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Thread: A few routines... Feedback appreciated.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Wink A few routines... Feedback appreciated.

    - chest/back (superset 1 chest with 1 back, 4 excersises each)
    - legs
    - shoulders/arms
    - rest

    Did chest/back yesterday, Such a great feeling from
    Chest and back pump together,
    Felt 10x bigger! If anyone is interested I can post the workout.

    Monday - chest
    Tuesday - back
    Wednesday - legs
    Thursday - shoulders
    Friday - arms
    Saturday - rest or legs
    Sunday - rest

    Like this one, can hit arms twice a week, indirectly through chest and back, and on its own on
    Friday. Love drop setting with this routine, great pumps.

    Monday - shoulders/tris
    Tuesday - back
    Wednesday - rest
    Thursday - chest/biceps
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - legs
    Sunday - rest

    Yet again hitting biceps twice a week, Yates workout.

    Everyone put in some input, or ur personal idea on a great weekly routine,
    Looking to mix it up!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I've been doing..

    Quads and hams
    Chest and back
    Delts and arms

    For the last 4 weeks and think it's the best routine I've ever done. I also superset all antagonist muscle groups but still go heavy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    of the 3 i like the 3rd one, i do something similar to boxa's. mine is:

    Press(chest, delts, tri's)
    Pull(back, traps, bi's)
    Legs(quads, hams, calves)

    works out to be 3 on/1 off. i love it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Boxa: with that workout u have no rest days??
    I was contemplating
    X2 then a rest day, so basically Monday to Saturday, Sunday is rest,
    Do u mind posting ur shoulders, arms excersises, I'm goin to do them today and haven't
    Organised a workout yet.

    Jordana: I've heard a lot about press, pull, legs, rest,
    Seen it in nearly every workout forum,
    Must be pretty decent, seems popular.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjwr View Post
    Boxa: with that workout u have no rest days??
    I was contemplating
    X2 then a rest day, so basically Monday to Saturday, Sunday is rest,
    Do u mind posting ur shoulders, arms excersises, I'm goin to do them today and haven't
    Organised a workout yet.

    Jordana: I've heard a lot about press, pull, legs, rest,
    Seen it in nearly every workout forum,
    Must be pretty decent, seems popular.
    I take rest days when I feel I need them or when I can't train because of work which ends up being twice a week. So I usually train 5 times and overlaps in to the next week..

    Last delt and arm session went something like this..

    Seated db press superset bb curl
    Side lateral raises superset db curls
    Bent arm side lateral raises superset skull crushes
    Front raises superset kick backs

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