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Thread: Cycle 2 (Thoughts PLz) + Results from Cycle 1 w/pics - Stats Incl'd

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Ontario, Canada

    Cycle 2 (Thoughts PLz) + Results from Cycle 1 w/pics - Stats Incl'd

    Okay, I am sure I will get flamed a bit on this, but I am going to lay it all out.

    ***Please Note, this is not recommended. I got off lucky, you may not***

    The Story
    Last April (2011 - 35yrs old), I decided it was time to get back into shape. I had been in my years previos, but back surgery and poor diet lead me to ballooning to 280lbs at one point (New Stats are below).To be honest, like a lot of people, I wanted a magic bullet, and against the advice of many vets on this forum, I turned to AAS - I didn't care about the risks, the depression was enough to deal with. So, I went for it is what I did.

    Previous Stats
    Age: 35
    Weight: 265lbs
    Height: 6' 2"
    BF: 35-40% (Guess)
    Diet: Poor (Obviously)

    What I ran...First Cycle (STUPID!!!)
    Weeks 1-6:
    Test Cyp 500mg/wk
    D-Bol 50mg/day (I Think)
    Weeks 7-12:
    Test Cyp 500mg/wk
    Tren 250/mg/wk
    Weeks 12-16
    Test Cyp 750mg/wk
    Tren 500mg/wk


    Training (Over)
    6 days/wk, 1-2hrs/day

    I kept Nolva on hand and dosed when I got sensitive nips.

    Sides - Lethargy (at first), Hair growth, Increased Libido, Sweats

    I can't say for sure what I was at exactly when I finished my cycle, but I stuck to proper diet and continued to train HARD and still do.
    Here is a before and after picture 1 yr to the day.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	B-A.jpg 
Views:	11769 
Size:	237.1 KB 
ID:	123068

    Cycle 2
    I have just begun my second cycle (10 weeks). I am looking to put on approx 8-10lbs of lean muscle mass.

    Current Stats:
    Age: 36
    Weight: 197lbs
    Height: 6' 2"
    BF: 11-13%
    Diet: Great, Mostly Vegetarian (I like candy)

    Week 1-10:
    Test Cyp 500mg/wk (Front-loaded Week 1 with 1000mg)
    Aromisan 20mg/EOD
    B12 1000mcg/day
    B5 (When I pick it up)

    PCT (4Wks)
    Nolvadex 20mg/day

    So, there it is...Not hiding anything.

    Once again. I do not recommend any first timer or young person run what I did. I got off lucky, you may not...
    Last edited by Newbie100; 05-17-2012 at 10:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Central Florida
    Pretty sure everyone on here told me to run the Cyp for 12 weeks!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Your pct is weak

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Diet: Great, Mostly Vegetarian (I like candy)

    Is this a joke?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by miboleron
    Diet: Great, Mostly Vegetarian (I like candy)

    Is this a joke?
    I am not even sure what that means. Candy is definitely not on anyone's diet here

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Yes your vegetarian diet may cause a problem.
    a) I hope you are getting enough protein from other sources (whey, beans etc). I hope you are the kind of vegetarian who eats fish.
    b) Candy? You are 36 and using AAS, candy shouldn't really be in your diet.

    Your first cycle was quite insane.. dbol at 50mg for 6 weeks pretty ridiculous let alone the tren...

    But yes good transformation my friend, keep it up *thumbs up*

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