I just got my 6 month BW results this afternoon and would love some opinions. Just not sure if I should consider myself dialed in now, or continue making changes.
Some background; I'm 44, and my initial total testosterone was 155 in October '11. Dr prescribed 300mg Test Cyp every two weeks, no AI or HCG. I decided to do 150mg every week. I have since changed my dosage a little at a time and added in some Arimidex.
The only initial testing I had done was total test , so I have nothing to compare the other results to.
My results from 11/28 (150mg Test Cyp 1xWeek, no AI);
Testosterone , Serum 340 (348-1197)
Testosterone , Free 7.51 (5.00-21.00)
% Free Testosterone 2.21 (1.50-4.20)
PSA .5 (0.0-4.0) [was also .5 six weeks ago]
IGF -1 219 (101-267)
Estradiol, Sensitive 38 (3-70)
And results from 2/6 (160mg Test Cyp 1xWeek, no AI);
Testosterone , Serum 452 (348-1197)
Testosterone , Free 16.18 (5.00-21.00)
% Free Testosterone 3.58 (1.50-4.20)
PSA .5 (0.0-4.0)
IGF -1 269 (101-267)
Estradiol, Sensitive 55 (3-70)
And my current results (increased Test Cyp to 180mg 1xWeek, and added .25 mg of Arimidex day after my injection)
Testosterone , Serum 603 (348-1197)
Testosterone , Free 22.31 (5.00-21.00)
% Free Testosterone 3.70 (1.50-4.20)
PSA .6 (0.0-4.0)
IGF -1 273 (101-267)
Estradiol, Sensitive 35 (3-70)