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Thread: How many days a week do you train?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    How many days a week do you train?

    I go Monday through Friday off weekends due to work.

    Monday is chest
    Tuesday is back
    Wed is shoulders and traps
    Thursday arms
    Friday legs .

    Do you think this routine is over training? I'm debating going back to Monday through Friday but wed off for more recovery.

    What do you all do and why?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Diet Section
    I train 4 days per week...

    Mon: Chest/Biceps
    Tue: Back/Rear Delts
    Wed: Legs
    Thur: Off
    Fri: Delts/Triceps

    I train with high intensity so my workouts last 30-45min depending.
    Doing this I get the greatest amount of stimulation in a short time. Dorian yates style.

    And overtraining.... depends on how many sets/body part and your diet!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Diet Section

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    The Murder Mitten
    Sunday: quads/calves
    Monday: off
    Tuesday: arms
    Wednesday: hams/calves
    Thursday: back
    Friday: off
    Saturday: chest

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by -KJ-
    I train 4 days per week...

    Mon: Chest/Biceps
    Tue: Back/Rear Delts
    Wed: Legs
    Thur: Off
    Fri: Delts/Triceps

    I train with high intensity so my workouts last 30-45min depending.
    Doing this I get the greatest amount of stimulation in a short time. Dorian yates style.

    And overtraining.... depends on how many sets/body part and your diet!
    Diet right now is 425 carbs 250ish protein 50 fat.

    Im 182 and bulking ATM, slowly upping cals.

    I don't do more then 12 sets a body part, 9 for smaller parts like bi and tri.

    I also do 20 min of light cardio after all workouts except legs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i dont go specific days.
    i do my order of
    day 1 chest
    day 2 back
    day 3 legs
    day 4 shoulders
    day 5 arms

    i take a day offs as i feel i need it or my schedule requires. I just do what is next on my list when i go back.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by -KJ- View Post
    I train 4 days per week...

    Mon: Chest/Biceps
    Tue: Back/Rear Delts
    Wed: Legs
    Thur: Off
    Fri: Delts/Triceps

    I train with high intensity so my workouts last 30-45min depending.
    Doing this I get the greatest amount of stimulation in a short time. Dorian yates style.

    And overtraining.... depends on how many sets/body part and your diet!
    can't overtrain when you're only hitting things once a week

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mirin_serratus
    can't overtrain when you're only hitting things once a week
    That's what I figured and I like going monday through Friday.

    Thanks for your help

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    i dont go specific days.
    i do my order of
    day 1 chest
    day 2 back
    day 3 legs
    day 4 shoulders
    day 5 arms

    i take a day offs as i feel i need it or my schedule requires. I just do what is next on my list when i go back.
    I wish I could go that route but it's to hard with long work hours on the weekend.

    I'm 11-6 most days during the week so I train 930 to 1050.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Diet Section
    Quote Originally Posted by mirin_serratus View Post
    can't overtrain when you're only hitting things once a week
    I disagree. You go in and do 20 sets on bis you may over train ...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by -KJ- View Post
    I disagree. You go in and do 20 sets on bis you may over train ...
    lol yeah, I go a hard 9 total sets normally with Bis, in the 6-8 rep range..
    Last edited by slimshady01; 01-20-2012 at 02:55 PM.

  12. #12
    Monday and Thursday
    Chest and triceps

    Tuesday and Friday
    Back and biceps

    Wednesday and saturday
    Shoulders and legs

    Jog 5- 10 miles a week between all that

    I take Sunday off for recovery

    I'm 23
    248 lbs
    10% bf

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mirin_serratus View Post
    can't overtrain when you're only hitting things once a week
    i have to disagree i think overtraining has more to do with your CNS being taxed

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    Sunday: quads/calves
    Monday: off
    Tuesday: arms
    Wednesday: hams/calves
    Thursday: back
    Friday: off
    Saturday: chest
    so how much do you pay the magic fairy to give you those big shoulders you got lol i want one

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    The Murder Mitten
    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    so how much do you pay the magic fairy to give you those big shoulders you got lol i want one
    Hahahahaha I throw shoulders in on chest and arm day, I guess i'm blessed.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    Hahahahaha I throw shoulders in on chest and arm day, I guess i'm blessed.
    you lucky bastard

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    cardio 1-2 hours 8 days a week. Lifting 3 days a week. It's what works for me.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by aronjrsmil View Post
    cardio 1-2 hours 8 days a week. Lifting 3 days a week. It's what works for me.
    8 days a week

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    The Murder Mitten
    Quote Originally Posted by Spears88 View Post
    8 days a week
    How many days are in your weeks?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

  21. #21

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    i have to disagree i think overtraining has more to do with your CNS being taxed
    yes but not when you only bench/squat once a week, when you get to near pro level poundages maybe, but for average lifters overtraining is a myth

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Training Hardcore Style
    Here is my 5day:

    Monday:arms bis/tris
    Tuesday: legs
    Wednesday: shoulder/abs
    Thursday: Back/deads
    Friday: Chest

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    I train 5

    I train five days a week:
    Tuesday: Tri/Chest
    Wednesday: Off
    Thursday: Legs/Calfs
    Friday: Traps and Forearms
    Saturday: Shoulders/Abs
    Sunday: Off

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Like gixxer, I don't workout on specific days. I have a subjective set of days that is dictated by my body and schedule. Sometimes I even change the order, depending on how sore a muscle group might be. For example, my chest workout is taxed if my lats are too sore. My back workout is taxed if my hamstrings and glutes are still too sore to do deadlifts. I tend to be less concerned with writing things out in advance and following them to the T for the sake of structure and organization, but rather pay close attention to what my body needs and I adapt to that. I will also work abdominals every single day that they aren't sore. Because they are involved in damn-near every movement our bodies perform, they are conditioned to recover quickly.

    1. Back & Biceps
    2. Chest & Triceps
    3. 30 Mins Aerobic Cardio & Abs
    4. Delts & Biceps
    5. Legs
    6. Rest
    7. 30 Mins Aerobic Cardio & Abs

    To the original poster, you may want to consider not doing cardio post-workout if you're trying to bulk. In fact I would highly recommend taking that out. If your resistance training workouts are long enough to use up your ATP, doing cardio at the end will make you go backwards on a bulking phase. I sometimes do a 30min cardio in the morning, spend the day recovering my energy stores and feeding my muscles, and then perform muscle resistance in the evening, but from the looks of it this may not be a viable option given your work schedule. Either way, too much cardio seriously inhibits bulking. Also, I'd like to suggest that you spend a couple weeks using high reps and power sets for your triceps. Of course we're all different but most people I've known respond better to high reps with triceps. Other than that, if your avatar picture depicts your current physique, I just have to say awesome job on sculpting and cutting man. Very impressive.
    Last edited by BBrian; 01-26-2012 at 08:41 AM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I have a 5 day split that I try and run through 6 days so basically 1 day off per 6 days. That is only while on cycle when recovery is a little easier. If I`m bulking I may add in an extra day off per week.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    Like gixxer, I don't workout on specific days. I have a subjective order that is dictated by my body and schedule. Sometimes I even change the order, depending on how sore a muscle group might be. For example, my chest workout is taxed if my lats are too sore. My back workout is taxed if my hamstrings and glutes are still to sore to do deadlifts. I tend to be less concerned with writing things out in advance and following them to the T for the sake of structure and organization, but rather pay close attention to what my body needs and adapt. I will also work abdominals every single day that they aren't sore. Because they are involved in damn-near every movement our bodies perform, they are conditioned to recover quickly.

    1. Backs & Biceps
    2. Chest & Triceps
    3. 30 Mins Aerobic Cardio & Abs
    4. Delts & Biceps
    5. Legs
    6. Rest
    7. 30 Mins Aerobic Cardio & Abs

    To the original poster, you may want to consider not doing cardio post-workout if you're trying to bulk. In fact I would highly recommend it. If your resistance training workouts are long enough to use up your ATP, doing cardio at the end will make you go backwards on a bulking phase. I personally sometimes do a 30min cardio in the morning, spend the day recovering my energy stores and feeding my muscles, and then perform muscle resistance in the evening, but from the looks of it this may not be a viable option given your work schedule. Either way, too much cardio seriously inhibits bulking. Also, I'd like to suggest that you spend a couple weeks using high reps and power set for your triceps. Of course we're all different but most people I've known respond better to high reps with triceps. Other than that, if your avatar picture depicts your current physique, I just have to say awesome job on sculpting and cutting man. Very impressive.

    Thanks for the post brother...

    I agree with cardio after training, i just do it for keeping heart healthy "its more of a OCD thing". Im only doing 20 min light walking 4 days a week , heart rates only been at 120-130 max.

    Im going to try your advice on the Tricept training. Its funny you brought that up because i feel my tricepts are lacking.

    The Avatar pic is probably 1.5 2 months old guessing. Im not as lean now as i am there but im bulking so its all good. I have a super slow metabolism and gain fat on 3k -3500 calories, although not much fat. I always look lean no matter what in a tank top working out. Im turning 36 this June so any fat gained goes right to my belly. Thank god i have a small waist so i never truly look like im anything over 12%.

    Diet is strict no matter cutting or bulking. I have 1 cheat on Sunday night like pizza or wings then straight back into strict eating.

    Right now Macros are 425 Carbs "just upped to this" 270 Protein and 50 fat.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Thanks for the post brother...

    I agree with cardio after training, i just do it for keeping heart healthy "its more of a OCD thing". Im only doing 20 min light walking 4 days a week , heart rates only been at 120-130 max.

    Im going to try your advice on the Tricept training. Its funny you brought that up because i feel my tricepts are lacking.

    The Avatar pic is probably 1.5 2 months old guessing. Im not as lean now as i am there but im bulking so its all good. I have a super slow metabolism and gain fat on 3k -3500 calories, although not much fat. I always look lean no matter what in a tank top working out. Im turning 36 this June so any fat gained goes right to my belly. Thank god i have a small waist so i never truly look like im anything over 12%.

    Diet is strict no matter cutting or bulking. I have 1 cheat on Sunday night like pizza or wings then straight back into strict eating.

    Right now Macros are 425 Carbs "just upped to this" 270 Protein and 50 fat.
    Ah, skip what I said then, I envisioned something like high intensity cardio after a workout. This isn't so bad.

    And yeah, I feel your pain there. I'm 35 and my fat is very unevenly distributed. It's all at the waist. Without looking at my midsection people would guess I have about 12% bf, but looking at the waist by itself you'd think I had 20% right now. Serious pain in the ass. I have to do a lot of ab exercises or I pay a high price.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Damn your genetics sound like mine!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    1: Hams, Quads, Calves, Bis
    2. Shoulders/traps/tris
    3. Abs/Rotator cuffs/ lower back - recovery day
    4. Back/bis/calves
    5. Abs/Rotator cuffs/ lower back - recovery day

    Extra rest days as needed

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    i have to disagree i think overtraining has more to do with your CNS being taxed
    Word! I dont know how some of you guys are going 3 and 4 days in a row! I dont even like doing 2 days in a row.

  32. #32
    2 on 1 off 3 on 1 off. most of the time.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    i do 3 on 1 off. press, pull, off, legs, repeat. works well

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