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Thread: is empty stomache early morning cardio still Catabolic if you you are "on"

  1. #1

    is empty stomache early morning cardio still Catabolic if you you are "on"

    if you are on a cycle and doing first thing morning cardio is it Catabolic?

    and is 40 minutes brisk walking , roughly 200-300 calories burned enough to cause catabolic state?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    fasted cardio will always produce catabolic hormones. but with the high test levels while on a cycle, the amount of muscle breakdown will be much lower than the amount of fats breakdown.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude
    fasted cardio will always produce catabolic hormones. but with the high test levels while on a cycle, the amount of muscle breakdown will be much lower than the amount of fats breakdown.
    I agree, and I'm thinking about a good pace 6-7.5 mph jog, I honestly don't know if a brisk walk would cause it even if you weren't on, personally for me I don't think it would, my heartrate wouldn't be high enough

    Do you know what range your hr is in while performing this?

    Take some bcaa's pre cardio and that will virtually rule it out
    Last edited by DanB; 03-07-2012 at 09:54 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    95% of my cardio is done this way. I've made great gains doing it. I just ride the bike. No jogging.

  5. #5
    ok thats good to know, i didnt check my heart rate but i doubt its that high.

    thanks for all your info and opinions.

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