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Thread: Anavar 50 mg

  1. #1

    Anavar 50 mg

    Hey guys, finally ready to try some lightweight gear. These are supposely 50 mg Anavar from BD. Ive seen the pics of 10 mg online that look the exact same just with 10 stamped into them. Let me know guys before I start poppin em.

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ID:	119101  

  2. #2
    93 views and not one reponse???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Maybe they saw you were doing an anavar only cycle and decided to save you from yourself

  4. #4
    Lmao!!!! Well I know they're going to hate this. It's a var/winny cycle and I have my reasons for this cycle. Im not touching any of the recommended "every cycle needs test" cycle until I get my gyno situation under control. I'm currently using 12.5 mg of Stane eod just to keep everything in check. I'll check my blood work at the end of the month just to keep myself from using Stane or Letro which it seems that if I stop using it for about two weeks my nips (especially the left one) gets inflamed.

  5. #5
    And thanks anyway

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    So you've already got gyno and your still going to run anavar?

  7. #7
    Well the gyno has subsided to normal but like I said if I dont stay on letro or stane my nips go into action. I have never done a real cycle other than prohormones and that leads me to believe that if I used test it might exacerbate the situation. Its been about three years now since Ive done any of the prohormones. This is why Im trying to take the ass with the least amount of estro conversion as possible. Im 230lbs and 6' at 14%bf. Not really looking to get much bigger at 36 years old. Just trying to tighen up and get a little more pump in the gym. Ill try 50mg var for 4 weeks and stack the 50mg winny at week 5 for a total of 8 weeks. Im gonna stay with the stane eod just to keep everything in check and after week 8 Ill see how long I need to stay on nolva and hopefully my bloodwork can get more balance without the use of stane or letro.

  8. #8
    One more thing.... Since my depart from the prohomones my libido has always been up and down. So Ive been using the OTC penis pills for awhile which I believe has something to do with the gyno kicking in and out. Sounds crazy but I think the tribulus in those pills has to have some ill effect on my situation. Its a catch 22 cause I have to keep up with my 24yr honey

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Sounds like you need to have blood work done before anything else.

  10. #10
    I know! I went to a endoc about four months ago and it was a complete waste of money. I basicly had to show my lab to a guy at the gym to help me see what was what. its seems to be hard finding a doc thats gonna tell you more than "just wait a couple of months and come back''. Meanwhile my nips get pointer than a missile

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Well its your health, a doctor has to help if your that worried, tell them you need a full blood panel including testosterone done - if you need help with the results just post on here. Better than risking more damage on another cycle.

  12. #12
    I have my next appointment mid febuary so I guess I can wait.

    You still havent told me if these are legit... Also how do I store these for a later date. I have about three cycles worth????

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    slim it's been over 3 did you make out on the BD var?

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