I have spoken to a guy at the gym and also saw a post on here about taking GH EOD, i was very sceptic about the effect at that dosage but the post i read and the guy i spok with convinced me.
At 2IU EOD that would mean around 28IU a month, not posting price because of rules on the board i got some very good price on russian GH. Per month the price would be very reasonable.
I am also 39 years old, the guy that posted the article on this board was 53 i think and the guy at the gym is 48. They both got pain relief from nagging chronic injuries (my main interest here), some fat loss (all good), energy, and some hair regrowth (OMG).
At a dosage of 2IU EOD i will also avoid shutting down my natural GH production.
Saving some money for this and in April i am going for it, for at least 6 months. I know that i read articles saying that you need 5/2, or to take it everyday, and that doing EOD is a waste but i still want to try it.
And see what benefits i can get out of it.