I'm 16.
I know what you're thinking, but please hear me out first.
When I was 14/15 I got really into bodybuilding. I worked out A LOT. My form wasn't perfect, but the thing I blame for my injuries mostly was just overtraining.
Over about a year I put on 25 pounds of lean mass. Eventually ligament and tendon injuries I ignored began piling up. Tennis elbow, wrist tendonitis, sprains, lumbar strains, sacroiliac dysfunction, patellar tendonitis, rotator cuff inflammation etc.
So, in April 2011 I quit the gym. Im now in a looong hard recovery process. My doctors are telling me Im going to have chronic pain for life in my wrists and back at minimum, maybe knees too.
I refuse to accept this and I'm now constantly looking for new recovery options. HGH and prolotherapy, are the two things I'm
right now trying to get money for.
So I know HGH is great for injuries and collagen synthesis and I want to pair it simultaneously with prolotherapy. I need more info though.
Will GH mess with my endocrine system the same way test does in the sense that normal production stops and, as a teen, could never fully recover and return to homeostasis?
Do I pose long-term dangers to myself with hgh specifically because of my age and level of development?
Do you guys think it would even help me?
EDIT Steroid possession and personal use is legal in my country (not selling it though) so hopefully that can contribute to me not getting banned here and just gathering info