First the old and my situation:
Ok guys, 35yo male. Former collegiate athlete, longtime weightllfter and aspiring pro powerlifter (I hope one day). 5'9 205 (down a few pounds due to an injury) and estimating about 15%bf (can still see some upper abs).
I work a very stressful job and had been been feeling very tired and sluggish of late. Noticed a decrease in libido and an inability to heal from injuries. I also started having problems sleeping and feeling rested afterwards if I did sleep well. So, I made an appointment with a hormone specialist at my compound pharmacy and made an appointment with a Doc that he feels most comfortable working with after our meeting. I read all the stickies here and got some excellent advice from kelkel. I printed off a copy of Dr.Crisler's protocol and went into my appointment.
The doc was more knowledgeable than i expected and I was feeling encouraged. Had an obscene amount of blood taken and waited patiently for the results. I had the bloodwork done in the morning since test would be at it's highest. I fasted as well. Lastly, all tests are LabCorp so the ranges are consistent with what most of you have as well. I don't know the difference in some of these tests but will list them nonetheless. All ranges to the right side:
Test , Serum (Total) {L} 259 ng/dl 348-1197
Bioavailable Test , S 144 ng/dl 128-430
Bioavailable Test % 55.5%
Test , Free, Direct [L] 5.3 pg/ml 8.7-25.1
Test , Serum [L] 187ng/dl 348-1197
TSH 3.590 uIU/ml 0.450-4.500
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) 1.2 mIU/ml 1.7-8.6
Prolactin 6.1 ng/ml 4.0-15.2
Estradiol 9.7 pg/ml 7.6-42.6
PSA 0.9 ng/ml 0.0-4.0
Thyroxine (T4) 9.3 ug/dl 4.5-12.0
T3 Uptake 35% 24-39
Free Thyroxine Index 3.3 1.2-4.9
Dihydrotestosterone {L} 16 ng/dl
DHEA-Sulfate, Serum 252 ug/dl 33-416
IGF -1 233 ng/ml 115-307
IGF -BP3 4.8 mg/L 3.5-7.0
Growth Hormone , Serum <0.1 ng/ml 0.0-2.9 (Am I not producing an GH?!?!)
SHBG, Serum 18.4 nmol/L 16.5-55.9
This is all in terms of hormones. I'm npt sure which test level to go by (259 or 187). Either way I was shocked it was that low. Kind of an ego blow to be honest, I'm getting older. Thought I was gonna feel unstoppable forever lol.
My lipid panel has my cholesterol at 226 and Triglycerides at 108. Cholesterol could be related to low test as well. My kidney and liver function were just slightly elevated due to lifting/soreness and most likely too many vitamins and a high healthy fats/protein diet . Everything else is normal.
Still 5'9 but down to 195 (by choice) and going back to the endo next week for my follow up. What's changed: I've been taking 20mg Nolvadex for the past couple months and supplementing that with about 6gms of D-Aspartic acid a day. I also cut legumes and dairy completely out of my diet, started taking pro-biotics, upped my D3 and fish oil as well.
FSH: 5.4 1.7-8.6
LH: 4.5 1.5-12.4
Total Test: 550.5 348-1197
Free Test: 12.2 8.7-25.1
Free T4: 1.53 0.82-1.77
T3: 101 71-180
Thyroid Peroxidase (tpo) ab:8 0-34
TSH: 2.5 0.4-4.5
Vit D, 25-Hydroxy: 49.1 30.0-100.0
New Cholesterol level is 152 and triglycerides are 90. Lots more cardio right now as I recover from a torn UCL in my elbow.
Your advice is welcome in regards as to how I should handle my doctor visit. I did not expect my test levels to jump up so much from the nolvadex. I have more energy but libido is still not great, it's better though.