So I jabbed myself Tuesday, and am experiencing some soreness today (Thursday). There is no swelling or redness that I can detect, and my temperature is perfectly normal. However when I feel the spot in my glute where I injected, I can find one larger (3/4") bump directly under the puncture surrounded by little bumps that feel like swollen lymph nodes in various spots. Is this normal? I used alcohol and Betadine to clean the injection site, so you can probably tell I'm a little aggressive on sterile injection procedure, but in my supreme stupidity as a new user did forget to wipe the tops off the multiuse vials the first time I injected. I wiped them before I used them again however, and the seals from the compounding pharmacy were intact when I first opened them. This is the fifth shot I've done, and that's the only thing I can think of that has been outside SOP. The needle does move around a bit when I inject, but is there anyone who can honestly give himself a shot in the ass steady as Fast Eddie?
Also, how far into the first cycle do most people learn to stop worrying and love the needle? Every little sensation is new and still making me a little nervous. I feel like an idiot.