deive. I jerk off about 3 times a day and fuck my wife once or twice a day. but I will have them checked anyway. (testosterone levels)

    What kind of doctor is needed though?
    Last edited by Toenail Juice Z; 12-12-2001 at 03:05 PM.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: dude i meant basketball

    Originally posted by 47john
    sorry , its just a great way to trim down . and all that running and jumping is great for the legs .
    No I am sorry, I misunderstood b-ball for D-Bol

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