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Thread: Rosacea

  1. #1


    I believed i have the above skin infection, i had it for a couple months and nothing works, but i was actually looking for products to threat acne not Rosacea. I only have it on my forehead within a 2 square inch but i hate so far.

    Rosacea Triggers Survey

    While the list of potential rosacea triggers in various individuals may be endless, a survey of 1,066 rosacea patients found that the most common factors included the following:

    Percent Factors Affected

    Sun exposure 81% I work outside everyday
    Emotional stress 79% My life is full of it
    Hot weather 75% All day
    Wind 57%
    Heavy exercise 56% Whenever i workout
    Alcohol consumptin 52%
    Hot baths 51% Steam Room at the gym
    Cold weather 46%
    Spicy foods 45%
    Humidity 44%
    Indoor heat 41%
    Certain skin-care products 41%
    Heated beverages 36%
    Certain cosmetics 27%
    Medications 15%
    Medical conditions 15%
    Certain fruits 13%
    Marinated meats 10%
    Certain vegetables 9%
    Dairy products 8%
    Other factors 24%

    As of right now i have stopped lifting heavy (at least for this week see how it goes), no more Saunas, steam rooms, also no more hot sauce. I also use a sun block whenever i go outside. It this doesn't work then a derma for sure.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I been to the derma so many times about it, tried everything you can imagine, nothing works bro. I don't even have a bad case. They say that the light pulses are the only way to actually make progress. Or you can go by some afrin and spray it in your hands and rub it on your face, it is supposed to close the blood vessels. The light pulse is like $500 per session and it is not covered by insurance and takes like 3 sessions to do anything... plus it comes back after time... Live with it or make the jump to the light treatment. I have tried everything! Something could work for you (doubt it) but if it does pm me and let me know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    My derm said using retin-a to help create more collagen in the skin would make the rosacea less noticeable.

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