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Thread: Is opening a business the answer to hating work?

  1. #1
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    Business as usual yeah?

    Is opening a business the answer to hating work?

    Ok so I hate this job and I have hated many jobs. A couple I have liked but mostly hated to be honest. I went to college but my ****in dad picked my major and I ****in hate it too, its a specialized business major is all I'll say.

    I am wondering, could opening a business be the answer?

    Most businesses fail.. but you never hear those stories because people don't want to admit it failed, even if it was the economy or market or something beyond their control. To pick one example, the gym market seems saturated to the max. Is this even a feasible market to enter any more? I know that people always say you have to bust your ass if you own a business. That doesn't scare me. I want to get away from the office politics and the inferiority complex bosses, the people with no sex lives and no lives period who come to work miserable and try to bring you down because their life sucks. I hate all that shit. Just hoping to get some open opinions from you guys.

  2. #2
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    if you have an idea for a good business and its in the right area i would go for it.
    A gym is one thing i would never open. Im in the fitness industry. Know how much equipment i have bought from gyms going under?
    if you really want to do the fitness thing. Your best option is a small personal or group training studio
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Ok I need to vent so I thought I would add on to why I hate work. Theres a lot of reasons but heres one. Im a pretty manly dude normally. I mean every other word out of my mouth isn't "bra.. bra.." but im definitely a man. I have to dumb down my manhood because my boss is a ***** and his boss is overly defensive and sensitive. So to pick an example, I can't talk with a normal projected voice. I deliberately talk more slowly and quietly to these guys because they seem to take everything as some kind of attack. I mean I would almost say its like when two bucks meet and butt heads for no reason, but they are not masculine enough to use that analogy. It almost feels like the prescence of a superior male is offensive to them. Theres lots of stuff that totally mind fks you at work with how stupid people are, but this one takes the cake.

    Another thing at work that really gets me is that none of the people want you to succeed. I mean not even uppper management. You would think they would - after all, you report to them, they get to utilize your work, etc. Lets say I had an idea that could save the company a ton of money. They would want me to keep quiet about it, unless I could tell them and they could take the credit for it and get a parade and a medal for it. When I started this job, I used to come in and give it my all. I would equate it to the Rocky feeling - you know, you walk around all day singing "Eye of the Tiger" in your head and kicking ass. After a while I noticed that even when I came in and kicked ass, it offended people. They were offended that you were trying to make a difference. Its absolutely one of the most baffling things I have ever seen. If something is f'd up, they would rather you not do anything about it, unless there is a way for them to fix it and get credit.

  4. #4
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    Back from Afghanistan
    business for self = no life = too many hours at work

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    business for self = no life = too many hours at work
    x2 I have never heard anyone who owned or especially started a buisness who said it was less work or easy. Everyone says you work 80+ hrs a week for at least the first year or two and thats if everything goes good.

    I'm not saying you should not do it, just be prepared to put i a lot of hours and more than likely make less than you are now. Most also say they work a lot for free for a long time.

    Good luck

  6. #6
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    Let me tell you from someone who started their own business for the same reason that it is much harder and at time more stressful than working for someone eles! but it is also much more rewarding, a hell of a lot more fun! and the financial gains long term can be much much larger if it is successful!

    I was a trainer for a large gym and it took what I loved to do and sucked the life out of me! always having to meet quotes, rushing clients through 1 hour sessions, charging clients $60 a session and getting $25 (and I was higher paid than other trainers), I got the client, I did the sales pitch, I wrote up the contract....and in the end the gym takes 70% of the money? lol then you deal with your jack ass manager who knows 10 times less than you about training how you should do things ect ect took what I loved to do and made it a job which is why I left.

    Now I train my clients and charge $50-80 an hour, take on less clients and spend more time with them...for example I just got done a workout with a hockey player and I spent just over two hours once I was done stretching my client. I can also turn down clients who are not serious and in my free time study and learn more about what I love doing! I love my job!

    The negatives are the you will have to work twice as hard to get clients! I dont know what field your in? but when I was at the gym I had 5000 members in a computer who I could call and we would sign 5-10 new people a day who knew nothing about training and often wanted to buy training. Now I have to work my ass off to get just one client! for every 1 hour I put in training someone I probably put in 4 hours networking to get another client! You also must worry about insurance, over head costs, no steady pay check, and the hardest part of it all is time management!!!! Its easy to sleep in when you are your own boss and have no one to answer to!

    Be honest with your self! are you a motivated person who will be up at 7 a.m and at your desk by 9 a.m? do you know enough about the business to make it successful? A lot of people fail not because they didn't have a good idea but because they did not know how to execute it...You can have the best idea in the world but if know one knows about it your a dead man walking!

    Three things you will need If you feel you are ready to own your own business from what I have experienced:

    1. 2 mentors, 1 business mentor who can consult you and give advice when you need it...someone who has run a successful business for a while, and another who can mentor you specifically on what your career is? I have 2 mentors, one is a real estate manager who I know well and I meet with him every couple weeks, and the other is another strength and conditioning coach who bounces ideas off me and helps me out.

    2. 6 months to a year cash 10-30 grand to pay your bills like rent, food ect....your dont need a tone of money just enouph to get by because most of what you make in your first year will go back into the company and in the first 3 months you wont make much.

    3. Some networking pools, places you can always go to for new clients! these are gold! networking will be your best friend and if you can have 5 to 10 good pools that always generate clients it will really help and make your life easier! for example as a trainer I keep in contact with a massage therapist and chiropractor who refer people to me and in return I refer them business.
    Last edited by awms; 04-04-2012 at 11:08 PM.

  7. #7
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Awms Im impressed thanks for that

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Owning your own business will probably be BOTH the most rewarding thing you ever do, and the most soul crushing. That is assuming you have some success. If you can't get it up and running, well, it will just be the soul crushing thing. Heh.

    I own two business. One I started in 1994...holy crap, I am coming up on 20 years. The second was started a couple of years ago and I don't have the capital to really get it to take off. It was being funded by my main business, which crashed along with the Vegas economy. There is absolutely no stability. When money is good you are working hard and not enjoying the money. When things are bad there is no money to enjoy. I haven't had a full week off in ten years. I don't "set my own hours" since a service business makes money by meeting the expectations of the clients.

    Still, I am proud of the fact that I have provided a living for myself and many employees over the years. I help put food on tables. I generate work that helps my employees pay rent and get new cars. That makes me feel good.

    The advice above is great. Mentors. Cash in the bank. Networking.

  9. #9
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    Bro you deffinately 100% should open up your on business Im the type of person who hates working for other people, so I was talking about a few months ago on the forum about buying a vending machine and going into for myself well I finally did it and now I have 3 machines and even though it doesnt make much im still working my way up with them and im enjoying every minute of being my own boss.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by doxmaster View Post
    Bro you deffinately 100% should open up your on business Im the type of person who hates working for other people, so I was talking about a few months ago on the forum about buying a vending machine and going into for myself well I finally did it and now I have 3 machines and even though it doesnt make much im still working my way up with them and im enjoying every minute of being my own boss.

    Good to hear. I remember that post. You should update it with what you did and where you decided to put the machines.

  11. #11
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    Owning my own business is something I have always wanted to do. I also got a specialized business degree, after many years of college of doing other things. It's awesome if you have the means to take an idea to the next level, I haven't been able to make anything work yet. But I know it takes more out of you, but you are more likely to get funding if you have a decent paying job already, and can build your business at the same time as receiving a steady income until you come to a point you believe you are more likely to succeed or it needs more time from you to take off. I know if I stick with my current job the rest of my life I won't be happy, i know I have the potential to accomplish so much more, it would relieve stress if I was happy about it and not worry about how much I make, but one day I want to make something work. All I can say is do your due diligence before you quit your job, and also stop ***** footing around the office, if people can't handle your manliness let them crumble in your presence.

  12. #12
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    I've owned a few businesses way back, I've been a general contractor now for 20 years, these are a few things that I think are note worthy IN NO CERTAIN ORDER

    1. Throw away the time clock mentality and judge the length of your day by using a goal oriented method.

    2. You must make money, if you're doing something because you love it yet it won't produce a good income....that's called a hobby, don't pretend that it's a business.

    3. You must understand business models and business principals enough to deny and sacrifice personal things for the good of your business.

    4. You WILL cancel holidays, kids events, you'll be late for supper, work sundays, entirely miss family vacations and probably a couple funerals and weddings that you should've attended.

    5. Always look ahead and plan at least 5 years in advance and ALWAYS be prepared to change everything on a moments notice.

    Do I think you should go into business? Can you handle sleepless nights when your entire livelyhood hangs in the balance? Can you handle personal confrontation in a calm way even when it's gonna cost you thousands in profit? Can you handle all that stress without making your wife and kids pay the price for your dedication?

    I definitely think you should go into business, if you think in the long term and plan accordingly it can be VERY rewarding, but don't be fooled into thinking that you will start a business today and live an awesome stress free life anytime soon, you may find yourself wanting your old job back. Think and plan long and hard about it before you jump in with both feet but if you decide to ........then do it with everything you've got, go all in, 110% !!!

  13. #13
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    If you have a solid business model and there is demand for what you want to open then it would be something to think about. However no demand means no customers and no income.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    If you have a solid business model and there is demand for what you want to open then it would be something to think about. However no demand means no customers and no income.
    Good basic common sense but unfortunately it doesn't hold true now days nearly as much as it use to. I have heard way to many stories recently where someone came up with a good solid business idea, a good niche but then after it started to grow and become profitable a much larger fish/business or organization who did not care about the people before decided to lobby and force restrictions and regulations that forced them out of business. Sometimes it doesn't pay to get big enough to be noticed unless you have the right connections and if you have the right connectins you probably wouldn't be starting small.

    I'm not saying dont do it; I'm saying just watch your back and don't expect right/wrong to always be on your side.

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