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Thread: Opinions on whether I am TRT worthy please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Opinions on whether I am TRT worthy please

    Guys, I am 33. I got tested years ago and had low testosterone. Can't remember the number. Got blood test recently and test levels were 280. Low again. Prostate, GH and everthing else was ok. Liver values a little high because of a high protein diet which I am rectifying with a PH balancing drink each day.

    Question: Is it worth lifetime jabs of test with a test level of 280.

    I just finished my first cycle of sust250 2 x week for 10 week. I am 1 week out of PCT, so I will wait another 2-3 mths to get bloodwork done again to see how I've recovered. The blood test I mentioned above was PRE cycle.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I would not go on trt unless you absolutely had to. How do you feel? Did you do a proper pct? You need to find out why your levels were so low at your age. Testical issue/pituitary issue, etc. Can you post your most recent BW with ranges? That should help us evaluate and get you some good feedback from the members.

    There are therapies that you can do, similar to pct, that will help jump start your system that may help. I would try everything first before starting TRT. Not saying it's a bad thing. Just the opposite. It's just not something you want to do early in life if you can avoid it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thanks Kelkel.

    I did do a proper PCT Clomid 100/50/50/50 Nolva 40/20/20/20 (I could have kept the second week the same as the first, lessons). I feel like absolute crap now though, a week out of PCT.

    I'll have to get in touch with my doc regarding bloodwork as I he didn't give me the results to keep, we just went over them together.

    The guy who did my bloodwork also mentioned a similar route to yourself - trying other things (peptides etc) but they are bloody expensive! Having said that, it is worth a go though. I guess TRT should be the last resort??

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Yes. Last resort in my opinion. You have a long life ahead of you. Delay it until absolutely necessary. Maybe consider HCG/Nolva therapy if you don't start feeling better as a way to jump start your system, so to speak.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2011
    When would be the best time to do bloodwork again considering i finished pct a week ago - now or wait a few mths?

  6. #6
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    Oct 2011
    cycling steroids within the last few months can wreak havoc on your body's natural hormone regulation. how often are you on compared to "off" whether it's steroids, prohormones, etc anything hormonal?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    cycling steroids within the last few months can wreak havoc on your body's natural hormone regulation. how often are you on compared to "off" whether it's steroids, prohormones, etc anything hormonal?
    I have only ever cycled once before and that was the cycle described above. I am a week out of PCT. Apart from that I have been completely natural for 15years+ worth of training - no pro hormones or anything.

    I have always had trouble getting rid of fat on the lower abdomin, and I do believe it has something to do with low test that I've had all my life. Finally things are making sense after all these years of pushing s... up hill!

  8. #8
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    As you know the cycle's are only making things worse. You may want to reconsider this moving forward or you may do permanent damage which will put you on TRT for life. Personally as Kel stated, I would try to avoid this at all cost. Lastly, I have been noticing a trend here lately, everytime someone has elevated liver enzymes they want to right away dismiss it from a high protein diet???? That may be the case, but maybe not, take that seriously!

  9. #9
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    Mar 2006
    reread op and deleted...i was thinking knowing bloodwork before this cycle would help me answer your question or rather give my .02...

    subscribed waiting the next bloodwork and after pct...

    but you did say they were low PRIOR?
    Last edited by zaggahamma; 05-02-2012 at 07:20 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    As you know the cycle's are only making things worse. You may want to reconsider this moving forward or you may do permanent damage which will put you on TRT for life. Personally as Kel stated, I would try to avoid this at all cost. Lastly, I have been noticing a trend here lately, everytime someone has elevated liver enzymes they want to right away dismiss it from a high protein diet???? That may be the case, but maybe not, take that seriously!
    Agreed, cycles can make things worse. That's why I want to get bloodwork done again so I can see how I faired post cycle. But just need to know when I should go - now (1 week post PCT) or give it a few months.

    Also, my doc said my liver values were high due to my protein intake. I am uneducated at this point as to why else it may be high. Can you enlighten us?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    reread op and deleted...i was thinking knowing bloodwork before this cycle would help me answer your question or rather give my .02...

    subscribed waiting the next bloodwork and after pct...

    but you did say they were low PRIOR?
    Correct, they were low BEFORE my first cycle (280).

  12. #12
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    even the 280 was BEFORE? confused?

  13. #13
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    NotConv, I dont beleive 1 week will give you any indication of whats really going on, its not enough time. 2 3 months and maybe you can get a better picture, more stabilized value's. I am not saying you have liver problems or am I disputing what your Dr is telling you, however, many thiungs can affect liver function. I just think its "interesting" lately people want to dismiss ALT and AST elevations because of high protein intake. Personally, I can drink like a fish eat 300 grams of protein a day and my value's have always been fine. I even had blood drawn once after I was on quite the "bender" hoping (this my seem warped) but hoping the value's would be a litle elevated just to give myself a wake up call. Values were perfect 12 hrs later. point is everyone's bodies metabolize different. High enzymes do not in themselves indicate liver damage or problems rather something is not be broken down and excreated properly, if you will. Many things like medications (pain meds) a big one OTC or Rx herbal supplements or the obvious, heavy drinking could affect the value's.

    just saying, keep an eye on it and dont just dismiss it because you eat alot of protein. Keep us posted.

  14. #14
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    Feb 2012
    If I had low T-levels I would go on HRT.
    even higher end HRT (wee bit more than normal) .
    MANY MANY more pros to cons in my op.

  15. #15
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    Oct 2011
    You really need to avoid cycling steroids for this sensitive period. Even if you started on HRT now, your results are skewed because your hormonal profile right now is in great flux.

    Honestly, at this point I would wait 3-4 months and recheck your full hormonal panel. Do your PCT and avoid all hormones from here on out.

    Trying to treat someone for low T while they simultaneously treat themselves with underground potent anabolics is far more difficult than losing your belly fat that you've had trouble with!

    You're only going to be doing yourself a favor by going about this in the best way.

  16. #16
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    even the 280 was BEFORE? confused?
    Apologies, so this is my experience... Years ago had blood test indicating low test (cant remember the number). Had a blood test late last year and came back with low T of 280. Cycled early this year for 10 weeks sust 250 2 x week, plus 4 weeks PCT. Now am a week post PCT and wondering when my next blood test should be (although I think I have found my answer).

    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    NotConv, I dont beleive 1 week will give you any indication of whats really going on, its not enough time. 2 3 months and maybe you can get a better picture, more stabilized value's. I am not saying you have liver problems or am I disputing what your Dr is telling you, however, many thiungs can affect liver function. I just think its "interesting" lately people want to dismiss ALT and AST elevations because of high protein intake. Personally, I can drink like a fish eat 300 grams of protein a day and my value's have always been fine. I even had blood drawn once after I was on quite the "bender" hoping (this my seem warped) but hoping the value's would be a litle elevated just to give myself a wake up call. Values were perfect 12 hrs later. point is everyone's bodies metabolize different. High enzymes do not in themselves indicate liver damage or problems rather something is not be broken down and excreated properly, if you will. Many things like medications (pain meds) a big one OTC or Rx herbal supplements or the obvious, heavy drinking could affect the value's.

    just saying, keep an eye on it and dont just dismiss it because you eat alot of protein. Keep us posted.
    Thanks Bullshark. This makes perfect sense now. I'll wait a few more months before blood test. I take your point about an individuals liver values and metabolism differering from person to person.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blergs View Post
    If I had low T-levels I would go on HRT.
    even higher end HRT (wee bit more than normal) .
    MANY MANY more pros to cons in my op.
    Agreed, and this is why I am looking in to it. Although I feel I have a due diligence to pay with regard to finding other avenues that may help (eg peptides or even hcg treatment etc)

    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    You really need to avoid cycling steroids for this sensitive period. Even if you started on HRT now, your results are skewed because your hormonal profile right now is in great flux.

    Honestly, at this point I would wait 3-4 months and recheck your full hormonal panel. Do your PCT and avoid all hormones from here on out.

    Trying to treat someone for low T while they simultaneously treat themselves with underground potent anabolics is far more difficult than losing your belly fat that you've had trouble with!

    You're only going to be doing yourself a favor by going about this in the best way.
    Yep, point taken. I have been on the fence about cycling for 15+ years and finally decided to give it a go. In all honesty I agree with you, but I wouldn't be educated on the topic if I never gave it a go. As part of my 'cycling' I have researched researched and researched, and without that I think I would have gone ignorant on the topic of roids and TRT and been pushing S... up hill for the rest of my life. I'll get my bloods up here in the next few months an approach this wit tact.

    This has been a very valuable thread to me. Thank you heaps for the feedback.

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