Hi there, I have one problem growing my middle lats or middle back if you wanna call it, I have attached a picture to give an idea.
Now the green circles are what I am not bothered about because its growing fine, I did my back workout yesterday and feel soreness all over my upper lats.
But its the red circle the lower/middle lats in which I dont feel any soreness after few days or the next day of my bacj workout and neither they are growing as well.
Is there any Workout that will target that muscle only.
My back routine in: Bent Over Barbell Rows, T-Bar Rows, Seated Cable Rows ---- These are not working on middle lats and neither I feel any stretch on my middle lats with these.
Latt Pull Down, V-Bar Pull down, Bent Arm Barbell Pullovers ---- These are working great for upper lats.
Any Help :::::::