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Thread: Options? or is this not low enough?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Options? or is this not low enough?

    Hi all,

    I have just recently done blood work, of which TSH and test was only a small part.. everything looks fine, except that I have a bit of high cholesterol (5.9 total).. and .. more importantly, my test levels seem a bit low (to me, and from what I read online). I do remember the doctor commenting a few years back that it was on the low side..but we didn't further the discussion at the time.

    total testosterone 13.9 nmol/L
    reference range given 8.4 - 28.7 nmol/L

    That would convert to approx 409 ng/dL.. (sorry - the lab didn't do free test)

    My question is two-fold:
    (1) What do people think about this level for someone my age (28 y.o.)? As to symptoms, I do feel quite tired and weak in general, but I'm not a tiny guy (weigh 208lbs with 22% bf).

    (2) If this does seem low... What are my *reasonable options* to try to bring up with my GP?

    From my perspective, I feel increased test would help with my fatigue, sex drive (maybe not as big of a factor), motivation (at work), and helping me lose the extra belly fat.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Need to see free test and everything else. Free test could be on the high end, but it also could be on the low end indicating more of a problem. But haven't seen LH and other things. If you are thinking this is something you need, then you will need more blood work done.

    As for the changes adding test, for me motivation at work is much better when my test levels are higher, i'm a much better employee, also sex drive is helped a lot with high test dose and HCG. Someone with really low test levels will see a bigger benefit.

    You might be able to bring test up with lifestyle changes, diet changes or sleep changes. My doc is looking into other issues like possible sleep apnea and food allergies etc, for someone that isn't that low there might be things that can be done.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    i definitely dont have sleep apnea..but will try to press the doc for more tests... but just wanted some idea of where i am first -- i guess its the part of me that doesn't like to complain about health issues.. .. but i think this could easily be related to my lack of drive and consistently bad sleep also.

    If the levels are consistent with low T.. what would be some recommended options for increase that would make sense from a medical perspective?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    imo its a lil low and symptoms r present

    at your age and level IN RANGE it will be hard to get a script....just my .02...not saying you shouldnt or cant or need

    just sayin

    best i can advise is complain of those very the gp the one who ordered the bloodwork(so he knows you were testing)?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I think everyone here would tell you in order to offer any advice to someone your age we would need to know the results from a complete hormone panel:
    LH/FSH, free-test, SHBG, estradiol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Thanks guys -- seems like I may have a hard time getting another appointment soon but I've let my doctor know I'd like to discuss the results -- he may or may not at that time try to do a free-test test with LH/FSH, but I dont know. All I do remember is that about 3 years ago he did comment that the testosterone levels were on the low side, but I can't remember what it was at that time.

    Anyone else able to comment on a level of about 409ng/dL (or 13.9 nmol/L) in a 28yo?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Update: Doc said he'd give me a referral to an Endo.. dont know when yet.

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