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Thread: Cycle Check..... Would like some EXPERIANCED FEED BACK

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ecko Now in Ontario

    Cycle Check..... Would like some EXPERIANCED FEED BACK

    I would like some experianced feed back on the this cycle I'm planning:

    The BULK cycle (12 weeks)

    Test Eth. 1000mg / Week
    Deca 600mg / Week

    *** 8 week break****

    The CUT down Cycle (12 weeks)

    Prop 125 mg / day
    Fina 50 mg / day
    Winny 50 mg / day
    EQ 200 mg / week
    T3 --- 100mcg max

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Wow, slow down. 1000mg a week is a lot! How many cycle have you done? Even the Deca is to high. Your cutting cycle seems in order but you need to rethink your bulker!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    southern california
    Ecko,nolimits is right..for your bulk you should go like 600 mgs test and no more than 400 deca..any more than that and you're wasting your gear bro..what you should do is add some dbol to the mix(for your bulk, 200 mg a week..(that would be 4 10 mg pinkies a day X 5 days a week)or bump it up to 60mg a day..with the dianabol you will get better results,as for the cuttering cycle,you seem to have that thought out really well....good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ecko Now in Ontario
    Well So far I've done 3 cycles...

    Cycle One : Deca 300mgs -- 10 weeks
    Cycle two : Test 650 + EQ 400 --- 13 weeks
    Cycle three: Fina 75mgs (ED) + Cyp 600mgs -- 10 wks

    I'm thinking of Revising the bulk cycle to:

    Test Eth 750
    Deca 600

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    The BULK cycle (12 weeks)

    Test Eth. 750mg/ Week
    Deca 450mg / Week

    *** 8 week break****

    The CUT down Cycle (12 weeks)

    Prop 100 mg / day
    Fina 75 mg / day
    EQ 400 mg / week
    T3 --- 100mcg max

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Bulk 600mg test enan, 400mg deca

    Cutting 100mg eod, fina 75mg eod and eq 400mg a week


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Are you going to see if you have recovered after 8 weeks or are you just setting a time and then going to the cutting cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    southern california
    dude,you really need to add either dbol or anadrol (if you can get rm)to this stack..ask around bro,but again,it depends on what you're looking for as far as results go,but bulk big and lean down and there you go...cheers dude...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    8 weeks is too short of a break.

    You'll be starting PCT within 3 weeks, then letting it go for 3 more weeks. That's 6 weeks out of your 8 that you're jus recovering. You're then going to shut yourself down 2 weeks after almost getting the ball rolling? Why not just go straight into your cutting rather then start and shut yourself down.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I'd just do one 20 weeker.

    Weeks 1-12 BULK
    Weeks 13-14 REST
    Weeks 14-20 CUT
    Weeks 20-21 REST
    Weeks 21-? PCT and Maintenance

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States
    You don't HAVE to up the doses EVERY cycle. You could get the same results with test at 650mg just like you did in cycle two. Maybe the next cycle after this bump the test to 750, but I think you can run 650mg again and get good results.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    help me please. i have a minor case of pre-exisisting gyno and need some info. i was going to do a cycle for 10 weeks.

    200mgs eq per week
    50mgs winny(twice per week)
    cytomel for 4 weeks.

    i have 50- 20mg novaldex on hand and 30- 50mg clomid on hand
    and i am not sure how and when to start my pct.
    also, will i even need novaldex for gyno, i have taken the eq previously with no gyno unless i went up to 400mgs per week. will letro help reverse the gyno and if so, how much should i get. feel free to email me at [email protected]

  13. #13
    Sorry bro....don't hijack someone's thread. Start your own if you have a question.

    Quote Originally Posted by jstanz
    help me please. i have a minor case of pre-exisisting gyno and need some info. i was going to do a cycle for 10 weeks.

    200mgs eq per week
    50mgs winny(twice per week)
    cytomel for 4 weeks.

    i have 50- 20mg novaldex on hand and 30- 50mg clomid on hand
    and i am not sure how and when to start my pct.
    also, will i even need novaldex for gyno, i have taken the eq previously with no gyno unless i went up to 400mgs per week. will letro help reverse the gyno and if so, how much should i get. feel free to email me at [email protected]

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    thi thread is like 2 months old why are we re visting it.. this guy is probably alreayd into his cycle by now..

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ECKO 747
    I would like some experianced feed back on the this cycle I'm planning:

    The BULK cycle (12 weeks)

    Test Eth. 1000mg / Week
    Deca 600mg / Week

    *** 8 week break****

    The CUT down Cycle (12 weeks)

    Prop 125 mg / day
    Fina 50 mg / day
    Winny 50 mg / day
    EQ 200 mg / week
    T3 --- 100mcg max
    The bulk,
    Looks good. I would start the E around 6-700.. then ramp up +1,000 as your gains slow.

    12 weeks doesn't seem like long enough to get the full effect from the Deca.
    I would go 16-18 - after all, you wanna get big.

    The cut down,
    Taking an 8 week break in between bulk and cut will net in loss of muscle mass, so the prop you're gonna be using in part too will help cut providing diet is in check, but it will also help regain the mass you lost from part 1.
    You're goal is to trim, not take 2 steps forward and 1 step back.

    I suggest going longer on the bulk, then without a break, run a small cutter.

    Ever notice people suggest THE SAME doses and drug types for bulk AND cut down?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dayum guys this cycle is long gone look at the dates


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