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Thread: Possible Gyno?

  1. #1

    Possible Gyno?

    I am currently on my 3rd week of taking 300 a week of SUS. and 300 a week of DECA also taking adex .5 every other day. I have taking TEST E before and experienced similar effects.
    So basically my nipples have always been puffy but there is a disk like soft tissue that forms under my nipples. No itching no burning no hurting no tenderness. Has anyone experienced this or know if it is early stages of gyno? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Sounds like it... have you got Nolvadex ready to go ?

  3. #3
    Yes I have plenty of it.. last time this happen I took a NOLVA for maybe a week at like 40 a day and it went away.. But I am concerned b/c this is a longer cycle (10weeks)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Do that same again... take it for as long as you need it ..

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