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Thread: Britney Spears to pose naked for PETA!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada

    Britney Spears to pose naked for PETA!

    Ironically two nites ago I had a dream, and FI was going out and getting it on with Spears! and oh what a dream it was. But i doubt u want to hear about that. Now, just a day later i was watching the news and was shocked to hear that Spear's will posed naked. The reason being is the PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) was charging and i thinking sueing Spears for her latest live show. She had a snake wrapped around her neck and a tiger in a cage in the background. Now in no way were the animals being mistreated, shit the tigers trainer was on stage durring the performance. But who cares cause now they've got her naked! But anyway, they made a big deal out of it, and said they are either going to take this one step further (persue legal action) or she can help support their "I rather wear nothing then wear fur" campaign. So now Spears will appear naked for one of their ads! now isn't that good news See i'm thinking this is just the start b/c as soon as an actress/singer takes off their clothes once their expected to do it again. C'mon Hue Heffner, its your turn now, i can't wait

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    This is great news I hope it happens you know its going to be a back shot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    No! not a back shot, why'd u have to tell me that

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Back from Hell
    Trust me I am hoping for the best to but I dont see it happing

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    United States of America
    FI, I think pure is right man. Becasue the front shot would not pass through PETA. Sorry man, hopefuly one day in playboy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    once her career goes down the drain..

    PLAYBOY will be the next thing!!PETA ads aren't completely naked.they cover you with the "no fur" banner.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Outside your bedroom wind
    No fur, no schmur. I want a booty shot. That is my weakness.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    She'll be in Playboy someday i'm sure....Partyboy: did you ever meet her? lol


  9. #9
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    Nov 2001

    yeah last year

    i met her last year at the No Strings Attached MTV afterparty for NSYNC.the same night my boy started getting his swerve on w/ his closet boy toy Lance.ahhh scandals

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i don't think you were a member then

    i told a few guys some dirt on her back in the day.too much to get into again

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Outside your bedroom wind
    Meet our gossip queen....partyboy.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    my boy started getting his swerve on w/ his closet boy toy Lance.ahhh scandals
    Oh boy... I don't think I wanna know lol.
    That's cool though....Just thought I would ask


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Yea anyone but Him

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    my students just got me a britney spears gift pack for christmas...mousepad, coffee mug, etc

    i'm not sure if i can take seeing britney naked...i may have cardiac arrest

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i want a britney gift pack!!

    damn it!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    you wanna teach my class????

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    can i have a Kevlar jacket to do it?haha

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    The Rink!!
    I love Britney Spears...Just had to add that...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Re: Britney Spears to pose naked for PETA!

    Originally posted by Full Intensity
    She had a snake wrapped around her neck and a tiger in a cage in the background. Now in no way were the animals being mistreated, shit the tigers trainer was on stage durring the performance[/B]
    the tiger (wild animal) was in a cage.......on stage.......with britney spears!.......

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America

    Re: haha

    Originally posted by partyboynyc
    can i have a Kevlar jacket to do it?haha
    I don't think that this will be enough PB. C'mon Dane is a big guy and he still get it. LOL

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada

    Re: Re: Britney Spears to pose naked for PETA!

    Originally posted by KBgrl

    the tiger (wild animal) was in a cage.......on stage.......with britney spears!.......
    and how are animals transported? well then that is un-ethical treatment too right?

    but anyway, i was sooo excited now i'm soo disappointed to hear that i wont get to see her naked! err Lets all write Hef at Playboy and demand he put her in the mag. I bet they wont even be able to print enough copies.

  22. #22
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    Aug 2001

    Re: Re: Re: Britney Spears to pose naked for PETA!

    Originally posted by Full Intensity
    and how are animals transported? well then that is un-ethical treatment too right?
    Most definately!! IMO it's unethical to take a wild species out of it's natural habitat....regardless of circumstances. I know some will argue that in cases of species being close to extinction it is neccesary....but if it wasn't for human encrouchment in the first place, none of it would be neccessary. Let's own up...we treat animals unethically.

  23. #23
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    Aug 2001

    Re: haha

    Originally posted by partyboynyc
    can i have a Kevlar jacket to do it?haha
    i walk in this mornig to gigantic bloodstain on the front steps. turns out some 7th grader got his head kicked during a gang initiation this morning.

  24. #24
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    Toronto, Canada
    we do treat animals unethically in some cases but in others it is for the benefit of their species. Look at DNA, they hope soon to be able to re-create extinct species, so they can live free once again. And i hunt occassionally, so an animal in a cage for 5 minutes is cruel to me. Shit if thats cruel, then what do u call people in jail? cause all these animal rights activists believe that animals should be treated with dignity and respect just like an other human, well if thats the case shouldn't we be doing the same with our own kin? then why the hell are we putting eachother in jails and complaining about a friggin animal in a cage!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    "IMO it's unethical to take a wild species out of it's natural habitat....regardless of circumstances. "

    hey pete, that's hypocritical.we don't force you to stay in the bars all the time.we let you assimilate into society.hahahaha

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Pete!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

    Full Intensity...... i think u were missing my point.... i know how animals are transported....... the only time i think its ok to keep an animal in captivity is when they are being rehabilitated to go back into the wild. the tiger does not belong IN THE MIDDLE OF A BRITNEY SPEARS CONCERT .........the cage was the least of the 'wrongs' in that scenerio.

    u guys ever see that guy on TV.. i forget his name..... he brings all these exotic/wild animals on talk shows...... ive seen him on maurey povich..... jay leno....... etc... he claims to LUV animals and then hes putting them in the middle on NYC..with spot lights shining in their faces and in front of a crowd of clapping , laughing people....... poor things!! can u imagine how frightened they are..... ill NEVER understand how a person can go to a zoo or to sea world and view that is normal?!?!? is it just so bizzare to me.

    and if u want to start comparing the treatment of humans (jails) to the treatment of animals im game! animals dont intentially rape, kill, rob....... thier own species..... they simply survive...... we on the other hand are the animals that need cages. i for one think all prisons should be abolished! they DO NOT WORK .....the recidivism rate is ridiculous and these 'establishments' have become business more than 'correctional facility.' IMO... i think there should be several islands designated for these morons that are in prison........ send them all out to this island..... give them a bunch of guns and let them kill each other! simple really! god..we would save so much of our tax money!

  27. #27
    OK I gotta back KBgrl up on this. First of all Jack Hannah is the goofy mofo that "loves" animals that takes them out of their natural habitat all the time on shows. poor lil guys.

    I was in New Mexico once it was like 100 freakin degrees and went to a zoo. It was so sad. T hey had mountain lions there and the worst was a polar bear. He was just stayin underwater trying to stay cool. HUGE ass bear in little pool in the fuckin dessert. MESSED UP!!

    And about comparin em to humans in jail. Another aspect of that KBgrl would be animals NEVER leave their young or kill them unlike some humans in todays society.

    Free WILLY!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by fitnesschick_1

    Free WILLY! [/B]

    thanks momma!

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Back from Hell
    So what your saying is leave all the animals in the wild and dont ver allow anyone to appreciate them. There is a fine line between ethical treatment and abuse but if a mother abandons her young and we can save them but to do that we have to raise them in captivity is that wrong should we let them die and then maybe have them face extinction. To say all zoos are wrong is far to much of a blanket statement. I do agree that there is a lot of abuse that goes on in the zoos but alot of good happens there to. Look at the Pnda Bear for instance how many of them are there thanks to be raised in the Zoos in a controled evnviroment.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    This is turing into a males point of view vs. a females LOL

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Back from Hell
    No one to blame except for you j/k

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by partyboynyc
    "IMO it's unethical to take a wild species out of it's natural habitat....regardless of circumstances. "
    hey pete, that's hypocritical.we don't force you to stay in the bars all the time.we let you assimilate into society.hahahaha
    Well crafted and delivered my friend .....also very true.....ya silly bastard hahahahahaha

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Thanks now everytime I see he on Tv I think about her naked

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by KBgrl
    Pete!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

    Full Intensity...... i think u were missing my point.... i know how animals are transported....... the only time i think its ok to keep an animal in captivity is when they are being rehabilitated to go back into the wild. the tiger does not belong IN THE MIDDLE OF A BRITNEY SPEARS CONCERT .........the cage was the least of the 'wrongs' in that scenerio.

    u guys ever see that guy on TV.. i forget his name..... he brings all these exotic/wild animals on talk shows...... ive seen him on maurey povich..... jay leno....... etc... he claims to LUV animals and then hes putting them in the middle on NYC..with spot lights shining in their faces and in front of a crowd of clapping , laughing people....... poor things!! can u imagine how frightened they are..... ill NEVER understand how a person can go to a zoo or to sea world and view that is normal?!?!? is it just so bizzare to me.

    and if u want to start comparing the treatment of humans (jails) to the treatment of animals im game! animals dont intentially rape, kill, rob....... thier own species..... they simply survive...... we on the other hand are the animals that need cages. i for one think all prisons should be abolished! they DO NOT WORK .....the recidivism rate is ridiculous and these 'establishments' have become business more than 'correctional facility.' IMO... i think there should be several islands designated for these morons that are in prison........ send them all out to this island..... give them a bunch of guns and let them kill each other! simple really! god..we would save so much of our tax money!
    That is the most uneducated statement i think i have ever read. I have 2 family members in prison that were convicted of drug charges, but for only being in the same vehicle as the people transporting the drugs. Now you think those people should be shot? Yea they're a real harm to society all right..

    What about the thousands of members on this board that use steroids? If ever convicted, almost all of us would go to jail for a lengthy amount of time! Does that mean we all deserve to die?

    Its not just rapists and the like that are in prison, it is also filled with innocent people, and minor violators that don't deserve the treatment they are recieving. By the time they leave their institution they come out worse than when they entered!

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by KBgrl
    animals dont intentially rape, kill, rob....... thier own species..... they simply survive...... we on the other hand are the animals that need cages.
    So what about the poor population. Where i grew up, MANY families had to intentionally rob, just to survive. One of my highschool friends, when he was younger, had no way of feeding himself or his two sisters. So he walked the hard road and had to rob people, take their money, etc. to feed his siblings he was left with. He was i think 12 years old, taking peoples money, just so his sisters could survive.

    Now a lot of the shlt he did could put him in jail for 15 years, does he deserve to be shot? Yes he was robbing, but he was doing so as his only means for survival, for not only him, but his family. What do we do then? Is he a bad person for caring for his family in the only way he knew?

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Al Asad, Iraq
    Interesting how i was opening this thread expecting to read something funny, etc... but instead became insulted at some womans biggoted point of view.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by fitnesschick_1
    And about comparin em to humans in jail. Another aspect of that KBgrl would be animals NEVER leave their young or kill them unlike some humans in todays society.

    Free WILLY!
    Have you ever studied biology? Apparently not.

    There are numerous species, many being mammals, in which they DO kill and/or leave their young to survive on their own. If you would like i'm sure i can search and come up with at least 20 species.

    There are actually many species that also exhibit cannibalistic tendencies...One very simple example being spiders, in which after the male impregnates the female, she will proceed to eat her partner unless he promptly leaves her designated area (web+nearby surroundings), especially if the male (or any male) navigates his unlucky ass near the egg sack!
    One very disgusting example of such a species is the goliath spider. The largest in the world...Weighing in at nearly half a pound, with a legspan of almost 1 foot, its typical meal involves small mammals and birds!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    god dam i just realized i'm getting all bent out of shape about a thread that is just over 3 years old!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I hope they gave her ampel warning so she can get rid of that extra fat she is carrying around and all the pimples covering her face.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    3 year old thread guys...

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