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Thread: NEW bloodwork results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    NEW bloodwork results

    First the old and my situation:

    Ok guys, 35yo male. Former collegiate athlete, longtime weightllfter and aspiring pro powerlifter (I hope one day). 5'9 205 (down a few pounds due to an injury) and estimating about 15%bf (can still see some upper abs).

    I work a very stressful job and had been been feeling very tired and sluggish of late. Noticed a decrease in libido and an inability to heal from injuries. I also started having problems sleeping and feeling rested afterwards if I did sleep well. So, I made an appointment with a hormone specialist at my compound pharmacy and made an appointment with a Doc that he feels most comfortable working with after our meeting. I read all the stickies here and got some excellent advice from kelkel. I printed off a copy of Dr.Crisler's protocol and went into my appointment.

    The doc was more knowledgeable than i expected and I was feeling encouraged. Had an obscene amount of blood taken and waited patiently for the results. I had the bloodwork done in the morning since test would be at it's highest. I fasted as well. Lastly, all tests are LabCorp so the ranges are consistent with what most of you have as well. I don't know the difference in some of these tests but will list them nonetheless. All ranges to the right side:

    Test , Serum (Total) {L} 259 ng/dl 348-1197

    Bioavailable Test , S 144 ng/dl 128-430

    Bioavailable Test % 55.5%

    Test , Free, Direct [L] 5.3 pg/ml 8.7-25.1

    Test , Serum [L] 187ng/dl 348-1197

    TSH 3.590 uIU/ml 0.450-4.500

    Luteinizing Hormone (LH) 1.2 mIU/ml 1.7-8.6

    Prolactin 6.1 ng/ml 4.0-15.2

    Estradiol 9.7 pg/ml 7.6-42.6

    PSA 0.9 ng/ml 0.0-4.0

    Thyroxine (T4) 9.3 ug/dl 4.5-12.0

    T3 Uptake 35% 24-39

    Free Thyroxine Index 3.3 1.2-4.9

    Dihydrotestosterone {L} 16 ng/dl

    DHEA-Sulfate, Serum 252 ug/dl 33-416

    IGF -1 233 ng/ml 115-307

    IGF -BP3 4.8 mg/L 3.5-7.0

    Growth Hormone , Serum <0.1 ng/ml 0.0-2.9 (Am I not producing an GH?!?!)

    SHBG, Serum 18.4 nmol/L 16.5-55.9

    This is all in terms of hormones. I'm npt sure which test level to go by (259 or 187). Either way I was shocked it was that low. Kind of an ego blow to be honest, I'm getting older. Thought I was gonna feel unstoppable forever lol.

    My lipid panel has my cholesterol at 226 and Triglycerides at 108. Cholesterol could be related to low test as well. My kidney and liver function were just slightly elevated due to lifting/soreness and most likely too many vitamins and a high healthy fats/protein diet . Everything else is normal.


    Still 5'9 but down to 195 (by choice) and going back to the endo next week for my follow up. What's changed: I've been taking 20mg Nolvadex for the past couple months and supplementing that with about 6gms of D-Aspartic acid a day. I also cut legumes and dairy completely out of my diet, started taking pro-biotics, upped my D3 and fish oil as well.

    FSH: 5.4 1.7-8.6

    LH: 4.5 1.5-12.4

    Total Test: 550.5 348-1197

    Free Test: 12.2 8.7-25.1

    Free T4: 1.53 0.82-1.77

    T3: 101 71-180

    Thyroid Peroxidase (tpo) ab:8 0-34

    TSH: 2.5 0.4-4.5

    Vit D, 25-Hydroxy: 49.1 30.0-100.0

    New Cholesterol level is 152 and triglycerides are 90. Lots more cardio right now as I recover from a torn UCL in my elbow.

    Your advice is welcome in regards as to how I should handle my doctor visit. I did not expect my test levels to jump up so much from the nolvadex. I have more energy but libido is still not great, it's better though.
    Last edited by Viking13; 04-16-2012 at 04:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    you have made fantastic progress with a "relatively safe" and simple therapy. your thyroid and test made dramatic improvements. quite honestly, you said you are feeling better (and I imagine you really are) so I would stick with this therapy.

    things are not as perfect as you will like (are they ever though? ) but in only a couple months your improvement is dramatic. I would approach the appointment with the goal to find out where the doctor wants to see it go. you can throw out a hypothetical such as... what happens if I feel the same in 2-3 months (would you be okay with that?)

    but really... I would feel pretty good about what you're showing us here. you definitely got some good blood work compared to what most people get on their initial visit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    nice job on taking control. 550 is not bad at all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Thanks guys! I was pretty surprised myself, but cleaning up my diet and trying to heal my gut lining has been extremely beneficial in getting control on the potential hypothyroidism that was lurking.

    However, I don't think I can stay on the nolva for too much longer without some side effects. But I am going in with an open mind to the doc and see what he says. Your right hrt, it aint perfect but I feel better for sure.

  5. #5
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Viking13 View Post
    Thanks guys! I was pretty surprised myself, but cleaning up my diet and trying to heal my gut lining has been extremely beneficial in getting control on the potential hypothyroidism that was lurking.

    However, I don't think I can stay on the nolva for too much longer without some side effects. But I am going in with an open mind to the doc and see what he says. Your right hrt, it aint perfect but I feel better for sure.
    If you want to heal your gut lining stay away from grains, research shows they damage the villi and microvilli in the small intestine decreasing intestinal permeability.

  6. #6
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    Yea bro, I've been off grains for three years but kept legumes in my diet, as well as dairy. Once I cut the beans/peanutbutter out I've seen the biggest changes. The probiotics have been a big plus, but the legumes/ peanut butter are also inflammatory to the lining of the gut as well. Damage to the gut lining can contribute to auto immune disorders. I was skeptical what I would do for me, but the proof is in the blood work thus far.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viking13 View Post
    Yea bro, I've been off grains for three years but kept legumes in my diet, as well as dairy. Once I cut the beans/peanutbutter out I've seen the biggest changes. The probiotics have been a big plus, but the legumes/ peanut butter are also inflammatory to the lining of the gut as well. Damage to the gut lining can contribute to auto immune disorders. I was skeptical what I would do for me, but the proof is in the blood work thus far.
    NICE MAN!!! yeah man i'm a big believer in a paleo approach working for optimal health.

  8. #8
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    Me to bro!!!! It's been the best thing to happen to me in a long time man. I went strict paleo 8 weeks ago and have never, in 15 years, had my cholesterol/triglycerides this low!!! I read the paleo solution and paleos benefits for auto immune disorders and said hell I'll try since I'm borderline hypo. This is the best my bloodwork has been bro. I'm hooked on the stricter version o paleo for sure for me. I'm gonna miss peanutbutter though!!!

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Glad things are working out Viking! I agree with HRT and I am very interested in what course of action you and your doc decide on. Update this post please!

  10. #10
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    has doing paleo been hard to adhere to? I have cut out most refined sugar over the last few months, but I know I could be more paleo-esque? lol...

    I just keep hearing so much about it, I'm almost on the verge to try it.

  11. #11
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    For me hrt it IS NOT hard to adhere to. Heart disease runs in my family and it was a simple choice when my cholesterol was 300 and triglycerides 400 and I was borderline diabetic!! Once I cut the gluten out my tris dropped to mid-low 100s. But my cholesterol still bounced around the mid 200s. Once I quit being hard headed, when faced with possible hypo, and cut out the legumes it paid off. It's all about discipline bro. I don't want to be sick jut because I enjoy pizza or a cup of beans.

  12. #12
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    Plus when u start lookin into how we evolved and what we ate before the age of agriculture it makes a lot of sense to be honest. Cavemen didn't eat fruit loops and pop tarts. Lol

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viking13 View Post
    Me to bro!!!! It's been the best thing to happen to me in a long time man. I went strict paleo 8 weeks ago and have never, in 15 years, had my cholesterol/triglycerides this low!!! I read the paleo solution and paleos benefits for auto immune disorders and said hell I'll try since I'm borderline hypo. This is the best my bloodwork has been bro. I'm hooked on the stricter version o paleo for sure for me. I'm gonna miss peanutbutter though!!!
    man in my opinion Almond Butter is much better!

  14. #14
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    Thanks KelKel!!

    And almond butter is great!! I've been getting the omega 3 enriched kind from trader joes. It's the best!!

  15. #15
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    What carbs do you eat if you don't go for beans or grains?

  16. #16
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    Sweet potatoes, yams, some fruit (mostly pre or post workout) Sweet peppers (all colors and lots per serving)

  17. #17
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    [QUOTE=Viking13;5978135]Sweet potatoes, yams, some fruit (mostly pre or post workout) Sweet peppers (all colors and lots per serving)[/QU

    I thought you are not suppose to have any potatoes on paleo diet???........I've been on it a couple of weeks....I have insulin resistance and doc recommended this diet....

    The primal blueprint.. is a very good book if anyone wants to learn about the paleo diet....12 dollars on amazon!!

  18. #18
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    You really can't go wrong with the primal blueprint or the paleo solution. I really like the way mark sisson approaches the primal blueprint in terms of lifestyle.

    In regards to tubers, they are acceptable for athletes expending a high amount of energy. However, if you do not expend much energy outside of the weight room they are best in moderation only.

  19. #19
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    The trick is to cut ouT all potentially inflammatory foods out of the diet for atleast 30 days. Dairy, tubers, legumes, nightshades. Only after thAt time has elapsed and you have some new bloodwork would I introduce one of those elements back into your diet to see how your body responds.

  20. #20
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    Doc wants to keep me on the nolvadex through August and slowly ween me off and see if my test can sustain itself. My wife is pregnant (first) and we want to be sure this is all the kids we want, and also that this is a healthy pregnancy with no complications. That's the responsible thing to do IMO for now.

    However, I can't stay on the nolvadex forever. Despite the reading of 550 my libido is virtually non existent. No ed issues, just no drive. The longer I'm on this the less effects I feel. My energy/sleep is better on some days but that's about it.

    I'm all about being responsible and making the right choices, but I can't help but feel a little dissapointed when looking ling term. I mean I'm ecstatic that I don have any thyroid issues etc. Not sure if the Hpta shutdown was adrenal related or what. But I still don't feel right, and I don't think the doc understood that. He asked if I'd be happy with a 400 level of test when i come off nolva. I was kinda dumbfounded because I just got done telling him I didn't feel that much different with where I'm at right now except more energy, as well as sleeping somewhat better, on SOME days. I swear the way I've felt on those days I thought for sure my test was still 187.


    Sorry for the ramble guys. Its late and im Just a little frustrated.
    Last edited by Viking13; 04-30-2012 at 02:36 AM.

  21. #21
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Thoughts. Add some HCG to the Nolva therapy. Also talk to your doctor about Cabergoline.

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