Day 1 - Chest, Biceps and Abs
Day 2 - Quads, Hamstrings and Calves
Day 3 - OFF
Day 4 - Shoulders, Triceps and Abs
Day 5 - Back, Traps and Forearms
Day 6 - OFF
Day 7 - OFF, or restart using Day 1's workout.
1-4 weeks(D-Bol 50mg/day). 1 dose 2-4 hours pre workout. second dose 4-5 hours post workout.
1-12 weeks (Test-E 500mg/week. injections on monday morning and thursday night.
1-12 week (arimidex)
PCT-(nolvadex 14 days after last TEST-E pin.
40mg every day weeks 1-2 and then 20mg every day weeks 3-4 nolva.
OK so I been training for 2 years till September of 2011. stopped for 5 months due to a shoulder injury and its been almost a month back at the gym, so im thinking of doing a cycle( if anyone reconsiders please let me know).
I want to know if this is a good cycle and if I managed it properly before I start. I was also wondering if I should run arimidex through out my cycle and if yes how much to run?
your feedback is greatly appreciated. thank you