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Thread: Is this wierd?

  1. #1

    Is this wierd?

    My mate at the gym is into his 5th week cycle of test e only and was telling me today he did his left quad he put the needle in, aspirated air bubble, proceeded to push in and the last half ml or so wasnt going in i think it was trapped by air or something it just wouldnt push in. so he aspirated and started withdrawing blood into the syringe, wtfff??? Any ideas? Any ideas how to get the air out when u aspirate also should there be air in there? He normally draws back say a ml of air injects into the vial if hes drawing out a ml of test or whatever.

  2. #2
    The latest technology in pinning, according to the video, is to leave a little air bubble in the syringe. When you inject the entire syringe of Test the air bubble will "burp" and you not only know that the injection is done but you also push out 100% of the Test. I've been pinning HGH subq for 5 years and it "burps" almost everyday. I'm still alive. I've injected Test/Deca/Tren/etc with a little air bubble and it hasn't hurt me. I think it's fine to take all the air out but I don't think it's 100% necessary.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    The latest technology in pinning, according to the video, is to leave a little air bubble in the syringe. When you inject the entire syringe of Test the air bubble will "burp" and you not only know that the injection is done but you also push out 100% of the Test. I've been pinning HGH subq for 5 years and it "burps" almost everyday. I'm still alive. I've injected Test/Deca/Tren/etc with a little air bubble and it hasn't hurt me. I think it's fine to take all the air out but I don't think it's 100% necessary.
    alright so u think my mate will be fine by the description i have ? what about withdrawing blood back into the syringe? i thought u could only withdraw blood if u were in a vein? not in a muscle? or am i wrong? lol

  4. #4
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    Something doesnt sound right about what your mate described to you. For him to withdraw blood into the syringe he would have been directly in the vein. If he would have gone thru the vien and still was able to withdraw blood he would have noticed swelling and a blood pool in that location. He may have had a small amount of blood the backed up into syringe. He will be fine to say the least though

  5. #5
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    Mate theres also blood in your muscles.. Just about every time you push the plunger down then pull back on it you will always get a drop or 2 of blood. That's fine aslong as its not gushing in filling up the barrel!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn View Post
    Mate theres also blood in your muscles.. Just about every time you push the plunger down then pull back on it you will always get a drop or 2 of blood. That's fine aslong as its not gushing in filling up the barrel!
    Yea, for sure. That thing called blood pressure will com into play and you will know when your in a vein...

  7. #7
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    You mean he literally aspirated an air bubble? When you pull back it creates a vacuum making the appearance of a bubble in the syringe, but I can assure you it is impossible to aspirate an air bubble out of muscle.

  8. #8
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    Everytime I aspirate I see "bubbles". They aren't really air bubbles though. I think your buddy may have passed through a vein while injecting and then moved the needle back up into the vein at some point. Whenever Im injecting, if I see that the needle has moved up or down any I always aspirate again to make sure im not inside of a vein. If something goes wrong when injecting you'll find out right away though. He'll be fine.

  9. #9
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    Everytime I aspirate I see "bubbles". They aren't really air bubbles though. I think your buddy may have passed through a vein while injecting and then moved the needle back up into the vein at some point. Whenever Im injecting, if I see that the needle has moved up or down any I always aspirate again to make sure im not inside of a vein. If something goes wrong when injecting you'll find out right away though. He'll be fine.
    Agree with all of the above.

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