Just to give a little background..My first HRT was HCG Mono @ 500 iu 2x/week. I wasnt feeling as well as I thought although my T levels were great at 1100 ng/dl. So, I switched to TRT. I was on 100 mg Test cyp, 250 hcg 2x/week, and 0.5mg ai 2x. Testosterone levels were good at around 1200 ng/dl. But, about 5 weeks ago I decided to go back to HCG MOno and try fixing my E2 because I know it was too low last time. My e2 5 weeks ago was at 7 (3-70) so I was advised to back off completely from the AI. After taking HCG only at 500 iu 2x/week for the last 5 weeks, my Total Test is 446 (348-1197) and my E2 got up to 16. I am happy that my E2 is coming back up towards the 20s. But my T is very low. Ive responded very well to HCG before, but Im wondering if it takes a while to get my T back up after stopping Test Cyp.
Should I stay at my current HCG dosage and retest in a month? Or should I increase to 500 iu 3 times per week for now to help get levels up faster?