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Thread: What more can I expect?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    What more can I expect?

    Yesterday was 4 weeks since I started my Sust 250 cycle and I wonder what more can I excpect from it. From what i have read things don't start usually kicking in until about week 5. I have already had some weight gain 11 pounds and I have went up in strength at the gym. I belived the two go hand in hand from just my diet not the AAS i think. I have upped my calories and macros since I started and think that has more to do with the gains then the AAS right now, does that sound correct? Plus I feel I push more in the gym now then I ever did before and that is helping with the strength gains and being fueled. I always thought I was pushing hard before but I don't think I was going as hard as I could you know naturally. I do like having that feeling that when I am off cycle I can push myself harder then I did before and keep things going and mybe run another cycle after the first of the year.

    What can I excpect when it kicks in? Will I know or will it be a gradual thing and then level out towards end of cycle?

    One more thing the weight I have gained I don't think is all fat and water since I had my first "You are looking buffer, are you on steroids or something" comment from a lady at work yesterday. I thought it was pretty wild plus a buddy of mine (workout partner) at the gym noticed little more muscle showing on some of my exercises.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Gulf Coast..
    It's already working obviously, make sure you do a proper PCT to help start up your nat-sys and help keep gains. Just expect more of the same until it's over.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Your up 11 pounds so the test has already kicked in. and you said your strength is up to. 4 weeks and 11 lbs that is almost 3 lbs a week. i would not be complaining with those results so far. however, I think the gains are better weeks 5-8 imo and then slow down again.
    keep eating clean and lift hard but use good form to avoid injury

    are you running an ai?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I am not complanining I was just wondering if there is like a noticealbe sign that things have really kicked in. I am very happy just didn't know if there was anything else you knwo.

    Yes sir I am running liquidex .25 eod

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    ya the signs are 11 pounds in 4 weeks and you said you do not think you are more fat. yes you have water weight, but you will probably get to 20 lbs by the end of cycle.
    Running just a test only I never got some insane strength gains at all. I would feel and be a little stronger but nothing huge.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    When does it kick in? hahaha dude 11lbs in 4 weeks? that's nothing to scoff at! test doesn't really "kick in".....there usually is a day around week 3 or 4 were you go in the gym and think damb that felt way lighter then it did last week! but for the most part it is gradual. In my experience it goes like this:

    week 1: Don't feel anything at all

    weel 2: Libido goes threw the roof, muscle feel full, veins stick out, have more energy throughout the day

    week 3: Strength starts to really pick up

    week 4-10- weight starts to pile on, strength goes of at a steady pace

    beyond 10 weeks things slow down a bit unless other compounds are added or a higher dose is wise to run cycles about 10-12 weeks for best results.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    The biggest "sign" for me is the day when I fire out 3-4 more reps then I did the previous week with the same weight and it doesn't feel like a task.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Cool, thanks for the replies.

    This is my first cycle and I am not sure what to expect as for as strength and stuff like that,not upset at what I have so far just looking for info.

    Libido has not really changed and I am running 10wks and then PCT (Clomid and Nolva).

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