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Thread: Not going to plan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Not going to plan

    Planned to do a 6 week var cycle but can't seem to obtain var in aus. just spent $250 on PCT which arrived yesterday (clom, nolva, adex, hcg). Wanted to do var for a few reasons one of them being for the reduced risk of hair loss. Dont know what to do?. Thinking roids may not be for me. Deca is the only other steroid i would be willing to try with its low androgeic property but doesn't seem like a good idea for a first cycle and sounds quite damaging from the depth of what i've ready into. However the deeper your read into any steroid the worse it sounds for you.

    My tatooist did cycle of deca and blew up and said he endured no side effects at 21 even. he didn't go into much detail about anything he said and didn't want to hear anything i had to say about PCT.
    Last edited by Boxtrot; 03-20-2012 at 12:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    So what is your Question?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I dont know what to do i kinda feel like i've been beaten whilst on this mission trying to put some serious muscle. Im wondering if anyones got any ideas of what i should do now.

  4. #4
    you should not take anything until you read up on it more and can make a good decision you sound indecisive and willing to do what ever. read the newbie stickes

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    First off Var only for 6 weeks?? Its not even worth it...regardless of what ever steroid your on, 4-5 weeks (1 week to kick) is not enough time to put on any amount of serious muscle.

    Your best off just doing a simple test enanthate cycle of 600mg/week for a solid 12 weeks. I wouldnt stress about losing any hair, its super hereditary in my family and i even have a widows peak going, but i didnt lose 1 strain of hair off my head from my test cycle of 600mg/week.

    Test is super cheap, and you already have all your pct...dont run an oral only, or deca without test, all just a waste.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by blksavage View Post
    you should not take anything until you read up on it more and can make a good decision you sound indecisive and willing to do what ever. read the newbie stickes
    Refer to thread i have got my head together now. I am only worried about one thing, my hair.

    Quote Originally Posted by warren916 View Post
    First off Var only for 6 weeks?? Its not even worth it...regardless of what ever steroid your on, 4-5 weeks (1 week to kick) is not enough time to put on any amount of serious muscle.

    Your best off just doing a simple test enanthate cycle of 600mg/week for a solid 12 weeks. I wouldnt stress about losing any hair, its super hereditary in my family and i even have a widows peak going, but i didnt lose 1 strain of hair off my head from my test cycle of 600mg/week.

    Test is super cheap, and you already have all your pct...dont run an oral only, or deca without test, all just a waste.
    Anything longer than 6 weeks of var offers deminishing returns. It would be worth it i've read enough cycles done at 6 weeks to know it's worth it.

    Also my main interest is focused on a 6 week prop cycle now. I have read a transformation where the person gained 20 pounds in 6 weeks so he cut the cycle 2 weeks short because he had gained all he wanted. I think you are mistaken on shorter than normal cycles.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Well it sounds like you are correct, aas is not for you or at least not until you know and understand more. Yes doing Deca is a bad idea for a few reasons. #1 It's a bad idea to do Deca alone. It should always (as most any aas) be run with Test. #2 Deca can produce a lot of undesired sides so you have to be careful and again it needs run with test.
    Yes there are always those people who say I did this or ran that and had good results. Do you ever hear anyone say Oh I had bad acne or I coudnt get my d*ck hard after the cycle? No guys dont talk about that stuff to other guys even if it's relevant but we hear it day in and day out on the message board and Im sure we dont hear from 90%+ of them.

    Just hang onto your PCT and wait until you are ready and you have your gear (testosterone) for your first cycle after you learn a lot more. Your PCT will keep for years as long as you keep it in a dry, cool dark place. No need to put it into the refrigerator just someplace that wont get hot or in sunlight.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Well it sounds like you are correct, aas is not for you or at least not until you know and understand more. Yes doing Deca is a bad idea for a few reasons. #1 It's a bad idea to do Deca alone. It should always (as most any aas) be run with Test. #2 Deca can produce a lot of undesired sides so you have to be careful and again it needs run with test.
    Yes there are always those people who say I did this or ran that and had good results. Do you ever hear anyone say Oh I had bad acne or I coudnt get my d*ck hard after the cycle? No guys dont talk about that stuff to other guys even if it's relevant but we hear it day in and day out on the message board and Im sure we dont hear from 90%+ of them.

    Just hang onto your PCT and wait until you are ready and you have your gear (testosterone) for your first cycle after you learn a lot more. Your PCT will keep for years as long as you keep it in a dry, cool dark place. No need to put it into the refrigerator just someplace that wont get hot or in sunlight.
    I agree wholly. However i should of explained why i mentioned deca. That is due to the reduced risk of hair loss associated with it, not because i actually thought i should do it. i was hoping someone would add some insight to the issue im having with the subject of hair loss as per the thread i posted.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    So you read a few "experiences" and now you know everything...good luck noob, 6 weeks of prop aint shit but a waste of money...

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