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Thread: the obesity problem..

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    ^^^ Agreed. I wish nutrition was taught EVERY YEAR in school. Most people simply don't know what is healthy, they only relate food with pleasure.
    The problem is it's also 10x harder to eat healthy than it was even 50 years ago because of all the hormones (not the ones we want) and chemicals put into foods. I think we have to work twice as hard or more to be healthy as we use to. Most foods even vegitables have a lot less nutritional value than they use to. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    ^^^ Agreed. I wish nutrition was taught EVERY YEAR in school. Most people simply don't know what is healthy, they only relate food with pleasure.
    Teaching it in school is pretty much useless though. How many kids actually pay attention to nutritional talk in health class? Whatever they "learn" they just retain long enough to pass the test then they forget it. People need to find a way to take nutritional education out of the school and put it in to the homes.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I think some people probably have a medical reason, but those people are few and far between. Most just don't know how to properly, or can't stick with it.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Psychological, hereditary & thyroid issues aside... There are two things that we can control, what comes out of our mouths(what we say) & what we put in our mouths(what we eat). If obese people drank water, ate veges and fruits, lean proteins and fish, nuts, etc & walked every day & used light weights, they'd begin to build lean muscle mass & therefore counter the obesity(& depression). If they cut out the processed, preservative filled foods, coffee & tea w/artifical sweeters, all diet drinks (proven to create addiction & weight gain), all Aspartame/Sucralose products, fast food, they'd give their bodies a chance to detox. There have been plenty of people who have been 300+pounds who changed what they ate, drank & became active & are at healthy weights now. Pharmaceutical companies, FDA, doctors, Monsanto... don't want us to change our habits as they make money on us being sick, addicted and overweight. I looked in my grandmother's yearbook from 1958 and there was not ONE obese person. Were they psychologically in better shape? Or were there NO fast food restaurants, vaccines, diet drinks, genetically modified foods, animals filled w/antibiotics & steroids, preservative filled foods? And didn't they walk more, bicycle more, do more active things outside? Wasn't there less tv? By giving irresponsible people carte blanche w/healthcare & welfare, by allowing big corporations to continue to make deadly products/drugs, by not holding people accountable for their actions w/their own health, haven't we, as a society perpetuated exactly what HK is saying?

    Spot on post brother!

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    The problem is it's also 10x harder to eat healthy than it was even 50 years ago because of all the hormones (not the ones we want) and chemicals put into foods. I think we have to work twice as hard or more to be healthy as we use to. Most foods even vegitables have a lot less nutritional value than they use to. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...
    There's only so much nutrients in soil and if you modify seeds to increase yield per acre you're splitting up the same amount of nutrients between more plants.

    Don't get me started on producers injecting our lovely chicken breasts with salt water and other solutions. However it does make a great excuse for blowing up on cycle.

    "Hey man you taking steroids?" Probably I don't know what thery're injecting into my chicken. lol
    Last edited by evander87; 04-05-2012 at 10:58 AM.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    That's exactly where I was going with the who plants and nutrients thing, I just didn't feel like going into details. Thanks. lol

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