Thinking about trying the 10 Mg cycle of dbol. Wanted to ask some questions.
So I have done alot of reading up on this. Many people hate it and talk of how stupid it is. Some seem to think it works. I just wanted you to tell me if I understand this right?
1. I won't gain much muscle on 10Mg a day which is why people think that the dose is too low and the cycle is pointless. However, I usually train low volume/hi freq. So my goal is increased strength and recovery. (I have read that the strength gains are good on 10Mg for a first cycle.) From what I understand, protein synthesis speeds up so recovery speeds up and also the muscle is altered (I think the phosphagen system is altered) in a way that leads to increased strength.
2. I will be doing damge to my liver? I don't think I would do any significant damage to my liver on this particular cycle though. (This is where you tell me that I could do some damage that will come back to haunt me?)
3. (This is the main thing that is ****ing with my head): 1. Theoretically, 10Mg Ed (for 6 weeks) in the morning may not shut me off completly. However, it may shut me off completly? Either way, I finish the cycle with a Pct (Nolva 40/40/20/20). This Pct may work well and everything is cool or maybe it doesn't work so well and I spend a while lossing strength/muscle as I try to bring my test back up. This is an indivdual thing so my body either shuts down completly or it doesn't. The only way I will know is to try it? If I don't get shut off too bad or my Pct goes well then everything is good, I keep the strength I got, and I'm done.
However: 4. A cycle with test is better so my cycle isn't as good as it could be. My response is that test seems to be more expensive with the Pct and Hcg. I could afford the cycle but if I get ripped off then I am done with it.
That is basically what I know. I would add that I have not decided what I am going to do and I may go with test only. So I wanted top ask one more question. Getting shut down is what really messed with my head. I understand that you do Pct but what I don't understand is why it doesnt't work sometimes. Is it random or is it just a matter of keeping you balls alive with Hcg? I wouldn't use Hcg on a 6 week Dbol cycle at 10Mg Ed.