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Thread: Need Help on my HCG Mono

  1. #1

    Need Help on my HCG Mono

    Just to give a little background..My first HRT was HCG Mono @ 500 iu 2x/week. I wasnt feeling as well as I thought although my T levels were great at 1100 ng/dl. So, I switched to TRT. I was on 100 mg Test cyp, 250 hcg 2x/week, and 0.5mg ai 2x. Testosterone levels were good at around 1200 ng/dl. But, about 5 weeks ago I decided to go back to HCG MOno and try fixing my E2 because I know it was too low last time. My e2 5 weeks ago was at 7 (3-70) so I was advised to back off completely from the AI. After taking HCG only at 500 iu 2x/week for the last 5 weeks, my Total Test is 446 (348-1197) and my E2 got up to 16. I am happy that my E2 is coming back up towards the 20s. But my T is very low. Ive responded very well to HCG before, but Im wondering if it takes a while to get my T back up after stopping Test Cyp.

    Should I stay at my current HCG dosage and retest in a month? Or should I increase to 500 iu 3 times per week for now to help get levels up faster?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Curry - Need more information about you, your age, overall health, original hypogonadal diagnosis....see sticky for new members its a good read and will help you make the best of this great forum of ours!

    You were taking exogenous Testosterone at 100mg EW for 5 weeks so you were pretty much shut down (HPTA Suppression). The use of the hCG post Test Cyp probably helped with you not totally crashing but i am guessing you are still HPTA suppressed...more or less.

    Mono hCG therapies are hit and miss in elevating Testosterone to optimal levels. If you are Primary the hCG won't do you any good at all...only Secondary.

    IMO, I would stay at your current level and retest in a month as that will set a new baseline for you.

    If you're still low you an increase the hCG to 4X500ius a week and see what that does for you. I wouldn't do any more than that however.

    Keep an eye on your E2 as well. Good to see it getting back to normalized levels but high amounts of hCG can cause elevated E2 - especially intratesticular E2 - which an AI is largely ineffective in controlling.

    Post your next BW in this thread complete with ranges and let's see where you are and we can help you take it from there.

    Sound good?

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    East Coast Dungeon
    What gd said. Establish that baseline. Consider adding a serm (Nolvadex) for a short period as it may help also.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Monticello, Fl
    GD, you do mean that HCG will do no good for testosterone production..right? Still good for overall testicular health and atrophy even if primary?

  5. #5
    When I was did HCG Mono before starting Test cyp, my T levels rose from 400 ng/dl (baseline) to 1100 ng/dl. I was diagnosed as secondary. I responded very well to HCG before since it took me to 1100 ng/dl. I'm just hoping that HCG mono will get me back up to that level since it has done so before. So should I stick with 500 iu twice a week for now and see if my T gets back up?

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