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Thread: Second Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Second Cycle

    Hey guys,

    Haven't been around the site for a while, I have been busy and just training like an animal. Im starting to look into a second cycle and I wanted opinions on whether I should do test cyp - deca or test cyp - tren e. My first cycle was 12 weeks of Test Cyp 500mg and got average results, nothing spectacular. Im 26 and weigh about 205 now.

    I am not too familiar with tren or deca doses, but I was thinking something like this. 12 weeks test cyp at 500mg and deca(or tren) weeks 2-10 (8 weeks) at 200 mg per week

    Opinions appreciated.

    Last edited by J. Cole; 10-15-2012 at 10:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Id leave Tren well alone on a second cycle, i did 400 deca but really high test on a second cycle, killed sex drive though and Tren makes sex drive even worse.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yes I would leave the tren alone.But you dont need to run high test when you run a 19nor thats a myth.Try adding Dbol or even deca would be good.Your diet is everything bro good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    keep your test dose higher than your deca dose if you feel the need to take deca. cycle time should be the same as the test assuming the same esthers. agree with everyone else on the tren.... best to avoid for now.

    first, as a second cycle, I'd still recomend a test only cycle of 500mg cyp/week for 12 weeks.

    how is your diet? got that dialed in?
    routines looking good? running a 4 day split or a 5 week program?

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    R.I.P My friends
    what are you trying to do with this cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Fyi. If its u in the pics. Cover your face bro. Need to protect yourself

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    R.I.P My friends
    ^^^ depends where he lives... cant get in trouble for anabolics use in some countries.

    Like us, we can use, but its illegal to traffic.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    keep your test dose higher than your deca dose if you feel the need to take deca. cycle time should be the same as the test assuming the same esthers. agree with everyone else on the tren.... best to avoid for now.

    first, as a second cycle, I'd still recomend a test only cycle of 500mg cyp/week for 12 weeks.

    how is your diet? got that dialed in?
    routines looking good? running a 4 day split or a 5 week program?

    Good luck!
    I would go again with just test cyp for 12 weeks but I was kind of let down by the results of a test only cycle. I put on under 10 pounds and didnt get the pumps, drive, or anything else I expected from it. I was especially let down because i went even more strict on my diet and training routine than I normally am, which is in my opinion fairly strict to begin with. so this time I want to take the next step. Am always working on improving the diet and routine, but it is dialed in and I am remaining disciplined even off cycle. With that being said, I was planning this cycle for the summer:

    Test Cyp: Weeks 1-12 @ 500 mg/week
    Deca: Weeks 3-10 @ 200 mg/week

    I am under the impression that deca should be started after two weeks of just test and ended two weeks before your test is this correct?

    to answer knockouts question, my goal is to remain as lean as I am like 12-15% bf (more diet than anything) and to throw on about 10 pounds when all is said and done.

    still have a long time before intend to start this, so there is plenty of time to make changes and I appreciate all the help guys thanks


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Start and end them together, start pct 2 weeks after last shots.

  10. #10
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    I would start them together, but end the deca 2 weeks before test to avoid any limpus noodlus. Thats a very mild dose though, I see most guys run that amount for joint relief. I would bump it to 400/wk

    If I could propose something a little different that I think you would really enjoy

    wk 1-12 Test C 600/wk
    wk 1-10 NPP 500/wk

    I tell you this, NPP is a great tool for doing what you mention. None of the bloat of running deca (yes I know you can curb it with diet and other drugs, but why bother), its fairly fast acting where as deca can take around 5 weeks for real gains. Downside is EOD injects

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    I would start them together, but end the deca 2 weeks before test to avoid any limpus noodlus. Thats a very mild dose though, I see most guys run that amount for joint relief. I would bump it to 400/wk

    If I could propose something a little different that I think you would really enjoy

    wk 1-12 Test C 600/wk
    wk 1-10 NPP 500/wk

    I tell you this, NPP is a great tool for doing what you mention. None of the bloat of running deca (yes I know you can curb it with diet and other drugs, but why bother), its fairly fast acting where as deca can take around 5 weeks for real gains. Downside is EOD injects
    Thanks knockout, I have heard great things about NPP but am just not willing to pin every day or every other day. that is why I stay away from the short ester stuff even though I hear great things. with the deca you guys think it is best to bump it up to 400mg? I was thinking 200 was a bit mild. do you think I would get any results with a mild 200mg/ week dose?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by J. Cole View Post
    Thanks knockout, I have heard great things about NPP but am just not willing to pin every day or every other day. that is why I stay away from the short ester stuff even though I hear great things. with the deca you guys think it is best to bump it up to 400mg? I was thinking 200 was a bit mild. do you think I would get any results with a mild 200mg/ week dose?
    I would go 400 deca and 500 test...

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    R.I.P My friends
    minimum 400/wk. this should do well for a first time deca experience

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