Okay, I am sure I will get flamed a bit on this, but I am going to lay it all out.
***Please Note, this is not recommended. I got off lucky, you may not***
The Story
Last April (2011 - 35yrs old), I decided it was time to get back into shape. I had been in my years previos, but back surgery and poor diet lead me to ballooning to 280lbs at one point (New Stats are below).To be honest, like a lot of people, I wanted a magic bullet, and against the advice of many vets on this forum, I turned to AAS - I didn't care about the risks, the depression was enough to deal with. So, I went for it anyways...here is what I did.
Previous Stats
Age: 35
Weight: 265lbs
Height: 6' 2"
BF: 35-40% (Guess)
Diet: Poor (Obviously)
What I ran...First Cycle (STUPID!!!)
Weeks 1-6:
Test Cyp 500mg/wk
D-Bol 50mg/day (I Think)
Weeks 7-12:
Test Cyp 500mg/wk
Tren 250/mg/wk
Weeks 12-16
Test Cyp 750mg/wk
Tren 500mg/wk
Training (Over)
6 days/wk, 1-2hrs/day
I kept Nolva on hand and dosed when I got sensitive nips.
Sides - Lethargy (at first), Hair growth, Increased Libido, Sweats
I can't say for sure what I was at exactly when I finished my cycle, but I stuck to proper diet and continued to train HARD and still do.
Here is a before and after picture 1 yr to the day.
Cycle 2
I have just begun my second cycle (10 weeks). I am looking to put on approx 8-10lbs of lean muscle mass.
Current Stats:
Age: 36
Weight: 197lbs
Height: 6' 2"
BF: 11-13%
Diet: Great, Mostly Vegetarian (I like candy)
Week 1-10:
Test Cyp 500mg/wk (Front-loaded Week 1 with 1000mg)
Aromisan 20mg/EOD
B12 1000mcg/day
B5 (When I pick it up)
PCT (4Wks)
Nolvadex 20mg/day
So, there it is...Not hiding anything.
Once again. I do not recommend any first timer or young person run what I did. I got off lucky, you may not...