This thread gets me hard.
All hard
All the time
^^^ a stiff breeze gets you hard duk ....
^^^ you just go there to help the vunerable chicks relapse *LOL*
This thread was 6 pages deep and still has 124 guest's viewing. Brings the traffic in. Bump for 2012![]()
I just lost 50billion brain cells watching that stupid video for 2 minutes,
Im walking out the door to the gym feeling more stupid than ever in my life.
Auslifta, I hate you for that bump!!!! My brain has rotted
U mad brah?Originally Posted by Razr.
Haha, yes Im ****ing pissed! I still feel dumb. What has happened to me!!!
Smoking weed would have been more productive than watching that video!!
Here ya go
Last edited by Razor; 01-11-2012 at 06:01 PM.
I live in sydney australia, Its funny how so many of u f***** idiots comment on this and give zyzz shit . Roids or not the dude gave it everything he had throughout every single set through out every single rep his diet the lot . Kids dead at 22 shut ur mouths and have some respect . This country is the best country in the world and i have no doubt in years to come u will c some of the best physiques ever come from this country because we are so multi cultural . Just browse some of our youngsters on youtube in juniour bb or go to simplyshredded.com n check out some of the young aussies on thier . **** nuts our cell tech is strong
badman i know where you are coming from. i liked him as well. mates knew him said he was cocky but a nice bloke.
but in your post you are flaming and thats agains the rules, please edit ur post about swearing and calling people idiots its not needed.
regardless how some peeple speak of peoples passing. u just gotta be the stronger man to not let it get to u
He is a most popular man dead or alive....But now there is another trying to usurp his place and title....
jaco is too bulky and short too replace zyzz.. plus he just dont have the swag zyzz had.
The kid was a little love himself monkey. You put that much stuff into yourself not getting yourself checked regularly, what do u expect??Originally Posted by badman22
Jaco is bigger but there will never be another Zyzz
What was Zyzz name on this board?
Was it Razr? Sounds the same![]()
Look at the tags for this thread..hilarious
"*the right cvnt threadbroses fvcks zyzz teddycal=zyzz's anal leakagedec+zyzz=analdec11swallowszyzzdenon's cum dumpsterdizz-zyzz'd threade-zyzz inn-ezyzz outfuaaaaaaarkhazyzzjiggity jellymarcus <3 zyzzmarcus3000 vacation babymerlinstackit sucks off zyzzstandby=zyzz cumdumpsterstevey wears a fagbagstevey69 loves zyzzthe biggest aussie hoaxwhat a choad looks likezyzz is a flufferzyzz nut huggerszyzz steroids"
Does anyone know what his name was on this board?
Who is Zyzz? Never heard of him was he some sort of celebrity like spongebob or something?
Hes pretty bad ass
nice chicks he got
What do you guys think he was on? Gear wise?
No acne, no hair loss, seemed to have no sides,
Lean and vascular and dense?
I would say test and tren but tren has some hard sides that he would have shown.
I know I'll PM you as alot of kids would prob see this and copy him. FFS there is 160 guests viewing. Good to see the errors of your ways Razr![]()
PM me too please, i'm also curious what the basterd took.
I'm sure he had a lot of friends who probably took the same stack as him and worked out just as or almost as hard. Unfortunately a lot of it is still genetics and how your body reacts to the AAS.
Well he was a beast, I would pick up his shoes any day if I could
In my opinion he actually wasnt that bulky, he was just very cut, and that made him seem alot bigger than he actually was. Just look at videos or photos where he has clothes on(other than saggy gym tank tops) and you'll see he doesnt seem big at all. Of course if you live in a place where its sunshine almost year round, that wont matter, but as a personal preference i like to fill in my shirts/tanks/whatever.
The kid had talent, no doubt, any girl would go for that look over ronnie coleman any day hands down
Last edited by Razor; 02-01-2012 at 04:54 AM.
Oh, obviously, i remember cutler saying once at a conference that although most people admire his physique, none of them would want to look like that, not even him. I dont think anyone would like to look like a top bodybuilder from nowadays. If we're talking about the 50's-70's champs, then they represent in my opinion the "adonis-like" body that everyone would like to look like. But things have changed a great deal since then, bb-ers are no longer esthetique, they all go for the biggest, most monstruous cutt-up freakish physique, because that's what people want to see. Probably because its so hard to obtain such form and because its out of the ordinairy. Pitty though.
Saying that bro i have a friend who is like the biggest guy i ever seen in RL and he is so mentally damaged from all the stuff over the years! He cant hook up for sh*t and his father is loaded they owned some huge plastic manufacturing company he drives a new JAG and he just cant hook up, im sorry if anyone was driving a new Jag to the club im sure girls would be throwing panties at u! They run away from him!
PFFFT!! LOL! He was SCRAWNY, all he had going for him was a fast metabolism that allowed him to get extremely cut just by looking at a treadmill. He was on heavy doses of gear for 3 or 4 years, & was still tiny, aesthetics my a$$! I feel bad for the kid & his family, but he's not the "god" he & all his friends claim he is, he was just another skinny kid, using steroids to try & overcome his lack of experience & dedication.
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