Hello all Ive been cruising on 250mg a week test enanthate for 8 weeks now (after a 10 week blast of test e and tren) and I got bloods done these are my results
Total testosterone- 26.2 (8-32 range)
Prolactin - 588 (90-500 range)
Estradiol - 477 (50-170 range)
EDIT: My blood pressure, cholestrol and everything else health related is perfectly fine which was a surprise considering high e2 increases blood pressure and cholestrol.
I'm 22, 6'3 tall and 132kg (290lb) bodyweight with 18% bodyfat so yeh I am a big boy.
My estrogen is sky high i couldnt believe it, I do admit I was lazy with taking my Aromasin while on cycle and on cruisng because I got little bloat and absolutely no gyno symptoms at all... hard to believe but yeh no symptoms. BUT i did have sexual dysfunction from time to time and now I realize its mostly from my super high estrogen.
With estrogen this high, does this mean that all my androgens are being converted to estrogen? I have prami on me which I am using atm to drop my prolactin. I have letro and aromasin on me ready to go what should be my protocol to bring my estrogen down to a normal level ASAP so I can start cycling again and making gains?
Thanks for your help.