*Meant wrist straps
Is it worth using them to put some extra poundage on the bar during deadlifts, or should you stick without them to let your arms (forearms) get a good blast as well?
*Meant wrist straps
Is it worth using them to put some extra poundage on the bar during deadlifts, or should you stick without them to let your arms (forearms) get a good blast as well?
My forearms are huge, ppl say it's from the wraps or straps!!Originally Posted by pikenat
My grip keeps up moderately well with my back when I do my deadlifts, so I don't use em. I love the way my forearms feel after a good back day. If your grip is significantly weaker than what you're capable of lifting then I would recommend the straps. Otherwise avoid em. Gotta keep those forearms nice and strong
I'll do most of my pulling without them- but maybe one set (the heaviest) of each exercise I'll use them. It helps bc you don't even have to think about ur grip and focus on pulling with ur back muscles
My new gym doesn't allow chalk and just joined cause my last gym only had dumbbells only up to 90lbs. At least this one goes up to 150 in dumbbells and has every amenity possible it just cost $70 a month instead if $10. F-kin-aOriginally Posted by mirin_serratus
thats an expensive membership lol... use the straps once your forearms are blown out. literally ill get to a point where i cannot tie my shoes or rotate my forearm to scratch my face... dont go there... thats what happens when you forget straps and go heavy
I just work forearms separately. I've always used straps and take advantage of being able to pull extra lbs. that without them wouldn't be possible.
I use straps and get compliments on my fore arms often.
Nice profile pic Marcus. Up till a few years ago, I had original death head and war eagle on the original piece of paper they were pinned to when handed out to the troops
Yeah....use straps. You be able to lift heavier and won't have to focus on your grip. Train forearms separately.
I use wraps my entire back workout, and still have people asking me what I do for forearms (which is nothing). I dead without them though, usually a few sets of 405. That gives me a pretty good forearm workout. No need to do exercises just for forearms bc think about it, expect chest, forearms get used every other body part.
If you can't use chalk then straps for sure. Even a combination of chalk and straps. I was deadlifting 315 the other day and didn't have any chalk or straps. The bar was slipping and I was barely getting warmed up at 4 reps (normal is 10 with chalk or strap). Pissed me off bad. So yes, use straps/chalk and you will get much better results. Also, I always try to turn people on to Versa Grips. Those are bad ass and blow away regular straps imo.
I do everything I can without them but once the weight gets to be more than my grip will allow I break out the straps so that I can lift till fail. Although sometimes I feel like I'm going to rip my hands off LOL
Am I an idiot or does it seem way harder to lift heavy deadlifts with wraps than using alternating grip for that heavy set. I bought a pair and haven't used them since the first time. The wrapping made the bar much thicker and harder to grip.
I use wrist wraps and lifting straps on my heaviest sets only. I train my forearms separately.
I prefer hooks, easier/faster to deploy..
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Hooks are the way to go for deadlifts. For everything else I can go without straps. I still make sure to spend some time doing forearms on their own though.
I'm going to give them a try next week. Maybe it's my old age but I'm getting to the point where I feel the bar slipping from my grip but can still lift more weight. Feels like I'm cutting it short so we'll see. Good info, thanks.
Ya I can throw on a shitload more with strapsOriginally Posted by stpete
Just got some straps too! Their OK but it's really different. I feel like it changes the workout a bit
Use perfect technique then or your to nooby to even be on tthis fourm
Easy there tiger, it's a matter of opinion. And at 5'10" 155 u sound pretty new to me too. And your already experienced with cycles? I have a hard time believing your have much more experience than me, let alone the experience or knowledge to make such an a-hole comment like that. It's ok tho, I won't make a rude comment suggesting you don't belong on this site. That would be immature. I would suggest you read on the effects of aas on people as young as you with your undeveloped nuts. You belong hereOriginally Posted by West Coast Winner
you need this site.
If you don't want opinions, don't make a thread on the internet, where people gather to share opinions and talk freely for everyone to see and comment on. Maybe write in your diary about your straps. Lastly,
End rant!
EDIT: sorry to the op, this rant is or west coast winner, not for you. Thanks for a good thread topic but this guys a dildo, and I thought it was his thread.
Last edited by >Good Luck<; 04-26-2012 at 06:16 AM.
In otherwords.... I really reccomend the wrist wraps. I had a sergury 19 months ago on my scafoid, these due to my sergury I lost a lot of grip in my right hand. These straps force me to have better grip, and a much better stretchs/contractions (especially on back days). What brand did.you get?
And I'm nice and healthy man.. my testes are nice and healthy, full, manly, hairy, and sweaty to ease your concern that I could have hurt.myself. luckily Iv only taken oral dbol in my experience and pinned some Decca only one ttime. Ill tell you what tho. That Decca made my joints feel amazing for a dam year!![]()
Good to know... Do some research tho. Deca is horrible for shutting u down, and dbol the same. Both should be combined with test to compensate for the loss of natural test, regardless of age(not to negate the fact that steroid use before 25 is terrible, and can cause permanent damage to your endo system), height, weight size of nuts etc... But hey, atleast the one shot u did somehow lubed u upOriginally Posted by West Coast Winner
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