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Thread: to all the guys that lie about being on aas

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    to all the guys that lie about being on aas

    Last night i was went to a bar for drink by myself. They are hiring for security and i wanted to check the place out. So i was sitting next to a cute girl and we started talking. She is from Greece and lived in NY for a while and just moved to FL. So we are talking about meeting people in FL. So she goes how all her friends she meet in Fl are originally from NJ or NY. She said the guys from Fl are tool and liars. She goes like you your on shit. i smile and laugh, she goes i meet big guys in the gym or out and they are all like i just take supplement or eat right. She goes BS. If you take shit be a man an admit it. She goes fvck every guy from the NE is on and proud of it. Nobody cares. Just dont be a fvcking liar. Us girls arent stupid.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  2. #2
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Last night i was went to a bar for drink by myself. They are hiring for security and i wanted to check the place out. So i was sitting next to a cute girl and we started talking. She is from Greece and lived in NY for a while and just moved to FL. So we are talking about meeting people in FL. So she goes how all her friends she meet in Fl are originally from NJ or NY. She said the guys from Fl are tool and liars. She goes like you your on shit. i smile and laugh, she goes i meet big guys in the gym or out and they are all like i just take supplement or eat right. She goes BS. If you take shit be a man an admit it. She goes fvck every guy from the NE is on and proud of it. Nobody cares. Just dont be a fvcking liar. Us girls arent stupid.
    I agree with her
    Tiger and I were just talkiing the other day about how it seems that lots of celebs are admitting to using now as well...

  3. #3
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    the wife and i separated for a while and we had the convo about dating while we were apart. which was uncomfortable. But i laughed cause she said she didnt because there were no good juiceheads where we lived
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
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    I would never go to the bar by myself.

  5. #5
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    It's a toss up.. we've all heard the stories about meeting someone, getting in a relationship, relationship going bad and then hell breaking loose. The last thing I'm going to do is talk about juice with someone I meet at a bar just because they think I should 'be a man and admit it'. She sounds like the tool.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart

    I agree with her
    Tiger and I were just talkiing the other day about how it seems that lots of celebs are admitting to using now as well...
    Who has admitted recently? I'm waiting for Hugh Jackman to admit it haha

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    It's a toss up.. we've all heard the stories about meeting someone, getting in a relationship, relationship going bad and then hell breaking loose. The last thing I'm going to do is talk about juice with someone I meet at a bar just because they think I should 'be a man and admit it'. She sounds like the tool.
    Haha good point! Girl sounds a bit odd

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I would never go to the bar by myself.
    Me either but met a lot of people out in bars on their own when I was in San Diego etc. Was cool chatting to be people but you dunno how many of them where BS'ing or not lol. One guy was telling me he was a pro skate boarder years ago etc. Not sure how true that was.

    Lol you can see most lads who are on juice anyway it stands out from a mile the proper heavy users and the Moon face etc.

  9. #9
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    I look at it like I look at my's on a need to know basis. With AR being the exception since were all anonymous here soft of, well kind of, well sometimes, well maybe, well maybe

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    It's a toss up.. we've all heard the stories about meeting someone, getting in a relationship, relationship going bad and then hell breaking loose. The last thing I'm going to do is talk about juice with someone I meet at a bar just because they think I should 'be a man and admit it'. She sounds like the tool.
    i probably wouldnt tell a girl the first night i meet her and i dont think a girl would ask. And i dont bring it up. But if she asked i dont lie or do like i did last night just smile and kind of laugh. We got on the subject because we both go to the same gym.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
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    Was she hot ?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    Was she hot ?
    yes. if i was single i would have tried to hook up. and apparently she like big guys. So you would blow if you tried to say i take cell tech
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    the wife and i separated for a while and we had the convo about dating while we were apart. which was uncomfortable. But i laughed cause she said she didnt because there were no good juiceheads where we lived
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    yes. if i was single i would have tried to hook up. and apparently she like big guys. So you would blow if you tried to say i take cell tech
    Did u guys decide not to date?

  14. #14
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    celltech lol

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Did u guys decide not to date?
    when we seperated we didnt talk about it. We hated each other. We only talked about bills or other issues we had to for about 6 months. Then started talking as friends. We didnt see each other in person for about 8 months after we separated. Then we got back together. I went on dates when we were apart.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    when we seperated we didnt talk about it. We hated each other. We only talked about bills or other issues we had to for about 6 months. Then started talking as friends. We didnt see each other in person for about 8 months after we separated. Then we got back together. I went on dates when we were apart.
    Ah, I understand. I remember the story, I thought u guys had seperated again. Glad to hear that is not the case, would be harder for me to get with her GF.

    Off topic, just curious of another man´s view. Would you be able to get back with her if she had been with another man? If yes, would it matter to you how heavy they got into it with each other?
    (I could not. Would tear me apart)

  17. #17
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    I dont want to offend you or anything gixx, i'm just curious. I saw you sometimes mentioned that she works/worked as a stripper. Is it actually true ? And if so, how's life with a stripper ? And how did you guys get together in the first place?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    I dont want to offend you or anything gixx, i'm just curious. I saw you sometimes mentioned that she works/worked as a stripper. Is it actually true ? And if so, how's life with a stripper ? And how did you guys get together in the first place?
    she wasnt a stripper. i dated alot of them and was engaged to one. wife has worked in ones before as cocktail waitress and vip host.

    depends on the girl. some get all caught up in some dont. The one i was engaged to it was job where she could make alot and work the hours she wanted. Also i knew the bar. I bounced there. It was a clean place and new she was a good girl. When she left bar for the night she came home to me. I trusted her so wasnt in issue. Granted i would rather her work some place else but i would not be with her because of it.

    Also depends on the place to. Like down in Florida they are full nude and you pretty much are told to touch them. I wouldnt be happy with that. In NJ they are in bikini's. They arent topless and you cant really touch. Philly in topless not really supposed to touch some girls let it slide but the bar itself dont.

    I meet my wife at the bar while she was working. She was my waitress
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 02-18-2012 at 02:00 PM.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Ah, I understand. I remember the story, I thought u guys had seperated again. Glad to hear that is not the case, would be harder for me to get with her GF.

    Off topic, just curious of another man´s view. Would you be able to get back with her if she had been with another man? If yes, would it matter to you how heavy they got into it with each other?
    (I could not. Would tear me apart)
    I wouldnt want to know details. But yes i would have still gotten back with her. We were apart so both of us had the right to do what ever we wanted. She dated guys before i meet her. No different in my opinion. Yes i wouldnt be happy about it but nothing you can do
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Nobody cares. Just dont be a fvcking liar. Us girls arent stupid.
    maybe not stupid, but conveniently ignorant. I know a couple girls who swear their men are not taking roids and Ive seen them buy it in the locker room. So lets see, your man is 26, 5'10 and 230lb @ 7% all year round? Thems be some damn good genetics.

    I think there are actually enough women out there who still believe that roids shrink dicks and they dont want others thinking their man has a small wang.

    On a side note, Gix, if you ever break it off with your women, in the divorce papers make sure you put in a clause that grants you rights to have access to new avi pics of her weekly

  21. #21
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    well we know if you are using....but I don't think it is necessary to state the obvious...especially to someone you just met and in a bar no less!

    what do you have to gain to tell a complete stranger???!!!!????

  22. #22
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    My friend wears a shirt.... On the front says: I'm on steroids....the back says: SAY SOMETHIN'

    Jersey Pride.

  23. #23
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    i can tell when women are on the pill

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    well we know if you are using....but I don't think it is necessary to state the obvious...especially to someone you just met and in a bar no less!

    what do you have to gain to tell a complete stranger???!!!!????
    there is nothing to gain. Nothing to loose either. Im not going to see her again so whats it matter. Why lie? I wouldnt expect a girl to ask on a first date. None have ever had. But eventually ask
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  25. #25
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    Dangerous game. I haven't touched them yet but I'm planning on it and I've told my "inner circle" this.

    It's getting kinda a big deal here in Aus how many people use them so I think it'll eventually just be one of those things no-body cares about.

    And yes - +1 to the Jackman thing - I love that guy, but I hope he's using purely to make him seem like a normal person!

  26. #26
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    lies are weakness....plain and simple...why juice up to get strong, only to open your mouth and be weak.......generally speaking that is.....obviously there are some common sense exceptions to this.....but overall......bullshit is just that, a pile of stinky mess, only its coming from your mouth.....and chix that roll with BShittters have bad breath too from kissin on .02

  27. #27
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    Got a guy that is in my gym. I guess hes asian/hispanic. Not very tall, but the guess is obviously one something. We talk about competitions and gym stuff most of the time. Saw him two days ago, I was taken back cause he had clearly gotten bigger and leaner..after having a surgery he goes from 173-187 within 2 months aroun 7% I would say.I said how much are you eating..he says all the time, I'm like yea what are you eating hey tells me "cake and ice cream" I wanted to slap him across the face..he knows I cycle and use gh but cant have the balls to admit he's on gear. Not only is he training to get bigger he also swims and runs marathons. Its ****ing pathetic, just own up to using the needle. I would respect you more.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by thabeastmaster View Post
    lies are weakness....plain and simple...
    I lie all the time. I tell my left hand that it touches me the best, then I tell my right hand the same thing. Got to keep my lovers happy

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    maybe not stupid, but conveniently ignorant. I know a couple girls who swear their men are not taking roids and Ive seen them buy it in the locker room. So lets see, your man is 26, 5'10 and 230lb @ 7% all year round? Thems be some damn good genetics.

    I think there are actually enough women out there who still believe that roids shrink dicks and they dont want others thinking their man has a small wang.

    On a side note, Gix, if you ever break it off with your women, in the divorce papers make sure you put in a clause that grants you rights to have access to new avi pics of her weekly
    in bold, this is so true its ridiculous. around my area every single girls believe steroids shrink your dick. so ignorant.. but the funny thing also is, people here are so uneducated on the subject that 99% will believe you if you swear youre not using.
    for example. a guy i went to high school went from being ~175-180 lbs, pretty built and strong, maybe benching around 275, possibly 3.. and within a few months had to be 230 lbs, benching over 500. after being educated on steroids, i have no clue what he was taking to get gains that sick.. even in the aas world thats pretty unheard of.. but it happened, and he swore he never juiced, and of course everyone had doubts, but undoubtedly alleged to him not using. stupid asses lol

  30. #30
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    I think it's rude to ask someone if they're on steroids. If they trust you enough to volunteer that info, then great. If not, DON'T ASK! I mean we don't ask a guy how big their you know what is when we first meet them (Or ever)!! So why ask about their steroid use? If I were a guy on steroids I sure wouldn't tell a stranger about it. Who knows if they're a cop!

  31. #31
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    You cant get arrested for telling a cop your on steroids. Just like you can't get arrested for telling a cop you high. They have to find it on you. Besides half the cops I know are on juice..ever heard of Ronnie Coleman. I'm pretty sure he uses steroids.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    You cant get arrested for telling a cop your on steroids. Just like you can't get arrested for telling a cop you high. They have to find it on you. Besides half the cops I know are on juice..ever heard of Ronnie Coleman. I'm pretty sure he uses steroids.

    Doesn't matter. I sure wouldn't tell a stranger (Cop or not) that I was doing something the govt deemed illegal. It's nobody else's business!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownGirl View Post
    I think it's rude to ask someone if they're on steroids. If they trust you enough to volunteer that info, then great. If not, DON'T ASK! I mean we don't ask a guy how big their you know what is when we first meet them (Or ever)!! So why ask about their steroid use? If I were a guy on steroids I sure wouldn't tell a stranger about it. Who knows if they're a cop!
    this is always my point... typically I hear it asked from drunk people so maybe they dont have the control over what their brains send to their mouths to spit out... but in general, why do you even need to ask this question. Regardless of the answer, the person asking is going to believe what they want to.

    The idiots I find the most amusing, are the ones who stand around at the gym and do 3 excersises with their 3 friends over the course of an hour and since they see no results, assume EVERYONE else is using

  34. #34
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    If someone asks me if I am using something I tell them. Im not going to lie. Stranger of friend...nobody cares, they are to busy worrying about there life..
    I was at the gym last night just got done with my workout went into the locker room to do my poses, the staff trainer walks in and says "getting big man" I said "thanks, going on test soon, should put on another 15" he just laughed and went back to his business...solidifies my thinking, nobody cares.

    I told my ex gf and her sister I was going to start using gear again, they where like "dont those shrink you dick" I just agreed with them cause arguing does no better.
    Last edited by Razor; 02-18-2012 at 07:11 PM.

  35. #35
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    ahh you have to compare it to another DRUG ; would you ask somebody if they are on weed just because you see them at the gym and their eyes are glossy? or on cocaine because theyre pupils are dialited,,,dope cause theyre skinny?? need i go on? its not legal here ; if the gurl is from another country where its legal ; shes going to be used to men that probably wear D-BOL t-shirts and carry signs saying I LOVE JUICE .. an american born and raised where its illegal you think twice about sharing that kind of information with people...its just being smart?? you dont know whos who anymore ...

    my .02

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownGirl

    Doesn't matter. I sure wouldn't tell a stranger (Cop or not) that I was doing something the govt deemed illegal. It's nobody else's business!
    ^^^^^^^well said

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr.
    You cant get arrested for telling a cop your on steroids. Just like you can't get arrested for telling a cop you high. They have to find it on you. Besides half the cops I know are on juice..ever heard of Ronnie Coleman. I'm pretty sure he uses steroids.
    of course not but one thing leads to another and things DO happen bro .. if a cop asks you if your on roids its more likely hes asking u for a reason (besides personal use) or if you straight up tell him you are and he wants to do something about it HE WILL .. i mean maybe youre outlook on cops are different from mine ...maybe you are one and just do roids for all i know jk but if you were i wouldnt care either lol ,,,, but neway i dont hang out with cops in the gym 24years old i never met a good cop ;theyre all BJs .. roids are illegal , drugs are illegal ..unfortunately its the world we grow up in :P ... until i move to the UK where its legal ill be keeping that on the low-low ,

  38. #38
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    Cops don't ask you if your taking steroids, they have other things to worry about like armed robberies, traffic tickets and keeping the peace. I met and know plenty of good cops and have respect for anyone who wears the shield. The most famous BB in the world happens to be a cop, I find that hilarious just that and the fact people are worried about cops arresting you for steroids. Unless your in the military, olympic sport or Tour De France Rider, you dont really need to worry about doping. If cops cared about roids they would be lined up at Mr. Olympia and ever of Amateur and Pro competition waiting for blood and urine test from the competitors to haul them off to jail...nobody cares.
    Last edited by Razor; 02-18-2012 at 07:33 PM.

  39. #39
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    I'm from PA dude, commonwealth ...I think that's why we have different opinions lol . Maybe if I knew your buddies and grew up where you live I would think as you do .. I'm thinking if an example in this little town I'm from of cops with nothing better to do than bust a kid for a joint and put him on probation for it, lol ... They're lame here dude I see what your saying tho , where I'm from Theyre all pricks wouldn't want to tell them ..and I'd be drinking with them on the weekends if I lived where u at , and telling them openly I'm a juice head not really tho , soon enough hopefully !

    BTW can someone PLEASE register my acct already? "/

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kk570h View Post
    I'm from PA dude, commonwealth ...I think that's why we have different opinions lol . Maybe if I knew your buddies and grew up where you live I would think as you do .. I'm thinking if an example in this little town I'm from of cops with nothing better to do than bust a kid for a joint and put him on probation for it, lol ... They're lame here dude I see what your saying tho , where I'm from Theyre all pricks wouldn't want to tell them ..and I'd be drinking with them on the weekends if I lived where u at , and telling them openly I'm a juice head not really tho , soon enough hopefully !

    BTW can someone PLEASE register my acct already? "/
    I'm with you on this. I grew up in a small town too. I remember seeing 5 squad cars present to bust a couple skinny high school kids with a little grass. Those cops have nothing better to do than bust people for the littlest of things.

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